View Full Version : early holiday shop. (official black friday)

10-29-2011, 01:30 PM
So November is just around the corner and... what are you all looking forward to this holiday season...? me? just gonna do it simple. by having some chips ahoy & milk to the side while playing some favorite games... probably go on a movie marathon cause I got netflix, and just go out for midnight drives (waste of gas I know, but I like to call it a hobby.)

anyway, the point of this thread is... you can share good discounts you found on black friday (Nov. 25th)... whether it be last year or this year... or just a random memory when you bought somethin at a GOOD price. (don't know if you can advertise here, I'll leave that thread to someone else..)

cause one time, I survived black friday by getting an external hard drive, 500gb, at some electronics store that sold them for $20 each. MAN. wiped out in MINUTES. . . and I've never seen so many women who fight over the same thing... at discount price... :shocked:

other than that, enjoy the rest of this year. 2011 has its slow & fast months. ;)

10-29-2011, 01:38 PM
October was definitely a fast month. Can't believe it's the 29th. I keep thinking it's still the first week of the month for some reason.

As for black friday, I need a whole new PC. Probably won't get all the parts but I'm going to scout for discounted parts and save them for a build in December or January or something. Gotta get the money together before that though.

10-29-2011, 01:41 PM
October was definitely a fast month. Can't believe it's the 29th. I keep thinking it's still the first week of the month for some reason.

As for black friday, I need a whole new PC. Probably won't get all the parts but I'm going to scout for discounted parts and save them for a build in December or January or something. Gotta get the money together before that though.

Aug. & Sept. is what made Oct. flew by fast... those 3 months I thought were gonna be slow, but it was just... FAST. I guess its cause of work & stuff that keeps you busy makes the month go by like that.
and ... a new PC huh? pre-built or parts to build?
yeah I hear there's this one day where online shopping's a BOOM. you happen to know?

10-29-2011, 02:08 PM
The one day where online shopping is a Boom? Talking about the day after Thanksgiving?

And I always build my own computers (well at least I have been for the past 5-6 years or so).

10-30-2011, 07:51 PM
hmm. I'm not sure, I did some research on it, and 'cyber tuesday/monday' is what they call it... I'm not sure what day it falls on, cause its a guess. . . [please correct if i'm wrong viewers]

10-30-2011, 09:12 PM
Ah yeah, cyber Monday. I look forward to this every year too, but Is it monday? Now that you mentioned Tuesday, sounds like Tuesday too....hm..can't believe it just flew out of my head

10-31-2011, 12:00 PM
So November is just around the corner and... what are you all looking forward to this holiday season...? me? just gonna do it simple. by having some chips ahoy & milk to the side while playing some favorite games... probably go on a movie marathon cause I got netflix, and just go out for midnight drives (waste of gas I know, but I like to call it a hobby.)

anyway, the point of this thread is... you can share good discounts you found on black friday (Nov. 25th)... whether it be last year or this year... or just a random memory when you bought somethin at a GOOD price. (don't know if you can advertise here, I'll leave that thread to someone else..)

cause one time, I survived black friday by getting an external hard drive, 500gb, at some electronics store that sold them for $20 each. MAN. wiped out in MINUTES. . . and I've never seen so many women who fight over the same thing... at discount price... :shocked:

other than that, enjoy the rest of this year. 2011 has its slow & fast months. ;)

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Save those cookies for Santa! :P

A 500g external..... $20?? O_O Jeeeez lol I dont ever find deals that good!

10-31-2011, 01:19 PM
Ah yeah, cyber Monday. I look forward to this every year too, but Is it monday? Now that you mentioned Tuesday, sounds like Tuesday too....hm..can't believe it just flew out of my head

Most likely Tuesday. It's the day most movies/games are released on, but there's the oddball Friday/Saturday/Sunday release. For that reason it makes more sense to me that it's a Tuesday, but I'm looking into it regardless.


Whoa, whoa, whoa. Save those cookies for Santa! :P

A 500g external..... $20?? O_O Jeeeez lol I dont ever find deals that good!

Can't remember which store it was...want to say Superstore, Best Buy, Future Shop, something like that..they were selling 1.5TB externals for $40, but it may be Canadian only too :P I know it's running all this week until Friday, anyways.

10-31-2011, 01:39 PM
Can't remember which store it was...want to say Superstore, Best Buy, Future Shop, something like that..they were selling 1.5TB externals for $40, but it may be Canadian only too :P I know it's running all this week until Friday, anyways.

I've been wanting one for ages....

Prices around me:
320g - $39.99
500g - $69.99
1TB - $79.99
1.5TB - $109
2TB - $119.99

However, those are Best Buy prices which is exactly why I never buy electronics from the store. Newegg ftw <3

11-01-2011, 06:03 PM
exactly. I dont know, I just happened to be in the store when they were selling that. best buy is only good for some stuff... that are REALLY CHEAP. I can't buy things there casually. too overpriced. and.... yup, those are the regular prices they got.... I think I might have to get rid of some data off of my 3 external hard drives... just to save $.

11-02-2011, 12:58 AM
Can't remember which store it was...want to say Superstore, Best Buy, Future Shop, something like that..they were selling 1.5TB externals for $40, but it may be Canadian only too :P I know it's running all this week until Friday, anyways.

....I'm gonna have to head to the store (:

11-02-2011, 09:50 AM
probably go on a movie marathon cause I got netflix, and just go out for midnight drives (waste of gas I know, but I like to call it a hobby.) 'Tis also my "hobby" to drive around at midnight and beyond... haha :)

yeah I hear there's this one day where online shopping's a BOOM. you happen to know?

Cyber Monday.

Most likely Tuesday. It's the day most movies/games are released on, but there's the oddball Friday/Saturday/Sunday release. For that reason it makes more sense to me that it's a Tuesday, but I'm looking into it regardless.

It is Cyber Monday. The Monday after Black Friday. While it is true that most movies, music, games and books release on Tuesdays in the US, during the Holiday Season (Nov 1st to January 1st give or take a day) things tend to release on Sundays (and other days occasionally) as well.

:D Sorry for being a shopping nerd but I'm a girl and I have money, so what do you expect? xD


Anyway, I'm looking VERY forward to Black Friday and Cyber Monday! I get most of my Christmas shopping done those two days and have a blast going out with my friends in the freezing, wee hours of the morning. haha
I don't get there at midnight though, cause yeah, I like sleeping. And I don't fight people for stuff, it's really not that important. I just have fun and grab what deals I can. :) Last year's sales were pretty epic. Hoping they will be again this year! :D

11-02-2011, 02:44 PM
I'll probably be sleeping while all this is happening, definitely don't plan on getting up early to go to a crowded store. I rather play full price and go at a normal time.

11-02-2011, 02:56 PM
I agree, I hate Black Friday shopping.... and people lol Rather do it online.

11-02-2011, 04:50 PM
Love Black Friday, usually go to the movies around 8 and camp out at best buy afterwards.

11-02-2011, 04:53 PM
I dont mind the day itself... I just hate venturing out to shop cause there be crazyyyy people out O_O

11-03-2011, 08:43 AM
Love Black Friday, usually go to the movies around 8 and camp out at best buy afterwards.

That sounds really fun! I usually sleep some then go out about 5ish but might do that this year! Thanks for the idea! haha

I dont mind the day itself... I just hate venturing out to shop cause there be crazyyyy people out O_O

YOU CALLIN' ME CRAZY?!?!?!!?!? ..........not that I'm not or anything.........

11-03-2011, 08:50 AM
yeah, real crazy people are out, and no zelda, we're not calling you crazy. you just have this passion for shopping, and there's no problem with that. I just like to find good deals, and so do you right? ain't nothin wrong with that? haha.

other than that.... I hear a couple electronic stores are letting me know discounts already when the catalog's not even out yet! a whole bunch of stuff going on an 80% discount! THATS INSANE. I dont wanna be SUPER early for that, but hopefully I could make it.

11-03-2011, 08:55 AM
Oh, I'm calling her crazy! lol ^_^ .... and all you shopper's that actually venture out :P First of all, 5am is my bed time on the weekends haha And I refuse to stand in line for hoursssss just for a discount on something that will prolly be sold out by the time I get to it. Don't get me wrong, I used to go every year.... but sadly, I've finally gotten to the point in my life where I can say, "I'm too old for that shiz!" xD

What I need to do is *pay* a few people a cut to go out and get the good deals for me, then turn around and sell that stuff for full price on eBay. I've actually done that a few times and made some awesomeeee profit ;)

11-03-2011, 09:08 AM
yeah, real crazy people are out, and no zelda, we're not calling you crazy. you just have this passion for shopping, and there's no problem with that. I just like to find good deals, and so do you right? ain't nothin wrong with that? haha.

other than that.... I hear a couple electronic stores are letting me know discounts already when the catalog's not even out yet! a whole bunch of stuff going on an 80% discount! THATS INSANE. I dont wanna be SUPER early for that, but hopefully I could make it.

Teehee, I was joking. ;) I pretty much am crazy, but let's not talk about that... *shifty eyes*

Sweet!! Which stores? I haven't heard anything about sales yet... I'm waiting impatiently though! haha

Oh, I'm calling her crazy! lol ^_^ .... and all you shopper's that actually venture out :P First of all, 5am is my bed time on the weekends haha And I refuse to stand in line for hoursssss just for a discount on something that will prolly be sold out by the time I get to it. Don't get me wrong, I used to go every year.... but sadly, I've finally gotten to the point in my life where I can say, "I'm too old for that shiz!" xD

What I need to do is *pay* a few people a cut to go out and get the good deals for me, then turn around and sell that stuff for full price on eBay. I've actually done that a few times and made some awesomeeee profit ;)

I KNEW IT! *comes at you with a knife....* Wait, this doesn't help my case any, does it? :p
Ah, I grew out of staying up till 5am. It just makes me cranky the next day. I usually crash by 2 on the weekends and 1 weeknights. however, Black Friday I intend to be up dark and early! (dark cause the sun won't be up yet, you understand...)

I've wanted to do that! Now that I know it actually works, I think I will! ^_^

11-03-2011, 09:16 AM
*gahhhh* Im being attackeddddddd O_O lulz Funny as it is, I grew *into* staying awake that late lol Up until a few years ago I was the one that passed out by 11, every time. Then one day... the partier inside me woke up I guess. Sucks because my bff and fiance are the ones that pass out uber early so Im normally left sitting there until all hours of the morning by my lonesome xD

Omg, when it does work it's awesome! ;)

11-03-2011, 09:33 AM
Haha! *hides knife* No, you're not... what are you talking about???

Niice. but hey, you can play zombie games all night alone and scare the shiz out of yourself! :D

What kind of stuff would you buy/sell? I was thinking iPod Touch/iPad or consoles maybe..

11-03-2011, 10:12 AM
yeah thats what I plan on doing. staying indoors or go for a quick run to the stores see what they got cause of mayhem & chaos. or just buy deadrising 2 or left 4 dead or any other zombie game to keep me occupied from black friday madness....
although an ipod touch sounds nice... but I dont know. gotta save $$$ for next year. got a whole lot planned. haha.

@ mizel: they pass out cause thats what thanksgiving dinner does to you! pass out after eating so much & feeling good! haha

11-03-2011, 11:02 AM
Haha! *hides knife* No, you're not... what are you talking about???

Niice. but hey, you can play zombie games all night alone and scare the shiz out of yourself! :D

What kind of stuff would you buy/sell? I was thinking iPod Touch/iPad or consoles maybe..

LOL True! I guess playing with yourself is fun sometimes… wait a minute, that didn’t sound right! xD

The one time I hit big was with digital picture frames. When they first came out I found them on uber sale for less then $10 and sold them all for over $50. It was glorious!

yeah thats what I plan on doing. staying indoors or go for a quick run to the stores see what they got cause of mayhem & chaos. or just buy deadrising 2 or left 4 dead or any other zombie game to keep me occupied from black friday madness....
although an ipod touch sounds nice... but I dont know. gotta save $$$ for next year. got a whole lot planned. haha.

@ mizel: they pass out cause thats what thanksgiving dinner does to you! pass out after eating so much & feeling good! haha

Mmmmmm T-Day dinner. *drools Homer style*

11-03-2011, 11:56 AM
haha, exactly. thinking about it makes me so hungry, i'm not gonna have to eat for a week until that day comes. its worth eating that much, but a terrible idea for your health. its just that satisfaction of having family over & eating great food that was prepared

11-03-2011, 02:29 PM
LOL True! I guess playing with yourself is fun sometimes… wait a minute, that didn’t sound right! xD

The one time I hit big was with digital picture frames. When they first came out I found them on uber sale for less then $10 and sold them all for over $50. It was glorious!

It... is fun. err.... um... what I mean is.....

Whoa. You are my hero. ^^
I wonder if there's anything that hot this season?

11-12-2011, 06:58 PM
got a quick question, seems that everywhere on the stores over here
are opening at 12midnight so...


I dont know, a lot of people are asking this type of question now, so just gotta ask here... to find out what is REALLY the deal with this type of shoppin day... I just gotta get 3 more gifts and call it quits. thats IT!

11-13-2011, 07:52 AM
got a quick question, seems that everywhere on the stores over here
are opening at 12midnight so...


I dont know, a lot of people are asking this type of question now, so just gotta ask here... to find out what is REALLY the deal with this type of shoppin day... I just gotta get 3 more gifts and call it quits. thats IT!

As far as I know, I believe it's Tday night. So as soon as it hits midnight Friday morning.... Soooo, only 3 more gifts and your calling it quits. Do you mean as in you;ll be done xmas shopping?? O_O

11-13-2011, 12:25 PM
got a quick question, seems that everywhere on the stores over here
are opening at 12midnight so...


I dont know, a lot of people are asking this type of question now, so just gotta ask here... to find out what is REALLY the deal with this type of shoppin day... I just gotta get 3 more gifts and call it quits. thats IT!

12am Thursday night, Friday morning.

YOU'RE DONE ALREADY!!?!?!??! I haven't even started! And people think -I- start shopping early!! haha

11-13-2011, 05:19 PM
YES, I JUST NEED 3 MORE. just 3 more! sorry for caps, but I gotta be enthused somehow... cause I dont know what they like, I just need their wishlist.

and besides, I only got for a few family members. totaling of about 5. thats about it. thats why i'm SHORT on xmas shopping

11-14-2011, 09:02 AM
YES, I JUST NEED 3 MORE. just 3 more! sorry for caps, but I gotta be enthused somehow... cause I dont know what they like, I just need their wishlist.

and besides, I only got for a few family members. totaling of about 5. thats about it. thats why i'm SHORT on xmas shopping

Sooooo…. You wanna do my shopping for me now? ;)

Not only have I not even *started* the actual shopping… I haven’t *thought* about what to get people O_O

11-14-2011, 10:27 AM
Me either, Mizel!!! haha Dude, he's got us beat baddd!!

11-14-2011, 10:43 AM
Me either, Mizel!!! haha Dude, he's got us beat baddd!!

He shall be my inspiration! On my lunch break I *will* start Xmas shopping, dammit! The only bad part about me shopping... is I always tend to find things I like for myself while shopping for others... must resist! :X

11-14-2011, 05:08 PM
He shall be my inspiration! On my lunch break I *will* start Xmas shopping, dammit! The only bad part about me shopping... is I always tend to find things I like for myself while shopping for others... must resist! :X

haha, well if thats what you all think, dont think like that. but there comes a time when you have to 'reward' yourself. you know what I mean? :D

then again, just start by asking them a wishlist. you cant just guess what they like from the start you know? like I got this person some socks cause one friend said she needs them badly, but I ended giving them to the wrong person!
so... always make labels for which gifts belong to the RIGHT person... dont do it, cause I did... haha

11-14-2011, 07:29 PM
haha, well if thats what you all think, dont think like that. but there comes a time when you have to 'reward' yourself. you know what I mean? :D

then again, just start by asking them a wishlist. you cant just guess what they like from the start you know? like I got this person some socks cause one friend said she needs them badly, but I ended giving them to the wrong person!
so... always make labels for which gifts belong to the RIGHT person... dont do it, cause I did... haha

True! I don't always feeeel bad buying things for myself. But def had shopping trips where I ended up checking out with more things for myself then anyone else xD

Lmao I can totally imagine the look on your face when the person opened up the socks by accident :P Ive done that once or twice myself :P

Officially started! Just bought this for my fiance:

604Republic - Zombot t-shirt (http://www.604republic.com/prod/zombot_t_shirt)

Had to resist buying one for myself -__- I am most definitely doing all my shopping online this year ;)

11-15-2011, 10:10 AM
haha, well if thats what you all think, dont think like that. but there comes a time when you have to 'reward' yourself. you know what I mean? :D

then again, just start by asking them a wishlist. you cant just guess what they like from the start you know? like I got this person some socks cause one friend said she needs them badly, but I ended giving them to the wrong person!
so... always make labels for which gifts belong to the RIGHT person... dont do it, cause I did... haha

Yes, definitely comes a time! ;)

I learned to label things at an early age. haha Mom's a perfectionist sooo...

True! I don't always feeeel bad buying things for myself. But def had shopping trips where I ended up checking out with more things for myself then anyone else xD

Officially started! Just bought this for my fiance:

604Republic - Zombot t-shirt (http://www.604republic.com/prod/zombot_t_shirt)

Had to resist buying one for myself -__- I am most definitely doing all my shopping online this year ;)

Ahhh! I could NOT deal with online-only shopping. I'd freak out and die. :O

Nice shirt!

And I -almost- always end up buying myself things when shopping for others too! haha :p


Best Buy has released some of their prices! Looks like some pretty sweet deals this year, man! I'm excited!!

11-17-2011, 06:32 PM
Does anyone know if best buy is going to have a lot of sales this year? I'm trying to get out there this year, but don't want to waste 10+ hours outside for lame deals.

11-17-2011, 08:47 PM
well, best buy's got a few good things out there, just not to the price to my liking. haha....

but they have a good deal on tv's next friday.
other than that, I'm sure there's stuff you're looking for on their ad.

11-18-2011, 08:18 AM
All the best deals I’ve found so far have been online. You guys should check out Amazon… they are doing a deal every day… 2 days ago was the new Harry Potter, part 1, on BR for $3.99, and yesterday was all collectors editions of games 75% off. Realllyyyyyy pissed I found that this morning and not yesterday because I would have gotten ToR :(

11-18-2011, 10:52 AM
Really badly want the 8 part HP series on blu-ray, not sure if I want to spend the money on it right now haha. They have it for 48 though, which is ridiculously cheap

11-18-2011, 11:16 AM
Really badly want the 8 part HP series on blu-ray, not sure if I want to spend the money on it right now haha. They have it for 48 though, which is ridiculously cheap

Woooooow, $48?? That’s a great deal… makes me wish I waited and didn’t been them all right when they were released :P Hmm… me thinks buying a bunch and re-selling on eBay sounds like a good idea :O

11-18-2011, 11:35 AM
Great idea! I decided to not get them because I realized they were not blu-ray. I'll wait until Black Friday and try to get a deal.

EDIT: Need to calm down when seeing low prices on movies I think are blu-ray but are not. Big letdown every time

11-18-2011, 11:42 AM
Yea, I literally just realized that as well haha $79.99 for BR, which still isn't bad, but meh.

11-18-2011, 11:49 AM
Yeah, ruined my entire want for it haha

11-18-2011, 05:07 PM
man, I hear wal-mart got this $1.95 deal on all movies. its insane. people be filling up the store just for that. haha.

I would just go there to pick up some milk & eggs... thats about all I need, cause I'ma make some cookies for the homeless, its this thing I do each year. . . at the shelter.

and... I would get a couple movies... makes it sound... hypocritical huh? haha