View Full Version : This is why I can't have nice things...

09-14-2011, 01:14 PM
Ok, so... worst luck ever. I just managed to drop my R2 Droid in the toilet... and no, I wasnt changing into my superhero costume, taking poop pictures, or even texting! lol It was in my sweatshirt pocket. I can gaurantee you that my aim has -never- been that good except for that precise moment in time >_< The good part is- it's still working.... for now. The screen is def messed up- the bottom lower corner is brighter then the rest of the screen but otherwise it stull functions... and there's tons of condensation on the screen as well which is why I say working, 'for now.' And thanks to previous experience, I was smart enough to get insurance on this phone... the bad part is, even with insurance it's $100 to replace the phone -and- my R2 version has been discontinued as far as I know so I dont think Ill be able to get the same phone I have now :( Anyways! Point of my post... moving on to the bad luck part :P This is the -third- phone.. in a row... that something like this has happened to. Phone #1: my EnV... first phone I bought myself, smart phone, loved it... didnt get insurance because, well, Im cheap xD Had it for less then 24 hours when I gave it to my friend to look at and she dropped it in her cup of coffee -__- Tried to play it off to Verizon that I have no idea what happened.... unfortunately thats about the time they started using water makers to indicate liquid damage. SO, had no choice but to use that phone (worked for the most part othen then a couple buttons that didnt register) until it was time for the next one. Next phone was a Motorola Droid.. again, no insurance. I just figured I wouldnt let anyone with a drink touch it lol :P Welllll a couple months after I got that phone I dropped in it the toilet. No idea how, just kinda happened... water indicator = no replacement and that phone was totally messed up and not working at all and $500 to replace. So, I sold the broken one on eBay for a good bit (yes, someone was stupid enough to buy it -despite- the fact it was listed as broken) and bought an HTC Droid to replace it. Worst.phone.everrrrr. But, it did what it was supposed to do and worked until again it was time for a new phone. The timing was perfect... they had just released the R2 Droid when it was time to renew my contract and it being Star Wars themed, of course I had to get it! :P Then alas, the dreaded toilet again :( So seeings as my luck with anything expensive and technological (I wont even get into what happened with my last computer or last 2 ipods :P )... I was just wondering if you guys have any stories on similar experiences.

09-14-2011, 02:32 PM
Your misfortune entertains me >:] Some advice though, put it in a bag of rice and let it sit for a while, you'd be surprised how well it works. My ex's phone popped out of her back pocket while she was pulling her pants down, about to sit on the toilet, worked for her :P

As far as funny phone stories go: My best friend and I convinced one of our buddies to play a 'game' with us (we were like 15-16 at the time). Basically, the game was trying to throw an object over the highest power line and catch it: I used my keys, my best bud used a tube of toothpaste (no idea why he was carrying that around) and we persuaded our friend to use his basically brand new phone..

As you can imagine it didn't end well, he launched it over the power line and it landed on a cobblestone road, busted it to hell XD

His mom was pissed...

09-14-2011, 02:36 PM
Not I personally,(only that I have lost and recovered my watch like five times now)

But a friend lost 3 Iphones in a short period of time. the first one he dropped in water, the second one he dropped really bad and the third one got broken when he wanted to show us some skills and jumped from a loading dock(for trucks :P) He landed bad and fell over, right on his Iphone.

09-14-2011, 03:35 PM
aww what a sad tale , maybe you need to get a lanyard and have that bad boy strapped to your body, might prevent such things in future.

09-14-2011, 03:50 PM
Your misfortune entertains me >:] Some advice though, put it in a bag of rice and let it sit for a while, you'd be surprised how well it works. My ex's phone popped out of her back pocket while she was pulling her pants down, about to sit on the toilet, worked for her :P

As far as funny phone stories go: My best friend and I convinced one of our buddies to play a 'game' with us (we were like 15-16 at the time). Basically, the game was trying to throw an object over the highest power line and catch it: I used my keys, my best bud used a tube of toothpaste (no idea why he was carrying that around) and we persuaded our friend to use his basically brand new phone..

As you can imagine it didn't end well, he launched it over the power line and it landed on a cobblestone road, busted it to hell XD

His mom was pissed...

Well Im glad I entertain someone xD Tried the rice thing with my last phone actually and it didnt do shiz... Ill still try it though- ya never know.

Hahaha wow! Worst idea ever :P At least I can honestly say mine was an accident!

Not I personally,(only that I have lost and recovered my watch like five times now)

But a friend lost 3 Iphones in a short period of time. the first one he dropped in water, the second one he dropped really bad and the third one got broken when he wanted to show us some skills and jumped from a loading dock(for trucks :P) He landed bad and fell over, right on his Iphone.

Oh noes, that sucks :X Are iPhones under Apple warranty? Cause if they're anything like the iPod all you do is send it in and get a new one no questions asked :P

aww what a sad tale , maybe you need to get a lanyard and have that bad boy strapped to your body, might prevent such things in future.

Hah, good idea.... either that or they make an indestructible/water-proof smart phone ;)

09-14-2011, 04:34 PM
Worst phone experience for me was an ex from a while back broke it >.< first phone I ever bought, too. She tried snatching it from me when I was texting friends where we were at to hang out, she grabbed it (this is a flip phone, btw) when my thumb was still texting, causing it to fold in. Now, pressure on the screen usually makes it break. And it did...the bottom half of the screen was black, as well as the corner with the battery charge. I could basically tell time, check the service bars, and see the TELUS logo. That's it, lol. Got a new phone after that lasted 2 years though, the LG Keybo was a tank.

09-14-2011, 05:24 PM
Well Im glad I entertain someone xD Tried the rice thing with my last phone actually and it didnt do shiz... Ill still try it though- ya never know.

Hahaha wow! Worst idea ever :P At least I can honestly say mine was an accident!

It's definitely worth a shot, but ya got leave it in there for a while for it to work.

Hahah, yeah, he was a bit of a dork. Thinking back, we put that kid through all kinds of hell (we loved him though), I'm surprised he put up with us :P

09-15-2011, 12:24 AM
Got a new phone after that lasted 2 years though, the LG Keybo was a tank.

Thats like my phone, I have had it for four years, dropped it a massive amount of time, the speakers are busted and there are lots of dirt and **** in it, yet it still moves on.

09-15-2011, 06:40 AM
Its never happened to me....but then again I dont find the need to carry my phone with me to the toilet

09-15-2011, 10:33 AM
oh this sounds like me lol im in my 6th phone lol
i dropped one down the toilet, one in a puddle, cracked the screen on one, dropped one in the bath im so clumsy lol :D

09-15-2011, 11:53 AM
Worst phone experience for me was an ex from a while back broke it >.< first phone I ever bought, too. She tried snatching it from me when I was texting friends where we were at to hang out, she grabbed it (this is a flip phone, btw) when my thumb was still texting, causing it to fold in. Now, pressure on the screen usually makes it break. And it did...the bottom half of the screen was black, as well as the corner with the battery charge. I could basically tell time, check the service bars, and see the TELUS logo. That's it, lol. Got a new phone after that lasted 2 years though, the LG Keybo was a tank.

Oh, that blows xD

It's definitely worth a shot, but ya got leave it in there for a while for it to work.

Didnt have any rice :( However I did make garlic bread last night and noticed the top of my stove my hot... last time I used my hot ass laptop to dry out my phone.... this time I used the stove- worked like a charm! Only issue with my phone now is the camera turns itself on constantly and takes pictures -__-

Its never happened to me....but then again I dont find the need to carry my phone with me to the toilet

Oh, I do lol Im the kinda person that constantly needs something to do or entertain me :P



oh this sounds like me lol im in my 6th phone lol
i dropped one down the toilet, one in a puddle, cracked the screen on one, dropped one in the bath im so clumsy lol :D

Haha, wow sounds like you have just the same luck I do! :P

09-15-2011, 03:03 PM
I was road tripping with my friend and his mom, and at a rest stop, my friend's mom comes running out to the car. She said she dropped her phone in the sink and after 20 minutes of handling and looking at it, my friend decides it definitely has water damage, won't work and should be put in a bag of rice. After all that he says: "Wait, if you dropped it in the sink, how could it have been submerged in water to get water damage?". Turns out she dropped it in the toilet but didn't want to tell us or we wouldn't have looked at the phone. :|

09-15-2011, 03:09 PM
Looool Awesome xD

09-15-2011, 03:57 PM
Oh, that blows xD

Didnt have any rice :( However I did make garlic bread last night and noticed the top of my stove my hot... last time I used my hot ass laptop to dry out my phone.... this time I used the stove- worked like a charm! Only issue with my phone now is the camera turns itself on constantly and takes pictures -__-

Oh, I do lol Im the kinda person that constantly needs something to do or entertain me :P



Haha, wow sounds like you have just the same luck I do! :P

lol yup i have no luck lol i've also dropped it in a pint glass of water lol :D

09-15-2011, 08:08 PM
I dont think you have misfortune, you just need to avoid toilets.

09-16-2011, 08:21 AM
Hah, touche. If only it were that easy :P

12-27-2011, 02:00 PM
So, as an update…. the phone I made this thread about… got my replacement. Dropped it in a cup of iced tea last night. FML -__-

12-27-2011, 09:53 PM
wow you really suck at dropping things

12-27-2011, 11:09 PM
wow you really suck at dropping things

Actually, wouldn't this make her really good at dropping things?

She sucks at holding on to things :P

12-28-2011, 06:29 AM
You should really see if there is a way of making a fortune by dropping thinggs into glasses of water and stuff.

jokes aside, that sucks. I hope you got insurance for that.

12-28-2011, 08:20 AM
Actually, wouldn't this make her really good at dropping things?

She sucks at holding on to things :P

Hahaha, touche!

And yes, I DEF have insurance now LOL Learned my lesson by now ;) Should have my phone by the time I get off of work.

Wonder if they made indestructible smart phones…..

12-28-2011, 10:51 AM
Hahaha, touche!

And yes, I DEF have insurance now LOL Learned my lesson by now ;) Should have my phone by the time I get off of work.

Wonder if they made indestructible smart phones…..

If you want an indestructable phone Im afraid that you have to have something like this


12-28-2011, 11:18 AM
Hah! Indestructible... they obviously haven't met me yet :P