View Full Version : Times where gaming lost its appeal?

09-26-2011, 01:27 AM
Hey guys and girls just interested in knowing if any of you guys have ever lost that spark that drives you to game, keeps you interested in new releases or hunting for that hidden gem you may have missed on the classic systems of the past.

And if you have stopped gaming what drove you away and what brought you back.

I find myself as of late not having much motivation to game though i am hoping dark souls changes that.

09-26-2011, 01:52 AM
Gaming has pretty much always been in my life in some form. There have been times where games start to feel stale and I do kinda lose the spark, but I usually find a game unique and awesome enough to get me back into it.

I'm not sure I see the desire to game as something specifically driven though, more like the simple desire to do something I find entertaining. So really, it's no different than any other hobby, sometimes I get bored of it, sometimes there's nothing else I'd rather be doing :P

09-26-2011, 02:29 AM
Sometimes I feel like I dont want to game anymore. I can spend weeks not playing a single game sometimes but I always go back, often if I buy something new or just get interested in an old game again. Mp is however something I have a hard time getting bored of, the sad part is that I cant play that much mp.

09-26-2011, 06:55 AM
Sometimes I feel like I dont want to game anymore. I can spend weeks not playing a single game sometimes but I always go back, often if I buy something new or just get interested in an old game again. Mp is however something I have a hard time getting bored of, the sad part is that I cant play that much mp.

The fact that you cant play MP that much is probably also the reason for you having a hard time getting boored of it. :P

Just saying. :)

09-26-2011, 07:34 AM
well, its when some games look almost or exactly like another game... or just a game with similar elements. for me, the time when gaming lost its appeal is when you get stuck in the game for more than a month, and I would just give up on it... don't know when I'll have the motivation to play it again you know? haha.

09-26-2011, 11:40 AM
From late August to Mid September, I stopped gaming almost altogether (I played a game of L4D2 here and there because of their new map releases) but I stopped because of a new project that I started that took a lot of time. Usually when I stop playing throughout the year, it has to do more with timing than gaming actually losing its appeal.

Only time I stopped a game because it lost appeal was ROSE (years ago) - it's an MMO and the creators decided to randomly reset everything. So I stopped playing that.

09-26-2011, 11:47 AM
when mw2 was overrun with mods and hackers

09-26-2011, 01:23 PM
Gaming has pretty much always been in my life in some form. There have been times where games start to feel stale and I do kinda lose the spark, but I usually find a game unique and awesome enough to get me back into it.

That's pretty much how I feel. I can't say as I've ever lost that gaming spark. I think what keeps me into gaming so much and so consistently is that I feel like I always have something to play.... even when I don't. If that made sense :P What I mean is that even when there aren't any new games coming out that Im looking forward to I've still got options- either go back and replay a great classic or hit up the ole "Games I haven't finished/started" list. Don't get me wrong, there are periods of time I go through where I game a significant amount less then other times- but strong or weak, that sparks always there ^_^

09-26-2011, 02:09 PM
I literally just went through a phase where I didn't game at all. Didn't care about new games or anything, didn't even have my xbox for a few months. I'm not sure what drove me away, probably the fact that I was just never at home due to my habits. Now that my parents have come to terms with those habits, I find myself at home a lot more playing my 360 and I love it!

09-26-2011, 06:11 PM
Recently, I have lost my 'spark'.

I just havent been very interested in turning on my PS3 or PS2. All these new games coming out will soon fix that, I expect!

10-01-2011, 01:16 PM
I've been into gaming since it came on to the scene and that's a lot of years but there have been times when I have not bothered for months. A total loss of interest, I noticed it usually happens when a consoles life is coming to an end and there's not many new games to try apart from game companies selling fast buck crap games.

The drive comes back with the console and selection or upgrades of old games. These days there is more choice so I don't that I will be going in a games downer for some time come. To make things easier my wife actually encourges my to play games, I'm now disables so it takes the mind off pain and medative!

10-24-2011, 02:56 AM
I remember one time I have gone two years without game due to the fact that at that time I was not into the games that came out. Also because I just needed a long break. lol.