View Full Version : Black Friday

11-25-2011, 11:18 AM
So did anyone go buy themselves nice stuff???

I went to Walmart and watched the masses kill each other, had a good laugh then went to the mall :D 2 jeans (1 for free) then i spent like 200$ at Abercombie :shocked: my money :'(

11-25-2011, 12:04 PM
I did not. haha simple as that I guess

11-25-2011, 12:38 PM
My gf needed some pants and some other things and old navy was having a nice sale. 40 dollar pants for 15. We showed up at 11 and there was like 100 people people in line, so we were like f this lets eat at Denny's which in turn was packed and took forever to eat. By the time we got out of Denny's it was 1 and we went back and there was still a line. I can only assume they were limiting the # of people in the store. They were giving out cameras to people that spent over 40 to lol. Limited #, but eh a free 12 mp Kodak is a nice consolation for whomever was silly enough to wait in line

11-25-2011, 12:49 PM
my mom wanted this digital frame back in the 4th of July sale on Newegg but it was sold out by the time I got there, it was $45. Just bought a better one for her for $30.

Also got me a new PC tool set. I have a small one right now but it's just screw driver bits and tweezers, the new one has pliers, Allen wrenches, and some other stuff. Plus, I lost a lot of the screw driver bits from my old set somehow.

Also renewed a bunch of domains through Namecheap from their 6AM offer (I actually woke up at 6AM).

Looking for more stuff that would be useful. But I may wait for Cyber Monday to see what else is there. There are no good hard drives on sale, otherwise I would have jumped on that too. I need some extra ones for backups.

11-25-2011, 02:59 PM
I'm waiting for cyber monday since I'm Canadian ;p
I wanna check out graphics cards and external hard drives. Maybe a tv but I might just wait for Boxing Day.

11-25-2011, 03:01 PM
I'm waiting for cyber monday since I'm Canadian ;p
I wanna check out graphics cards and external hard drives. Maybe a tv but I might just wait for Boxing Day.

And I'll be good with an internal hard drive because I have an enclosure that I can use (or if I can find a cheap one online, I'll get that too). I really want one of those enclosures where you can store like 2-4 hard drives. Turn it into a backup storage server or something. Put 4 2tb hard drives in there and call it a day.

11-25-2011, 03:05 PM
Augh I can only dream of that D: I don't have the room. I just want a nice little portable 1tb. I've got a bigger one but I want to have that hooked up to my desktop all the time and use the new one to go from laptop to desktop and so on.

11-25-2011, 03:36 PM
Augh I can only dream of that D: I don't have the room. I just want a nice little portable 1tb. I've got a bigger one but I want to have that hooked up to my desktop all the time and use the new one to go from laptop to desktop and so on.

Actually they're not that big, here is one: Newegg.com - Intel AXX4DRV3GR 4-Drive SASSATA Expander Enclosure (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817995046)

The problem is that they are too expensive for me right now, $77 for this plus more for 4 hard drives, no moola for that.

Gotta play the lottery again!

11-25-2011, 10:40 PM
We don't have Black Friday in Canada...

Although at HMV we had a scratch and save deal thing to kinda compete with people border hopping for Best Buy deals, lol. So got some cash off a few movies and box sets for Christmas presents which was alright.

11-25-2011, 10:49 PM
but you guys have boxing day, its similar to black friday right? in a way?
other than that, I spent my money on gifts for friends, cause to me, -- giving is much better than taking. its something new that I wanna do this year.

for myself, nothing really. don't know if you count new socks. haha.

11-25-2011, 10:53 PM
its something new that I wanna do this year.

The year's nearly over so :p

11-25-2011, 11:06 PM
hmm... friday... yea i was playing in my pc at first then after an hour i was still playing and after 2 hours i was still playing and after that by 3 hours i was suprisingly.... "still playing and after that by 5 hours i remembered that its bed time and gone to sleep and my problem is that my dream was just like my day just playing till i woke up and said dammit wth!!! is going on with me >.<

11-26-2011, 12:25 AM
but you guys have boxing day, its similar to black friday right? in a way?
other than that, I spent my money on gifts for friends, cause to me, -- giving is much better than taking. its something new that I wanna do this year.

for myself, nothing really. don't know if you count new socks. haha.

Wait the States don't? Wow that throws me off I thought you guys did.

Yeah I guess it is kinda like Black Friday. I don't think either should be allowed, though. You should be spending the holidays with family and friends. HMV is pretty corporate, but they do give Christmas off unlike Wal-Mart (which is total crap) but all staff is mandatory boxing day. All I wanna do is chill at home with the family but nope. Retail sucks lol.

11-26-2011, 01:08 AM
Canada kinddddddddd of has black friday. La Senza had some black friday deals but they sucked. It's like a tiny version of it.
Boxing day is essentially the same (deal day), but no where near as crazy.

11-26-2011, 09:29 AM
I got a good deal on Deus ex HR and Skyrim. Slowly feeling my social life slipping away

11-26-2011, 10:08 AM
Canada kinddddddddd of has black friday. La Senza had some black friday deals but they sucked. It's like a tiny version of it.
Boxing day is essentially the same (deal day), but no where near as crazy.

Kiddingggg. It's nowhere near as bad as Black Friday (actual physical violence over stupid crap to save $15 bucks,) but still bad. I remember hour long lineups and that's in a smaller city. Even then though, we'd always try and wait until the 28-29 to go buy stuff, less support for the corporations to keep going. It'll never happen but can always hope.

11-26-2011, 10:27 AM
The year's nearly over so :p

I know man, but its like every year, friends either give/dont give, but I Felt I wanna change it up a bit you know? haha

11-26-2011, 06:24 PM
Snagged a few good online deals, but I never go out on Black Friday.. for me, it's just not worth dealing with the crazy mob.

Friend of mine was out all night and all she got was a fancy notebook o0

11-26-2011, 06:33 PM
Snagged a few good online deals, but I never go out on Black Friday.. for me, it's just not worth dealing with the crazy mob.

I got mean mugged more times in one night than I have my entire life. Lotsa bros trying to get their cheap xbox.

11-26-2011, 11:44 PM
I go out and more for entertainment purposes then actually buying things.

The deals Are not actually THAT great to bust out someones car window over a parking spot (yes i witnessed this then we proceeded to steal there spot). Cyber Monday is a hell of a lot more convenient.