View Full Version : Total Graves Ownage
10-21-2011, 03:11 PM
I bought Graves yesterday to give him a go, at first I did fine, then in the middle, I sucked, couldn't get more than 3-4 kills a game.
I had a test this morning, I got home to relax, thought I'd play some LoL and then this game happened.
Finished 29-2-4 with Graves, my best score in a while, since going 35-5 with Katarina months ago.
I was at bot lane with Leona against Rumble and Nunu. They were super aggressive and gave me a double kill before minions even spawned.
Then Rumble goes "Don't worry, graves won't be able to do anything late game"
I said, "ok cool"
Then I did that.
I felt good doing that because the entire opposing team was full of jackasses, talking trash from the beginning.
Also, my first 5 kills came just from having Doran's Blade. That's how bad and aggressive they were being, Chasing me into turrets, or into Leona's stun. This game lasted 23 minutes. It wasn't a surrender win, we took out their nexus.
I think everybody deserves to kick ass like this every once in a while. Feels good. This was especially better for me because I was on a 8 game losing streak from Monday - Thursday.
10-21-2011, 03:39 PM
Wow nice man. I hit a lucky game with Heimer too, I think I got 10-15 kills, but 0 deaths and we won by 16 minutes, was a good game.
I've yet to see Graves play really well yet, aside from this really, but they're gonna buff him most likely in the next 2-3 weeks, so maybe I'll look forward to seeing him then. A lot of people think they know how to play him cause they've watched his champion spotlight twice and got cocky with him, so I've been dreading seeing him picked each game.
10-21-2011, 03:48 PM
I didn't even watch the champion spotlight. I winged it my first time around.
But now I'm getting the hang of him.
And I don't know if he deserves a buff. He's pretty strong. I've seen that playing with and against him. Maybe lower the cool down of his ult.
10-21-2011, 03:59 PM
yahh graves can be controlled pretty easy, if he isnt that fed, hes just a normal burst, but if hes a little fed, its gg, he has insane burst dmg and just rapes
gotta play against him smart
10-21-2011, 04:16 PM
I think his shotgun skill does too much damage, especially early game. Played a game vs graves and he did 200 damage to my whole team with one use. We were all stacked in the center bush on tt. Also there was a brand and annie on the other team and both of them AOEd the bush and brand got a triple kill......
10-21-2011, 06:58 PM
Yeah that definitely does a lot of damage.
I played another with him, it was 4v5 in the enemy's favor cuz our Nidalee left after 2 mins. I finished 18-5-6.
Graves was ripping through everyone.
10-22-2011, 07:34 AM
Nice score Linux. 29/2/4 and yet you wasn't fully builded :P. guess what happens when you would be :P Graves is very good champion. I didn't tried him out yet but I saw his champ. spotlight and I see a lot of possibilities with him. His smoke bomb is very cool :P But lowering his ult cooldown will make him even stronger. When my PC will be back from repair, I will try him out and post my score
10-30-2011, 10:36 PM
I hate laning with a super-aggressive partner, you tend to feed.
11-01-2011, 02:17 AM
Some characters are amazing at being aggressive. Corki can get a good many kills by jumping into combat early game.
11-01-2011, 04:16 AM
Same as Riven. His Q is very great at early game
11-01-2011, 12:51 PM
His q gets really bad though. And his w..... and his r. But his e is always good!
11-03-2011, 11:30 PM
Graves can roll in Solo queue but champs like Kog are much stronger IMO in draft.
11-04-2011, 01:35 AM
Lol AP kogmaw is super fun :D
11-04-2011, 07:12 AM
I bought and tried out Graves - he's a beast. I honestly think he's OP right now - he seems to outclass other AD carries. Graves is a lot like Caitlyn, except better in virtually every way. Reasoning and rambling in the spoiler below:
Twitch and Vayne have the highest base and scaling Attack Damage out of all the AD carries in the game. At level 1/18, Twitch has 54.71/108.26 AD and Vayne has 53.25/108.5 AD. Graves compares easily with 51/103.7 AD. Graves has a slightly above average attack range (550) which is enough to ensure that he can't be outranged by many opponents.
Graves has beats other AD carries by about 50 HP with higher scaling and 100 MP with higher scaling, with the exception of Miss Fortune. Graves has comparable but slightly higher Armor than other AD carries.
Graves' skillset compares best to Caitlyn's. They both have a ranged damaging attack on their Q, but Graves' does 3 to 4 times more damage. Caitlyn's Q also has a short channel which makes it easy to dodge and hard for her to find the time to cast. Graves' casts instantly.
They both have ground targeted CC on their W's, but Caitlyn's is a small trap that takes time to set and deploy whereas Graves' Smokescreen is another instant cast. Cait's traps offer some map vision and a stronger disable (snare versus slow/sight reduction), but Graves' more reliably affects targets in teamfights and offers stronger zone control because of it's larger area of effect. The two abilities have near equal damage.
They both have positioning on their E, but Graves' casts instantly (go figure, faster than Cait's). The ranges are comparable (Graves' 425 to Cait's 400). Cait's does base damage equal to about 1.5 basic attacks and applies a short (1~2sec) slow, Graves' gives him a four second AS roid equal in power to a recurve bow (at rank 1. By rank 5, it's two recurve bows.)
Finally, both have long range damaging abilities for the ultimates. Caitlyn has better range on her ult, which is great except that Cait's does less damage, has a long channel (Graves' is instant cast), and Graves' is AoE.
I play Graves on SR or TT, and almost always open Doran's Blade to maximize on his above average level 1 stats. I run ArmorPen/Flat Armor/MR per lvl/MS runes, 11/0/19 Masteries, and Flash with Exhaust or Teleport in any lane. Build order is Doran's Blade -> boots1 -> beserker's/zeal/wriggles. More offense: phantom dancer/IE/Atmogs/more phantom dancers/bloodthirster. More defense: Guardian Angel/Atmogs/Frozen Mallet. EDIT: also Wit's End.
Reasoning and rambling for my build in the spoiler:
Graves has superb level 1 stats so I like to maximize on that with Doran's Blade.
Graves scales very well with AS because of his auto attacks and his E. He really gets going once his AS gets high enough. I like to get Beserker's Greaves and Zeal relatively early to get him "into his stride".
Graves scales very well with Life Steal. The lifesteal from Doran's Blade offers Graves some sustain, but I like to build a Wriggle's Lantern (if I need early armor) or Emblem of Valor (if I'd rather the HP5 and want Stark's Fervor later). I get the Vamperic Scepter early, very rarely before boots1, usually just before boots2, very rarely not until after zeal.
I like to finish Zeal into Phantom Dancer over Trinity Force because the AS, Crit, and MS all scale phenominally with Graves, whereas the Sheen in Trinity (AP, Mana, and infrequently used sheen proc) are a little bit of wasted gold.
I haven't played enough to firm up late game item choices, but I want to play around with IE, Guardian Angel, Atmogs, Frozen Mallet, more Phantom Dancers, and Bloodthirster.
Add me in LoL and I'd love to (try to) demonstrate some Graves for you!
11-04-2011, 09:27 AM
I bought and tried out Graves - he's a beast. I honestly think he's OP right now - he seems to outclass other AD carries. Graves is a lot like Caitlyn, except better in virtually every way. Reasoning and rambling in the spoiler below:
Twitch and Vayne have the highest base and scaling Attack Damage out of all the AD carries in the game. At level 1/18, Twitch has 54.71/108.26 AD and Vayne has 53.25/108.5 AD. Graves compares easily with 51/103.7 AD. Graves has a slightly above average attack range (550) which is enough to ensure that he can't be outranged by many opponents.
Graves has beats other AD carries by about 50 HP with higher scaling and 100 MP with higher scaling, with the exception of Miss Fortune. Graves has comparable but slightly higher Armor than other AD carries.
Graves' skillset compares best to Caitlyn's. They both have a ranged damaging attack on their Q, but Graves' does 3 to 4 times more damage. Caitlyn's Q also has a short channel which makes it easy to dodge and hard for her to find the time to cast. Graves' casts instantly.
They both have ground targeted CC on their W's, but Caitlyn's is a small trap that takes time to set and deploy whereas Graves' Smokescreen is another instant cast. Cait's traps offer some map vision and a stronger disable (snare versus slow/sight reduction), but Graves' more reliably affects targets in teamfights and offers stronger zone control because of it's larger area of effect. The two abilities have near equal damage.
They both have positioning on their E, but Graves' casts instantly (go figure, faster than Cait's). The ranges are comparable (Graves' 425 to Cait's 400). Cait's does base damage equal to about 1.5 basic attacks and applies a short (1~2sec) slow, Graves' gives him a four second AS roid equal in power to a recurve bow (at rank 1. By rank 5, it's two recurve bows.)
Finally, both have long range damaging abilities for the ultimates. Caitlyn has better range on her ult, which is great except that Cait's does less damage, has a long channel (Graves' is instant cast), and Graves' is AoE.
I play Graves on SR or TT, and almost always open Doran's Blade to maximize on his above average level 1 stats. I run ArmorPen/Flat Armor/MR per lvl/MS runes, 11/0/19 Masteries, and Flash with Exhaust or Teleport in any lane. Build order is Doran's Blade -> boots1 -> beserker's/zeal/wriggles. More offense: phantom dancer/IE/Atmogs/more phantom dancers/bloodthirster. More defense: Guardian Angel/Atmogs/Frozen Mallet.
Reasoning and rambling for my build in the spoiler:
Graves has superb level 1 stats so I like to maximize on that with Doran's Blade.
Graves scales very well with AS because of his auto attacks and his E. He really gets going once his AS gets high enough. I like to get Beserker's Greaves and Zeal relatively early to get him "into his stride".
Graves scales very well with Life Steal. The lifesteal from Doran's Blade offers Graves some sustain, but I like to build a Wriggle's Lantern (if I need early armor) or Emblem of Valor (if I'd rather the HP5 and want Stark's Fervor later). I get the Vamperic Scepter early, very rarely before boots1, usually just before boots2, very rarely not until after zeal.
I like to finish Zeal into Phantom Dancer over Trinity Force because the AS, Crit, and MS all scale phenominally with Graves, whereas the Sheen in Trinity (AP, Mana, and infrequently used sheen proc) are a little bit of wasted gold.
I haven't played enough to firm up late game item choices, but I want to play around with IE, Guardian Angel, Atmogs, Frozen Mallet, more Phantom Dancers, and Bloodthirster.
Add me in LoL and I'd love to (try to) demonstrate some Graves for you!
I feel like I just read the champion spotlight.
11-04-2011, 11:30 AM
I would totally own you with sona. Dance *****!!!! I played a game vs gang and graves. Graves flashed to me and shot me with his q for 200 damage then I got crited with parley for 250. Instant death
11-04-2011, 11:36 AM
I played Graves few days ago since he is F2P now and I must say he is very cool champ. I'm looking forward to buy him and play more :P
11-04-2011, 12:36 PM
I would totally own you with sona. Dance *****!!!! I played a game vs gang and graves. Graves flashed to me and shot me with his q for 200 damage then I got crited with parley for 250. Instant death
Wait, you owned a graves and gangplank by dying to them?
11-04-2011, 12:38 PM
No I would own diligence as sona. Duh
11-04-2011, 12:46 PM
Dying as Sone - pure ownage xd
11-04-2011, 12:48 PM
No I would own diligence as sona. Duh
Oh, you should 1v1 him xD
11-04-2011, 12:58 PM
1v1 support hero vs ranged ad carry with a slow and a charge.......
11-04-2011, 01:01 PM
1v1 support hero vs ranged ad carry with a slow and a charge.......
Yeah, exactly why I'm confused as to why you said you'll destroy him ;)
11-04-2011, 01:06 PM
Well 3v3 when I get higher up and can do 2.5k burst damage.
11-04-2011, 05:04 PM
No I would own diligence as sona. Duh
We should 1v1 and post videos of it to the forum. Would be fun to get some Gamers-Forum 1v1s going :D
I'd let you pick your opponent from Nidalee, Kennen, Teemo, or Graves - those are the ones I'm enjoying playing right now that I think could handle a 1v1.
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