View Full Version : What do you do with your games after completing them?

09-27-2011, 06:10 PM
I often wondered what other people do with their games after completing them. I know some take their games to the local games shop to part exchange them but not me.

I tend to hoard them in the thought that I may play again, of which a few that I do. Racing sims being one and when I wantto play a gentle game I get one of the Lego games out.

Some ofthe real cruddy ones I just give to the charity shop just cause I don't like them doesn't mean that someone else wont.

09-27-2011, 07:06 PM
Haha, I do the exact same- hoard them xD I've learned my lesson the hard way because I swear every game Ive ever gotten rid of because 'Id never play it again', are the games that I later decide I wanna play again :P

09-27-2011, 08:03 PM
well, I get rid of them by doing the 2nd thing you do. donate them to a community center for the teens (rated E & T only) and for rated M, I go for gamestop & trade it towards something else. I used to keep my games forever, but never had motivation to play it again. cause when finished, its finished. haha.
unless if i put them in a stack where its listed as: 'must complete before end of year' something like that can be an exception. but mostly, I get rid of them towards gamestop.

09-27-2011, 08:48 PM
I usually trade most of them in. I keep games that I played a lot though. I kept the whole CoD series, along with GH3, Halo 3. I also kept a few RPG's like Dragon Age 2 and Oblivion. To me, those games will always be fun no matter what happens. Those are currently the only games I have for my xbox 360 though.

09-27-2011, 09:17 PM
I almost always keep my games, even the ones I don't think I'll replay. The only time I've ever sold any was after I got pissed and ripped the top screen off my DS.. I didn't plan on buying another so I just got rid of em.

09-27-2011, 09:49 PM
I almost always keep my games, even the ones I don't think I'll replay. The only time I've ever sold any was after I got pissed and ripped the top screen off my DS.. I didn't plan on buying another so I just got rid of em.

Bahahahaha! I've wanted to do that a few times myself... :laugh1:

I keep a lot of my games (ALL the LoZ for sure!) but what I don't keep I trade at Gamestop. Though some of you giving them away is making me want to do that instead. :)

09-27-2011, 10:00 PM
Bahahahaha! I've wanted to do that a few times myself... :laugh1:

Lol, it actually wasn't an act of nerdrage, I got pissed at my parents and took it out on my poor DS :/

09-27-2011, 10:14 PM
Lol, it actually wasn't an act of nerdrage, I got pissed at my parents and took it out on my poor DS :/

Oh dear... I've wanted to do that a few times too! ;)

09-27-2011, 10:14 PM
I keep all of mine p:

There is an exception: Bayonetta, which was a gift to me and I hated ferociously

Dili and I traded it and NFS: Hot Pursuit in because we hated them both with fiery vengeance, and were able to buy Katamari Forever and Demon's Souls <3

Much better trade :3

09-28-2011, 12:01 AM
I keep all of my games, I havent traded a single game so if I look closely I can see the first games I bought and I often play older games again.

09-28-2011, 12:46 AM
I hoard them, and when i notice my friend is getting to close to my trophy rank I whip it out and collect some of them just to keep on top of them. I don't know why but I'm obsessed with the Trophy's...

09-28-2011, 03:13 AM
have to say i to keep my games, back in the past though my group of friends we used to just lend out games around the circle at any given time you would have a stack that you never originaly brought, it had its plus's you got to play a lot of games some you would never have played otherwise.

These days i buy games because i want to own them not just play and throw aside im not into the disposable games, if i take a chance on a game and its horrable it still goes to the pile.

09-28-2011, 05:52 PM
Lol, it actually wasn't an act of nerdrage, I got pissed at my parents and took it out on my poor DS :/

Wow, expensive piss off point, I never gone that far with anctual conole but I have done it with controlers, fortunately they are pretty robust but not all the time.:shocked:

09-28-2011, 08:51 PM
thank goodness I bought me a new 'nerf controller' for ps3. each time i get frustrated, I throw it at the wall, but it NEVER breaks. haha.

09-28-2011, 11:31 PM
thank goodness I bought me a new 'nerf controller' for ps3. each time i get frustrated, I throw it at the wall, but it NEVER breaks. haha.

Aw, dude! I want that!! :D

09-29-2011, 07:33 AM
Aw, dude! I want that!! :D

yeah man, its what you need after all those 'game overs' & when people keep shooting at you, you just wanna take your anger out on the controller you're holding. no harm done like breaking the screen off a ds or something like that. 8)
Synge, I'm kidding.

09-29-2011, 08:19 AM
^^ haha! No doubt. I've thrown so many controllers it isn't even funny. Haven't broken one yet though so that's good.

Synge, I just remembered, broke the top screen off my DS too! ...except I dropped mine and it broke off. :p I had a warranty for everything but that, though, so I reattached it and acted like the screen had just quit working...ermm...yeah... Hey, I got a new one for free, okay?!

09-29-2011, 08:34 AM
Lulz The only controllers I've managed to break are my Super Nintendo controllers. 2 of them -__- For some reason I'd hardcore nerdrage when I was younger... busted one in half and they other one and (ok this is gonna sound weird) I pretty much bit the crap outta the controller until the buttons were'nt there anymore >_< Not anymore though hah I mean I get angry and yell... but have stopped ruining things :P Also, the SNES itself is by far the most durable system ever created. Mine still works (and Ive had it for 17 years) despite being thrown, dropped, had a fish bowl (water, sand, fish and all) spill onto it. Ah, they don't make systems like that anymore thats fo sho ;)

09-29-2011, 08:40 AM
You BIT it? ....ermmm... *cough* pyscho *cough* ;) kidding, kidding.

Score one for Nintendo! I've got an SNES now that we're the 2nd owner on and it still works perfect! :D

09-29-2011, 08:52 AM
Oh yea- totally bit. I wish I woulda kept it as something funny to show people because it was ridiculous, like teeth marks all over it, buttonless. Hahaha. Now that I think back on that it, it -was- pretty psycho xD

See, those old systems were built right! lol My Ps2 fell on the ground and that was it. Just bought a new one this week actually.... cost me $50 >:(

Oops, going back on track! Last night I went through my computer with the intentions of getting rid of games I've completed and wont play again because my HDs full :( Instead, I ended up getting rid of all my music, movies and shows just so I could keep these games because Im that paranoid Ill want to play them again someday -__- I think I needs me an external HD :O

09-29-2011, 08:58 AM
Yeah, I had a PS1 that broke over like, getting bumped or something. It was ridiculous.

Definitely get an external HD!

I rarely delete games on my PC but I usually go ahead and trade in console ones figuring I can just get them again if I ever find myself REALLY wanting to play them. :)

09-29-2011, 09:24 AM
Oh, I'd be sooo mad lol

I def should, they are soooo cheap now... or just get a PC with mad gigs of storage to replce my laptop :O

The only reason I don't trade games is because the trade value here is horrible. I used to trade the older version of Mario Party in for the newest and Id get under $5 haha So I started to just keep them all... Or Rock Band 2 they wanted to give me $1 :P

09-29-2011, 09:51 AM
I'm pretty sure I was too! haha

Oh, yeah. Ouch. I can feel that. I tried trading in LBP2 that I had just bought for $50 not even a 2 weeks before and tehy wanted to give me $8. I was like, uh... no. Wound up selling it on eBay for 35 bucks! haha

09-29-2011, 10:27 AM
go for plat or 100%....have never traded a game in....may start :/

09-29-2011, 10:42 AM
Maybe I should to, I got lots of games I will probably never play again.

09-29-2011, 11:02 AM
Hah, that's my preferred method for selling anything. Oh eBay, I heart you.

09-29-2011, 11:25 AM
That and Craigslist! ;)

Which reminds me, I have a few games I haven't touched in months and months... probably should sell/trade towards Skyward Sword. :)

09-29-2011, 11:32 AM
Craigslist scares me :X lol That and with selling on eBay there's no in person contact.... seems to be my preferred way of living xD

09-29-2011, 11:47 AM
Aw, haha, not I! I love meeting new people! I sell stuff on both though. But alas, I think I've gotten way off topic. :\