View Full Version : Weirdest Job Worked at / Applied to

10-05-2011, 10:50 AM
The idea for this thread popped up because I've been applying like crazy between today and yesterday, and plan on applying more next week.

So far, I've applied to a Hair/Beauty Salon to work as a cashier/open the store, and plan on applying to an Anime store, an Anime/Comics/TCG store, and a flower shop next week. The first app was just an online ad on kijiji (kinda like cragslist but less sketchy), and the other 3 stores are stores I like/know the owner of.

Well, wish me and luck and lemme know all the weird places you may of work! They don't necessarily have to be weird, but different from your normal change of pace.

10-05-2011, 11:04 AM
Well as I did go in a restaurant school I have so long only been an intern in a few restaurants. Its not the particulary restaurants that strange but the people inside them.

In one place the owner was a joker, yeah he joked all the time and even worse, I didnt know if it was jokes or not. He called the school ( I was in ) for a fag school (he liked the word fag and used it ALOT) And the main chef at our school he called a "fag german" (because he was german) No offence but he called people things like that all the time. Exept from his strange humor he also had a changing mood.

At one day he might have been happy and everything went good but the other day it was like all hell had broken loose and he could yell out an intern in hte middle of a full dining hall. Im glad Im not there anymore cause it was like a time bomb, you never know when it will explode.

10-05-2011, 01:06 PM
The idea for this thread popped up because I've been applying like crazy between today and yesterday, and plan on applying more next week.

So far, I've applied to a Hair/Beauty Salon to work as a cashier/open the store, and plan on applying to an Anime store, an Anime/Comics/TCG store, and a flower shop next week. The first app was just an online ad on kijiji (kinda like cragslist but less sketchy), and the other 3 stores are stores I like/know the owner of.

Well, wish me and luck and lemme know all the weird places you may of work! They don't necessarily have to be weird, but different from your normal change of pace.

Ohhhh, good luck! The Comic shop sounds win, Ill cross my fingers for ya ;)

Well as I did go in a restaurant school I have so long only been an intern in a few restaurants. Its not the particulary restaurants that strange but the people inside them.

In one place the owner was a joker, yeah he joked all the time and even worse, I didnt know if it was jokes or not. He called the school ( I was in ) for a fag school (he liked the word fag and used it ALOT) And the main chef at our school he called a "fag german" (because he was german) No offence but he called people things like that all the time. Exept from his strange humor he also had a changing mood.

At one day he might have been happy and everything went good but the other day it was like all hell had broken loose and he could yell out an intern in hte middle of a full dining hall. Im glad Im not there anymore cause it was like a time bomb, you never know when it will explode.

Ugh, I hate bosses like that. -__-

My weirdest job was working at a nursing home. Worked there for 5 years.... and let me say, I've seen a -lot- of weird things O_o Everything from dead bodies to naked old people, and everything in between. I'll refrain from telling stories because Im sure they'll offend someone.... but my favorite, appropriate story is:

We had 2 senile residents, who had absolutely no idea where they were or what was going on (my fav residents btw, haha). Like, the one used to be a teacher and she'd think she was in class teaching.... And they were always together, like bff's it was cute :) ..... anyways! The one day they wandered off into the dining room alone... when they came back they walked passed a nurse saying that the building was on fire. Well, because nothing they say normally makes sense or is even relevant at all the nurses just laughed and shrugged it off. Yeaaaaa, the building actually was on fire lol My conclusion is that neither of them were actually crazy, just acted like it because it was amusing xD

Also, there was an awesome old english guy there. He'd say such stereotypical stuff you'd expect like "Cheerio!" hah And for some reason he loved my piercings. Every time Id see him he'd want to look at them, and even took a picture of me to keep. Ya know, I used to think it was awesome such an old guy even approved of piercings.... but after typing that story out and reading it... it sounds kindaaaa creepy lol

10-05-2011, 05:58 PM
I wrote articles for article sites once. It wasn't that bad actually.

10-05-2011, 06:07 PM
I once worked on a fairground for one night. I think I had to get people to hook rubber ducks out of water , they then looked to see the number on the bottom. Whatever the number may have meant a prize. This was not a job I could've done for a living.