View Full Version : What do family & friends think of your gaming?

10-01-2011, 01:21 PM
I've often wondered what non-gamers think of their gaming addicted friend or family member. I'm pretty fortunate my wife encourages me to have fun and play games and my friends often join in on a game on the odd occasion Infact a friend of mine who is now 61 got into gaming because of me:D.

I have heard of young people getting a bad rap because they play games and are told that thjey waste their time and that games are bad for them.

How you are treated?

10-01-2011, 01:56 PM
All or atleast most of my friends are gamers themselves so theres no problem with them. However, my parents dont really like my gaming habits. My sister isnt in to gaming but she can probably understand it cause her boyfriend is atleast gamer to some degree. My brother do play some games but I wouldnt call him a gamer.

10-01-2011, 03:38 PM
Sounds like you've got it made :P

I think just about all my friends enjoy gaming at some level, ranging from very very casual to complete Nintendo fanboyism (though he'll never admit it :P). Unfortunately, I have very few friends that are into the same types of games as me (RPGs mostly) and the rest of my gamer buddies are almost strictly FPS or sports guys; I don't play sports games at all, and they play shooters on consoles (while I go PC). I think that's part of what drew me to gaming forums.

Anyway, to answer you question, no one ever gives me grief for being a gamer. Gaming seems to breaking out of its shell really, so I think it's becoming a fairly well accepted hobby in general (so long as your not one of those stereotypical momma's basement types..)

10-01-2011, 09:41 PM
Gamer friends laugh at ROFLBRYCE, or just ask why that. Any friends who don't play games that I add on Skype and stuff just get puzzled and for the most part, confused about why. It's a little embarrassing, but whatever. It gets the job done haha.

EDIT: I read this as "think of your gamertag" x____X

People think I play games too much, even if it's only a game of LoL every day. It's just the family upbringing I guess. I use it as a retreat, a getaway. I know I CAN play way too much, but don't usually do. Friends don't really care because they game too. Just the fam-jam has an issue with it.

10-01-2011, 11:16 PM
My parents don't care, sometimes I get the "how many games do you NEED?" comment but thats just because they want me to save my money and be a responsible *~adult~*.

Friends.. well I game with my friends haha and my cousins.

10-02-2011, 02:05 AM
[QUOTE=LemonRising;295300 "how many games do you NEED?"
Friends.. well I game with my friends haha and my cousins.[/QUOTE]

That I have heard MANY times :p

10-03-2011, 09:32 AM
They think "GTFO and do your work "

10-04-2011, 07:15 AM
they don't really care honestly. cause I work hard for it, and spend $ on whatever I'd like... as of now, I'm not really in the mood for more games... cause I have too much from last year and some from this year. I've many to complete. so.. I'll just save $

10-04-2011, 11:09 AM
I'm pretty fortunate my wife encourages me to have fun and play games

That's always a plus :) It sucks because I see way too many of my guy friends unhappy because their significant others complain they game instead of spending time with them. But their idea of 'spending time together' is basically doing what they want- like watching crappy chick flicks or scrapbooking *rolls eyes* lol So! Good the wife is understanding and encouraging :D

Bascially, same story with me as with the rest of you- all my friends (except my bff) game so none of them think anything of it. My bff normally just rolls her eyes or makes fun of me for being a nerd :P

And the rest of family have just accepted it haha They aren't into it (cept a few) but don't mind that I am. Really, one of the only person that gives me a hard time about it is my gpa... and well that's cause he's 82 and old fashioned lol Thinks I should spend my money and time on something more constructive! And he's probably right, buuuuut that's just not me :P And the other person that gives me a hard time is my fiance. He is a gamer as well, but he's also the "woman" in our relationship lol Meaning I could game just about 24/7... but he likes spending quality time together, cuddling and watching TV and all that BS xD

10-04-2011, 12:28 PM
And the other person that gives me a hard time is my fiance. He is a gamer as well, but he's also the "woman" in our relationship lol Meaning I could game just about 24/7... but he likes spending quality time together, cuddling and watching TV and all that BS xD

lol, what would he say if he saw this?

but yeah, my Grandma is probably also the one most negative(except my ma) and always say things that I should be more out and not playing. :p

10-04-2011, 12:48 PM
lol, what would he say if he saw this?

but yeah, my Grandma is probably also the one most negative(except my ma) and always say things that I should be more out and not playing. :p

Hah, trust me- it wouldn't phase him, I tell him daily that he's the got a vagina :P Lol That probably sounds really mean, but I swear it's all fun and games! We always laugh about the fact that Im the one that sits around in my underwear, drinking beer and playing games while cursing and burping and such and he's the one sitting there with a cup of wine watching crap like CougarTown and planning the wedding xD So, he's well aware of what I say about him and proud (sadly, hehe) to admit it ^_^

Lol Ah, I love old people. They just don't realize how awesome technology is nowadays, otherwise they'd understand! I even tried to explain to my gpa how much more fun video ares compared to... ya know, this:

http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTsRClTEZoIjl6TBH4tRebD35kBDD9nD HfLqaxHfrAj3wUiI7pM

He still doesn't get it xD

10-04-2011, 04:05 PM
I found making sure that we spend quality time together and dop all the things that I supposed to do around the house went a long way in the early days of when we got together (25 years now).

Another great thing about my wife, she will often research a game for me. For example I might see a game in the supermarket or game shop and if she's at home all I have to do is phone and she will do a quick research job on the computer.

She like to play occassionaly but only if its a new game and mostly racing genre.

10-04-2011, 05:53 PM
Awwww sounds like you've got it made :) Grats on the 25 years btw, thats awesome!

10-24-2011, 02:47 AM
None of my family cares that I like to play video games. In fact do only problem that they have is that I do not let my sister play with me. As for my friends. They are all gamers.

10-24-2011, 07:37 AM
My gaming isn't a big deal to my friends and family because most of my friends game to some extent, and my gaming doesn't interfere with my school work or other activities.

10-24-2011, 07:43 AM
I don't game as much as I'd like because I am busy with my family, daughter, and two jobs so it hasn't become a problem for me. :D

<offtopic>Fixed spelling error in thread title....</offtopic>

10-24-2011, 08:55 AM
Well I was playing with friend few year ago. It was normal because they was playing too. Then they stopped but I was still doing it. They said that I have no life etc etc. But now I'm cool with them because I play only for fun and not so much as I used to. I'm focusing on making as much contect for my videos as it is possible and they are cool with that and even supporting me in some ways. :)

10-24-2011, 09:41 AM
All 5 of my little brothers Game to some extent (5,7,8,9,18) the older one barely at all. so i play with them once in awhile. none of my parents play, i try to get them to play some Mario kart and the like here and there but they always decline.

I do remember when GameCube first came out my grandpa LOVED playing super smash brothers with me, it was pretty sweet, i didn't expect him to play games with me at all XD

11-12-2011, 05:08 PM
Well, by boyfriend is a gamer too ... My family doesn`t really care. My best friend doesn`t understand at all. She thinks it`s a waste of time :p

11-12-2011, 05:53 PM
Parent's don't get it.

Although over the years as technology has improved my mom would sometimes make the comment of ''That's a game?!''

My girlfriend at first couldn't understand why I game so much. Overtime though I've been slowly corrupting her. She's even farther in skyrim now than I am......damn weekend shifts. XD

11-14-2011, 09:39 AM
Most of NY friends aren't interested in games. And the ones that are make fun of me for being stingy with what little money I have. But at least I'm never hungry. Usually.

11-14-2011, 07:11 PM
So Skyrim came out, we all know that.

It was veteran's day weekend..thing. And being on a Military base, EVERYONE goes out. Free food at good restaurants...etc etc.

I stayed in all weekend and played Skyrim.

Apparently one of my roommates was telling everyone that I was weird and that I was obsessed with the game. And he said I was a nerd / freak.

He was right. Do I care? No. I've been waiting for this game FOREVER.

11-14-2011, 07:31 PM
So Skyrim came out, we all know that.

It was veteran's day weekend..thing. And being on a Military base, EVERYONE goes out. Free food at good restaurants...etc etc.

I stayed in all weekend and played Skyrim.

Apparently one of my roommates was telling everyone that I was weird and that I was obsessed with the game. And he said I was a nerd / freak.

He was right. Do I care? No. I've been waiting for this game FOREVER.

Good! Screw what they think anyways ;)