View Full Version : Living on the Road

09-22-2011, 10:36 PM
Anyone else here ever thought about dropping all responsibilities and just going.. anywhere and everywhere?

I'm very seriously thinking about hopping in my jeep and just seeing where I end up. There are a lot of places I want to see so I'd get to do some traveling, and I have friends and family all over the States so I'd get to visit them and I'd have places to stay if I ever ran out of cash or couldn't find work.. It'd have to wait til I finished school next year, there a few things I need to take care of first and I'd need to save up a bit of money so that I'd have something to fall back on if things got rough (plus I want to make sure I get some quality time with Skyrim before saying goodbye to technology :P)

I dunno, maybe it's a phase I'm going through because I recently ended a nearly 2 year relationship. I feel strapped down and life feels so routine that I'm itching to do something spontaneous.

09-23-2011, 12:24 AM
I do, from time to time. But so much responsibility around here, really hard to just drop everything.

Sorry to hear about your relationship, it'll do weird things to you. Once, I just wanted to eat cheese all day. So I bought a big wheel of cheese.

09-23-2011, 12:45 AM
Yeah, I have wanted to do that to. I want to see new places alone. All places I have been at I have had my family or atleast parts of it with me. Its fun but I dont feel free then, I go where they go.

I have always been a little curious of things like that, when I was smaller I just one day went out in the forest and just started walking around(never got far though).

09-23-2011, 11:34 AM
I do feel that way from time to time, especially now. I think it'd be a lot of fun and I'd meet a lot of cool people, but I've got a lot of things tying me down keeping me from it. There's a lot of things I'd like to experience but can't for the same reason.

Hope you do figure out what you wanna do though, man. Whether it is travelling, or if you just need time to find something new to get into. Hang in there, dude.

09-23-2011, 11:56 AM
I know exactly what you mean, Ive been wanting to do that from the time I could drive until now. Honestly, the only thing holding me back is money. If I could afford to pay my bills and not work and just drive... there would be nothing stopping me. Ever read those "Weird Places" type books? Or ever see House of 1000 corpses? The kids that are the main characters, how they are visiting odd attractions and writing a book about them? I want that to be meeee lol

Anyways, sorry about the relationship :( Hope you're doing okay.

09-23-2011, 02:26 PM
I think about that a lot. One of my friends actually recently just went down to the beach and hopped on a train and is taking it to wherever. This is the second time he's done this, too. I forget how far he made it last time, I think he made it almost halfway across Canada, not sure though. It's funny because he's pretty much a hobo just hopping on a cargo train.

09-24-2011, 03:35 AM
I do, from time to time. But so much responsibility around here, really hard to just drop everything.

Sorry to hear about your relationship, it'll do weird things to you. Once, I just wanted to eat cheese all day. So I bought a big wheel of cheese.
Yeah, I have too many responsibilities and things I need to finish at the moment as well, or I would go.. Come next summer though, if the spark is still there I'm doing it.

Very true, I could go for a few tubs of cottage cheese myself..

I do feel that way from time to time, especially now. I think it'd be a lot of fun and I'd meet a lot of cool people, but I've got a lot of things tying me down keeping me from it. There's a lot of things I'd like to experience but can't for the same reason.

Hope you do figure out what you wanna do though, man. Whether it is travelling, or if you just need time to find something new to get into. Hang in there, dude.
Yeah, I feel you, but by the middle of next year I'll have nothing holding me back. No girlfriend, my job is ****ty (sorry uncle..), my closest friends have joined the military, there's really nothing left for me here.

And thanks man, I'll figure it all out.

I know exactly what you mean, Ive been wanting to do that from the time I could drive until now. Honestly, the only thing holding me back is money. If I could afford to pay my bills and not work and just drive... there would be nothing stopping me. Ever read those "Weird Places" type books? Or ever see House of 1000 corpses? The kids that are the main characters, how they are visiting odd attractions and writing a book about them? I want that to be meeee lol

Anyways, sorry about the relationship :( Hope you're doing okay.
Lol, I'm always envious of the people in those types of movies too. Money is my worry as well, but I figure I'll be able to find some random work if I look, and I should be able to get a good amount built up by next summer.

Thanks, I'll feel like **** for a while but it'll pass.

I think about that a lot. One of my friends actually recently just went down to the beach and hopped on a train and is taking it to wherever. This is the second time he's done this, too. I forget how far he made it last time, I think he made it almost halfway across Canada, not sure though. It's funny because he's pretty much a hobo just hopping on a cargo train.

Haha, that's kinda awesome, I'd love to just trek across Canada:


Makes it sound so epic.

09-24-2011, 12:27 PM
I think you should try it, when you can and if you still have the desire to. That's the kind of thing people end up learning a lot from :)

Also, come visit dili and I in New York. p:

09-24-2011, 03:35 PM
I have wanted to do this so many times... But Whenever I want to I end up remembering that I live in Wales.... So If I drive for an hour I'm in england... Drive for a further like 6 or 7 hours... I'm in scotland.... Then there's like nowhere else to go. xD

09-24-2011, 04:24 PM
Yeah, I feel you, but by the middle of next year I'll have nothing holding me back. No girlfriend, my job is ****ty (sorry uncle..), my closest friends have joined the military, there's really nothing left for me here.

Haha, that's kinda awesome, I'd love to just trek across Canada:


Makes it sound so epic.

Well then try it, man. Save some cash and travel abroad. Also, Canada is so epic. It's the only place in the world you can drive from having a snowball fight in July, to the sandy Pacific beach, and then drive across country through mountains, plains, valleys, fields, lakes, through a purely other language province (Quebec is pretty f*ed up though man in general, besides 99% French) and island hop to a beach on the other side to go ocean fishing, the meanwhile every bar you stop at has double strength beer than what you're used to for the same price ;) Keep in mind, you can experience all that in less than 2 weeks, but I'm sure you'd rather enjoy it.

09-25-2011, 03:00 AM
A few friends of mine went to interrail(according to google translate) and just travelled around europe for a few weeks. Three friends, no one more. They had money and just wanted to go somewhere during the summer, so they bought train cards and just started go arouynd europe.

09-30-2011, 07:26 PM
I think you should try it, when you can and if you still have the desire to. That's the kind of thing people end up learning a lot from :)

Also, come visit dili and I in New York. p:
There are actually a few friends in the northeast I wouldn't mind visiting (Boston and D.C.) so I could definitely stop by :P

Have you guys ever done a GF meetup thing? There seem to be a lot of Northeasterners here.

Well then try it, man. Save some cash and travel abroad. Also, Canada is so epic. It's the only place in the world you can drive from having a snowball fight in July, to the sandy Pacific beach, and then drive across country through mountains, plains, valleys, fields, lakes, through a purely other language province (Quebec is pretty f*ed up though man in general, besides 99% French) and island hop to a beach on the other side to go ocean fishing, the meanwhile every bar you stop at has double strength beer than what you're used to for the same price ;) Keep in mind, you can experience all that in less than 2 weeks, but I'm sure you'd rather enjoy it.
I wouldn't mind living in Canada tbh, I've thought about it before, but I dunno. And yeah, if/when I visit I'll probably stick to the West, Toronto would be nice to visit though.

@ Paec: That's awesome. I think it'd be nice to have some friends along, but I kinda wanna go solo so I don't to have to worry about them. By myself, I choose where I go, how long I'm gone, how I make/spend money, etc etc..

10-01-2011, 01:09 PM
Thought about loads when I was a lot younger. I guess the nearest I got to was when I moved from the Midlands to London as a voluntary worker and when I left I told my mother that I wasn't coming back there to live! Went down not too well! Then after six months I moved somewhere else, out of the London area) met my wife and settled down,

10-01-2011, 02:40 PM
I definitely feel that way, all the time ! But in reality we at this time in society aren't thought on how to survive on our own. Per say camping in the forest by ourselves knowing how to work with natural resources etc etc. Instead we are thought useless crap that will change in a generation or less. We were once able to learn useful skills of survivability probably 150 years ago or so.

Synge you also mentioned about your break up, missed that important key, it is hard to overcome such a thing, so what's going in your mind may be a natural/subconscious way to cope with that.

"Keep your head up, the wounds and sorrows of yesterday are still remembered tomorrow, but with a better understanding, until eventually they'll become memories." - Juda Barriga

10-06-2011, 04:22 PM
There are actually a few friends in the northeast I wouldn't mind visiting (Boston and D.C.) so I could definitely stop by :P

Have you guys ever done a GF meetup thing? There seem to be a lot of Northeasterners here.

You should :3

And yes, Dili, Damage, BobTD, and I all met once. It was fun :3 I'd love to do another :P

10-07-2011, 08:13 AM
Oh, oh! Im in central PA, visit me too! lol A GF meet up would be fun ^_^ All I can think of when I think of meeting online friends is the episode of The Guild where they all meet up for the first time xD

10-07-2011, 10:36 AM
Linux is inviting us all to NYCC !!! Haha I kid, but I am trying to drag him in there ! He doesn't want to goooooo ! But I'll get the tickets for next weekend !

10-07-2011, 10:43 AM
Doesn't want to go?! Thats craziness lol I love visiting NYC ^_^

10-07-2011, 11:13 AM
You should hit us up next time your in town ! Linux needs to arrange a meet up soon !

10-07-2011, 11:22 AM
Haha, most def. I actually venture up to NYC around Nov/Dec every year :O

10-10-2011, 07:47 PM
I do, from time to time. But so much responsibility around here, really hard to just drop everything.

Sorry to hear about your relationship, it'll do weird things to you. Once, I just wanted to eat cheese all day. So I bought a big wheel of cheese.

Firstly what kind of cheese was it? (I love cheese)

Secondly I thought I'd bring a differing view into this thread :). I myself love having responsibilities. I don't really feel like just dropping everything ever. I like having a sense of direction and something that I need to overcome. Probably the only thing that keeps me sane is having something that I need to accomplish. Short term goals to keep me interested for today and long term goals to keep me going over the years.

10-11-2011, 09:50 AM
Firstly what kind of cheese was it? (I love cheese)

Secondly I thought I'd bring a differing view into this thread :). I myself love having responsibilities. I don't really feel like just dropping everything ever. I like having a sense of direction and something that I need to overcome. Probably the only thing that keeps me sane is having something that I need to accomplish. Short term goals to keep me interested for today and long term goals to keep me going over the years.

I know exactly what you mean. I'm def the kind of person that thrives off of responsibilites as well, gives me a sense of.... feeling needed I guess is the best way to put it? I'm not sure what I'd do with myself if I had none or didn't have anyone relying on me. But for me, dropping all of those things is just necessary for my mental health :P Repsonsibilites are of course necessary and just a part of life, but also inevitably lead to stress which can only build for so long before you explode. Aside from being good for your health, I figure you only live once and the worlds an awfully big place. Might as well take some time from reality to explore it ;)