View Full Version : Games that totally surprised you?

10-10-2011, 01:14 PM
I would like to know this:

What games totally surprised you with
- Story
- Gameplay
- Cutscenes
- Scriptevents / Graphic
or something else.

I mean where you was like "FLASH THIS GAME IS AWESOME!"

I just call 4 examples, not all and not my favorite ones but just to give an example:

- Xenoblade Chronicles (Story - Wii)
In this game there are A LOT of turning points and the story motivates you, to continue. One of the best games I played this year. How closer you come to the ending the more turning plots you get, it's awesome.

- Orcs Must Die! (Demo) (Gameplay - PC)

Well, the makers of "Age of Empires" made a new game. I thought it would be another boring tower defense game but I gave it a try, I owned the Developers that much because of AoE. It was... fascinating. I never got really bored and this Demo convinced me to pre-order that game. You have to play it yourself. Such a simple principal... I never thought it would be that enjoyable to just kill Orcs even if it is just the demo. Can't wait for the full version in 3 days.

- Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers (Cutscenes - Wii)

All cutscenes in this game are like you would watch a good movie: You want to know what happens next and these cutscenes are so well made (and without emos YAY) that you really enjoy that game, too bad that it's so short...

- The Witcher 2 (Graphics - PC)

Beautifull. I loved "The Witcher" as a game of course, when I played it the first time. I pre-ordered Witcher 2 and I didn't regreted the full prize. Everything is so detailled and you want to discover everything. The whole game was just awesome but it IS the best looking RPG. In my opinion: The Graphics of Witcher 2 beats Crysis 1.

(I only listed a few of many games I played in 2011)

You don't have to write so much as I did, but something like that would be actually fine. ;)

10-10-2011, 01:45 PM
I have to say bioshock.

The artstyle was jawdropping and the story was accually very good. First I thought it was going to be just another fps with a few scary parts but I was mistaken, its still a fps and with a few horror moments but the atmosphere. I loved(and hated) fort frolic (the theater, thew piano player and the "statues" and stuff, you know what I mean when you see it)

10-10-2011, 02:34 PM
Crazy as it sounds GoW3. Believe it or not I rarely if at played games of this nature. I had nothing against them it just was not my thing. Then a friend of mine whom I had introduced to the world of gaming and the PS3 got a PS3 and with it came GoW3. He only wanted tyo play racing sims, so he gave me his game. To this day he only plays race sims I've tried to get him interested in other games but no-go.

I tried GoW3 and thought it was great, the graphics, story, everything! Since then I've opened my mind to all genres of games. For valentines day last year my wife GoW1&2.

10-10-2011, 03:24 PM
I have to say bioshock.

The artstyle was jawdropping and the story was accually very good. First I thought it was going to be just another fps with a few scary parts but I was mistaken, its still a fps and with a few horror moments but the atmosphere. I loved(and hated) fort frolic (the theater, thew piano player and the "statues" and stuff, you know what I mean when you see it)

My thoughts exactly haha Bioshock is def a game I was impressed with, and have been since the second I played it. Absolutely love the art, love the thought out story and characters, the quotes, everything.

There's actually a lot of games I didn't have high expectations for that I turned out loving... Arkum Asylum was another. Went into it thinking it would be just another lame comic book game, but I was impressed at how well the game was designed overall. I also really liked the fighting style in that game.

Infamous as well. What I appeciated about it was that it was -long-. Most games now are just so disappointingly lame and short and put out simply to make profit. Infamous had great characters, graphics, and a good story that allowed them to make the game pretty much an open world kind of deal. If you wanted to just play it to play and be done, all you had to do was stick to the main quests. But if you wanted to enjoy it and get the most out of it you could do all the side quests and add hours of play time.

10-10-2011, 08:29 PM
I had know idea that Batman: Arkum Asylum was gonna be as good as it was, it blind sided me.

10-11-2011, 09:37 AM
I had know idea that Batman: Arkum Asylum was gonna be as good as it was, it blind sided me.

I hope the second one is just as good :O

10-11-2011, 09:48 AM
DK Country Returns.

I was mostly expecting it to be an updated version of an old DK game just not be as good as the ones for SNES and such (because remakes almost never are in my opinion). I really loved those and expected DK Returns to just be a bad remake type game and not be very fun because of the Wii's controller interface. I was very pleasantly surprised instead! The graphics are amazing, the game play and interface are perfect. The new graphics really brought DK land alive. The colors were popping and everything was just... alive. I was really surprised. Very glad I got the game!

10-11-2011, 02:30 PM
Pokemon White did it for me.

I had played Red/Blue at friends', I got my first game boy with Pokemon Crystal, and played it non stop. I got Pokemon Fire Red for Christmas and loved it, too. I tried to play Sapphire/Ruby however, and hated it. I beat the game but it wasn't enjoyable to me.

Fast forward a few years, I buy myself a DS with my first job money. I go "Well, may as well try Diamond and Pearl." I couldn't even get to the 7th gym, I hated the entire experience. My girlfriend bought my White when it came out, and I felt the same way. I dragged myself to the 3rd gym hating the game, and after that it got great. There was actually story, plot, a twist or two. I'm in love with the game, and I think it tops the others no problem. I just wish that I could get my Kanto Pokemon sooner D:

10-11-2011, 02:44 PM
For me its gotta be baldurs gate. It was a completely amazing game. One of the best RPGs I've played. I wish they still made good RPGs like they did baldurs gate (not complaining about today's RPGs; they are still pretty good)

10-12-2011, 10:45 AM
I love Baulder's Gate! I got that out a couple weeks ago to replay it actually :P

10-12-2011, 01:07 PM
I need to find somewhere to download it from when I remember. Used to have the discs a couple of years ago.

10-12-2011, 01:26 PM
I need to find somewhere to download it from when I remember. Used to have the discs a couple of years ago.

Yea, I couldn't find my discs so I ended up DLing. I lose *everything* -__-

10-12-2011, 02:33 PM
But starting over is fine, you get to experience everything over again :)

10-12-2011, 02:46 PM
Exactly! ^_^

10-12-2011, 07:12 PM
Oblivion for me. I have Morrowind on my Xbox and when I got Oblivion, popped it in and started playing it, I was like holy crap! The graphics blew me away, it was a much bigger upgrade from Morrowind. Don't get me wrong, Morrowind is still bad ass, but Oblivion is by far better. I also like how Oblivion started out, better then Morrowind, as were in Morrowind you just get off a ship and do whatever. But in Oblivion I like how it gave you the steps in what does what and stuff like that in the jail and yeah. So yeah, Oblivion did it for me. :3

10-12-2011, 11:56 PM
Oblivion for me. I have Morrowind on my Xbox and when I got Oblivion, popped it in and started playing it, I was like holy crap! The graphics blew me away, it was a much bigger upgrade from Morrowind. Don't get me wrong, Morrowind is still bad ass, but Oblivion is by far better. I also like how Oblivion started out, better then Morrowind, as were in Morrowind you just get off a ship and do whatever. But in Oblivion I like how it gave you the steps in what does what and stuff like that in the jail and yeah. So yeah, Oblivion did it for me. :3

I would have to save the games are about even. Oblivion definitely had the perks of a newer game (better graphics, larger-scale everything) but I feel that the fast-travel and the easier to track quests took away from the Free-roam style a bit. I also thought Oblivion was kinda easy even on the hardest difficulty.

10-13-2011, 01:24 AM
Oblivion for me. I have Morrowind on my Xbox and when I got Oblivion, popped it in and started playing it, I was like holy crap! The graphics blew me away, it was a much bigger upgrade from Morrowind. Don't get me wrong, Morrowind is still bad ass, but Oblivion is by far better. I also like how Oblivion started out, better then Morrowind, as were in Morrowind you just get off a ship and do whatever. But in Oblivion I like how it gave you the steps in what does what and stuff like that in the jail and yeah. So yeah, Oblivion did it for me. :3

I have to say that to in a little different way. My old computer couldnt jandle Oblivion really so I played on the lowest settings, everything was like in a "mist" and looked ugly, and the game lagged. In the beginning when I came out from the caves/sewers I saw water but I didnt see an end of it so I thought it was the ocean and never more thought about that.

However a few years later I got a new computer and installed Oblivion, I was shocked to see how the world accually looked like and that the "ocean" accually was a lake with an island in the middle.

Here is a video comparing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDUcy2IkyQM

10-13-2011, 03:47 PM

When it first came out I thought it was just going to be another run-of-the-mill shooter like Call of Duty but with some different weapons/aliens. I sat down with it one weekend and just blasted through the entire thing. Loved the atmosphere.

10-13-2011, 04:01 PM
I would have to save the games are about even. Oblivion definitely had the perks of a newer game (better graphics, larger-scale everything) but I feel that the fast-travel and the easier to track quests took away from the Free-roam style a bit. I also thought Oblivion was kinda easy even on the hardest difficulty.

Thats true about the fast travel bit. I personally just ignored it and did the free roaming myself and what not.

I have to say that to in a little different way. My old computer couldnt jandle Oblivion really so I played on the lowest settings, everything was like in a "mist" and looked ugly, and the game lagged. In the beginning when I came out from the caves/sewers I saw water but I didnt see an end of it so I thought it was the ocean and never more thought about that.

However a few years later I got a new computer and installed Oblivion, I was shocked to see how the world accually looked like and that the "ocean" accually was a lake with an island in the middle.

Ah. Yeah I have a 360, so I wouldn't know about the computer thing. My computer is crap, so its probably just like your old one, so I only download old school games.

10-14-2011, 04:26 AM
I would agree that Borderlands is insanely fun, especially with others. Love games where the point is to get better loot. Screw the missions, I'm here to get the epic gun :). Oblivion was pretty fun, had it for my xbox before I decided to sell the xbox. I really enjoyed the graphics and one shotting everyone endgame, while taking no damage was kinda fun when I was up against 20 or so guards.

10-15-2011, 06:27 AM
I was actually very surprised when i picked up Mass Effect a couple of years ago. I had read that it was one of the best games for 360 but somehow it didnt appeal to me... UNTIL i got the game... loved it, loved ME2 and cant wait for ME3...

10-15-2011, 12:57 PM
I was actually very surprised when i picked up Mass Effect a couple of years ago. I had read that it was one of the best games for 360 but somehow it didnt appeal to me... UNTIL i got the game... loved it, loved ME2 and cant wait for ME3...

I had mass effect for the computer but my computer couldn't run it so I gave it away. It seems like an interesting game. Love the way the Roger mechanic works.