View Full Version : Most Epic Video Game Death

10-10-2011, 03:21 PM
What is the most epic death you have experienced or seen? It does not just have to be you or another player; it could be an ally, an enemy, or anything that can die. If its a cutscene or you have videos/pictures of it feel free to post them.

10-10-2011, 06:23 PM
I remember getting pretty angry when I was playing Halo 3 and a sniper bullet bounced off a wall behind me and hit me in the back of the head. I think it may be on my halo 3 still not sure.

10-10-2011, 06:33 PM
I had a triple kill with a charger in L4D2.

Triple kill with a scout sniper in Counter-Strike 1.6 - it was a lucky shot because I fired at the same second the three guys lined up.

In BFBC2 - I died once by a random grenade from an M416, the guy just shot it in the air from across the map and it landed on me. I would have yelled out 'hacks' if he wasn't doing so badly.

10-10-2011, 07:04 PM
Best death I've seen was while I was playing Fallout 3. My ally (jerecho the evil one) was standing in the middle of a triangle of unexploded cars. Next to him was a plasma mine (my mine unfortunately). Now I had given jerecho the best armor and weapons available (besides what I was wearing) and thousands of caps worth of ammo. Plus he was carrying all of my loot. An enemy threw a plasma grenade at him. The grenade hit him, exploded the plasma mine, then blew up all three cars. I lost a million or so caps. And my last save had been an hour before then.

10-10-2011, 08:47 PM
Hit man. I killed a whole levels worth of people with my dual silencers. I laid a opened suitcase and gun on the floor, dragged a body there for a distraction. EVERYONE ran to the view, I shot the door open. *pew pew pew pew* the rest of the guards heard nothing, I picked up the m4 (Which was in the suitcase) and shoot the party guests.
My memory of this is good, because this happened yesterday. :P

10-10-2011, 10:33 PM
i cryyed no joke dont judge rne Flynn was the best hippy pilot pacifist... ever.


10-10-2011, 11:08 PM
[QUOTE=egw333;296225]i cryyed no joke dont judge rne Flynn was the best hippy pilot pacifist... ever.

It was sad egw, but I think that was karma saying: That's what you get for turning away from your pacifist ways!

10-11-2011, 02:13 AM
I liked the guy to egw, he was cool.

In halo 3 there is this map that is like a big bridge, below it there are "two mancannons" (big things that throws you away over the abyss to the other side)

I flew over and saw that there was another one flying from the other side, when we were in the middle and flew past eachover we both threw plasma grenades and stuck eachover. lol.

In cs some friends hate that I "snipe" with a machinegun.

10-11-2011, 10:18 AM
Not my death but my bros were playing one of the COD (can't remember which installment) and one threw a flash grenade at the other and it wound up hitting him in the head and he died. It was hilarious!

10-11-2011, 11:19 AM
BFBC2 on the PC, Rush. We are on the last objective to arm and the level is Oasis. I’m a medic and my teammate an Engineer has just armed “B” and is immediately shot in the head by a 50 cal. by a sniper somewhere off in the desert. I run outside now having back up (a assault and sniper have spawned on me) to revive my teammate and do so. We both bolt inside the house hearing the objective’s alarm letting everyone know we are here.

Suddenly a little ball of red appears in the corner of my eye, it’s a grenade. It blows up and everybody dies expect me, alarm still going strong. Everything is red blurry but I manage to see a figure through the haze kneeling next to “B”. A enemy engineer by the name of “mulletman50000” is disarming the objective. The objective only needs a few more second 2 at the most. I run to his side and right before im able to slit his throat I feel a sniper bullet run through my stomach. The sniper that killed my friend got me to.

We’ve lost, because of me, I lost the match. But as I begin to beat myself up something happens. As I look at my screen I notice the body in front of me is also down and the objective has just blown up! The sniper bullet that had went through my stomach went through the head of the person disarming the bomb and this being a hardcore match the friendly fire was on. We won the match. That was most epic death I’ve ever had.

10-11-2011, 12:15 PM
Bet the sniper was pissed about that.

10-11-2011, 01:21 PM
I have to admit. That's pretty epic! :D

10-11-2011, 01:31 PM
Halo 3, on Valhalla. There's 3 of us in a Warthog, playing CTF. We had just picked up the flag from the middle river and were heading back to the base on overtime (15 seconds after picking up the flag.) I had the flag, my irl buddy on gunner, and our Xbox buddy driving. There's a trick where you can use these rocks as a jump to jump into the base, but the driver didn't know. He took the long way (an extra 3 seconds) and we were all scrambling with the flag to hit the finish. 3...2...1...sniped. In the air. I had jumped to plant the flag all epic with 0.00000001 seconds left. The flag landed on the capture point, but it must be held to be captured. GAME OVER. We lost the match 3-2.

I was bouncing up and down the entire time, and screamed out when I got sniped. It was so disappointing but still so epic.

10-11-2011, 01:57 PM
I have something to share, I think many have been a victim of this atleast one time.

Its when you snipe, and a long way you see another sniper, just as you got him in your sight and press you die, BAM he shot you in the head one millie second earlier. Damn I hate when that happens.

10-11-2011, 02:36 PM
I have something to share, I think many have been a victim of this atleast one time.

Its when you snipe, and a long way you see another sniper, just as you got him in your sight and press you die, BAM he shot you in the head one millie second earlier. Damn I hate when that happens.

Never happened to me because firstly I never use snipers and secondly I suck beyond belief with them. I'll stick with my shotgun where almost counts.

10-11-2011, 03:01 PM
One of the death scenes I saw was in one of GTAs series, IV I think. I smacked a car into another, it was smoking at the time, just managed to get away on foot and the next thing I see are explosions and vehicles everywhere catching fire and blowing up. May not have seen actuall fatalities but if there were people in them it would have been quite a body count.

10-11-2011, 07:09 PM
In Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, I did a 18 hit fatality, it was one of the greatest and most epic fatalities I've ever done EVER in the Mortal Kombat series.

10-11-2011, 07:24 PM
Depending on how you play it out, Heavy Rain had some of the most epic deaths I've ever seen. Surgeon, metal shredder, electric fence, tons. It's insane.

10-11-2011, 07:50 PM
Depending on how you play it out, Heavy Rain had some of the most epic deaths I've ever seen. Surgeon, metal shredder, electric fence, tons. It's insane.

Heavy rain was an amazing game! Great graphics, great story, great gameplay. Most of the deaths in that game were great.

10-11-2011, 08:53 PM
true dont mess with karma.

10-12-2011, 03:30 AM
With death scenes, strange that no one has mentioned dead space 1/2, some of those death scenes are just extreme. My personal disgusting death is the puker( I htink its the name) and it just puke in your mouth until you die.

10-12-2011, 03:36 AM
With death scenes, strange that no one has mentioned dead space 1/2, some of those death scenes are just extreme. My personal disgusting death is the puker( I htink its the name) and it just puke in your mouth until you die.

I dun like Dead Space. Scared the crap out of me and it was insanely easy (My accuracy with the first and only gun I used was off the charts) Even on the hardest difficulty I only died a few times. But alas my friend who has the game has moved away. :'(

10-12-2011, 09:33 AM
I have something to share, I think many have been a victim of this atleast one time.

Its when you snipe, and a long way you see another sniper, just as you got him in your sight and press you die, BAM he shot you in the head one millie second earlier. Damn I hate when that happens.

Ooooh, I HATE when that happens! It's like, dude, what the crap!? Then you spend the rest of the game trying to get revenge.... or maybe that's just me. ;)

10-12-2011, 10:39 AM
Ooooh, I HATE when that happens! It's like, dude, what the crap!? Then you spend the rest of the game trying to get revenge.... or maybe that's just me. ;)

Yeah I try to get revenge and just get mad and start playing bad so he can kill me several times more, before I finally get a shoot on him.

10-15-2011, 06:21 AM
Dual silencing in Hitman was freaking EPIC!!!

10-17-2011, 05:01 PM
I was playing Infection on Reach before and someone lunged up a ramp at me and did a Samus Aranesque roll into the air and off of the map

10-17-2011, 05:59 PM
Me and my friend were playing hoard on Gears 2 and it was split screen, on the map Blood bath I believe. He's in that little cove thing with the shield. And I ran out to chain saw somebody and he spots one those creature without a weapon that have dreads and run fast on two legs, idk cause i don't play Gears. Anyways he sees him on his screen running right past him like a zombie, image it running with both arms pointing foward and hair just jumping up and down. The all of a sudden I get downed and he's laughinh cause he just stared at it happen cause it looked to funny. Just a random WTF? moment. I was pissed but laughed when i saw the video.
Then there's been to many Demon Souls death.

10-21-2011, 10:54 AM
Yeah I try to get revenge and just get mad and start playing bad so he can kill me several times more, before I finally get a shoot on him.

Same. Every time. haha I rarely get the shooter before they manage to get me 5 more times simply because I'm being careless trying to get revenge. ::)

10-21-2011, 03:00 PM
Same. Every time. haha I rarely get the shooter before they manage to get me 5 more times simply because I'm being careless trying to get revenge. ::)

Haha I hate trying to get revenge because I know it always makes me worse, but I always end up trying anyway in just about every game....