View Full Version : 14 ways to spot a Call of Duty player in Battlefield 3

11-03-2011, 11:17 PM
1. They're trying to use a shotgun like a rifle
DICE's shotguns are overpowered, as detailed in our launch week Battlefield 3 tips piece, but they're not that overpowered. Engage an enemy from over 30 feet away and you might as well throw balls of screwed-up tissue paper. Or your recently perforated intestines.

2. They're trying to stab people from the front
Not only have you brought a knife to a gunfight, you've whipped that knife out under the nose of a man wearing a Kevlar T-shirt in the earnest conviction that you can stab his meat off before he pulls the trigger of his pistol. And now you're dead. It was always going to end like this. How deranged would you have to be to design a game where knives beat guns? Oh right.

3. They're trying to navigate Operation Firestorm on foot
Those maps are big, lads. Big. Larger than your living room, as in. And those early objectives can topple pretty fast. By the time you reach the action, the action will be somewhere else.

4. They don't understand vehicles...
"Why's that Care Package got propellers? How come this RC car's so big? Oh my god, it ate that guy. IT ATE HIM."

5. ...Unless they're tanks
"Wait, this one's got a big gun on it. Guns are for kills, kills are for killstreaks, big guns are for bigger killstreaks. All has become crystal clear."

6. ...And they'll never wait for passengers
"Screw you, hippy! I was here first. Now I'm going to hang out behind these rocks with my real friends, the other team's Engineers. Hey, these damage indicators are pretty hilarious. Can't seem to shift those caterpillar tracks no more. If only I could dual-wield the steering wheel and that top-mounted machine gun."

7. They'll never spot people...
"Why the hell should I let you know where the enemy is? You might shoot him first."

8. ...because they're guided by Death
"Make yourself useful. Go get killed somewhere so I've got something to run towards on my radar."

9. They're using a rocket launcher on infantry
All that time spent exploiting One Man Army for infinity-rockets has left committed Call of Duty players incapable of handling any gun that isn't a tube. And they're not going to be deterred by a little thing like hardly ever being able to hit anyone.

10. They're completely bowled over by the destruction
Pity the Call of Duty veteran. For years he's been imprisoned in a tyrannically unchanging environment, devoid of breakable objects. For years, he's had to content himself with disappearing bullet holes. Now he's got Frostbite 2 to play with, a game engine that allows you to flay walls apart like bath foam. It must be like waking up to find that all the women you know have had a boob job.

11. They never want ammo or health
"GTFO, dude. I don't need your leftovers. Besides, I plan on dying long, long before I ever run out of rounds."

12. ...And they never give you ammo or health
"Sorry son, I've done all I can. Just glancing at you in passing has cost me precious milliseconds I could have spent sprinting heedlessly into an ambush."

13. They'll squad-spawn into crossfire
Bless. He must think respawning knocks all nearby enemies flat, like in certain coin-op beat 'em ups. Do your best to stay out of trouble. For his sake.

14. They're playing Team Deathmatch
And if they are, that means you are too. You filthy traitor. Get back to Conquest before we send in the attack dogs.

Found this pretty funny lol

This comment made me laugh harder.


Also Funny.

And when you finally send a message to them asking them for ammo, they reply with "u mad bro?"

11-04-2011, 12:04 AM
Oh yea, that was all pretty funny. :D I get that it's a joke but on a serious not i doubt all CoD players are like that though, but there are a few. :D

11-04-2011, 02:49 AM
That was pretty hilarious, I liked the vehicle part. :laugh1:

11-04-2011, 08:31 AM
Hahaha! Niicceee. It's just too bad I can't get BF3 to run on my lame computer. I might have to get it for a... console. -__-

11-04-2011, 10:35 AM
Vehicle part is the best XD. Hilarious tho! LMAO

11-04-2011, 12:14 PM
Wow that was amazing. And so true. I never run outta ammo. Unless its for black ops under powered shotguns

11-06-2011, 09:43 PM
Wow that was amazing. And so true. I never run outta ammo. Unless its for black ops under powered shotguns

lol what? :laugh1:

11-07-2011, 01:20 AM
The shotguns totally suck in Black Ops. People with the G11 (I think. Its that weird front loading gun) absolutely pwn me. They one shot me all the time and it pisses me off.

11-07-2011, 01:22 AM
I find this hilarious! Especially considering my one friend I play with complains about cod players playing this. Even though he is a long time cod player and does almost all of these things.

11-07-2011, 06:43 AM
The shotguns totally suck in Black Ops. People with the G11 (I think. Its that weird front loading gun) absolutely pwn me. They one shot me all the time and it pisses me off.

They work fine for me, never had problem with them. Not really sure what this has to do with BF3, but alright. Shotguns in Black ops had way more range then the shotguns in BF3, so you're kind of wrong in both parts.

11-07-2011, 10:50 AM
It was in relation to the shotgun part of your original post. Anyone remember the overpowered shotguns from the first modern warfare? (I think)

11-07-2011, 02:41 PM
The original post was hinting at how the CoD series has had over powered shotguns in black ops not under powered.

If anything shotguns were underpowered in 4 lol. Wrong again it looks like. MW2 and Black ops were really the only two more modern games that had OP shotguns.

11-07-2011, 02:54 PM
Wait is call of duty modern warfare call of duty 4? I'm confused. Haha. It may hard been modern warfare 2 that had the overpowered shotguns. I had three or four of the call of duty games and I know one is world at war and the others are the modern ones.

11-07-2011, 02:55 PM
CoD 4 is the same as Call of duty modern warfare. The full title on the game was Call of Duty 4; modern warfare

11-07-2011, 02:56 PM
Oh ok. That's why I was always confused when you guys talked about 4.

11-08-2011, 05:06 AM
LOLive done a few of these in BFBC2 mainly knife the front of people an d getting mad at people with helicopters and no 11 killstreak