View Full Version : Need Help deiciding for computer DELL

10-12-2011, 09:37 AM
I need help deciding which one of this computer would be best. It has to be a dell, i wanna pay monthly and my parents already have an account on here. So i was wondering which one of this two would be best? or if there is any other one that is cheaper on the Dell website.

I want to use the computer for gaming. Mostly buying it because of Battlefield 3. (when i saw how big maps where i knew playing on Xbox would not be the same.) So i want to buy it mostly for that game. I will upgrade in the future so i need to keep that in mind, weather it is graphics card, add memory, power, etc.

This is what i have came up with ( no custom, getting it as is) i like the XPS brand, my friend has it and it shows to be a very nice computer.

I appreciate any help i get, suggestions, warnings, or even a better computer that is on the website for the same amount of money.

This is the website to both the computers. i am thinking the more expensive one, the graphics card is better but not sure...

Studio XPS 9100 Desktop Details | Dell (http://www.dell.com/us/business/p/studio-xps-9100/fs)

10-12-2011, 11:59 AM
I think they are both great spec-wise, and I think either would work just fine. It pretty much all depends on if you think the extra $200 is worth the slight upgrade. To me, the extra 500g on the HD and 2g memory (even though it's only dual compared to the tripe of the cheaper version) may not be enough to push me towards the more expensive one... but the video card in addition to those probably would. The performance of the AMD I imagine has a slightly better performance output then the NVIDIA but I doubt it's enough to make a *huge* noticable difference.

Also, I've only ever known one person to own the Dell XPS series. He had both the laptop and the desktop version and they both crapped out on him after just a few years. Im not trying to dissuade you, just wondering if you or anyone else has heard of any other issues with them?