View Full Version : Saph's back, perhaps.

12-04-2011, 03:33 PM
Believe it or not, I've decided to see how this old cauldron has cooled down over the months.

Not sure if I'll ever be as active as I was before, or care quite as much about impressing, as I saw what it got me before. Feeling I had done alot, and felt cast aside quite easily, but nevermind that imho, it's way the hell in the past as far as I'm concerned.

Been trying to catch Dili, Muffin, Linux and the others on LoL here and there but I never got any response, atleast not a nice one or a recent one, so I kinda gave up on that.

Now I just wondered if it wasn't time to try again, see if there're actually still people here who remember me, or even give a **** about me in general, really. Either way, I'm back, like it or not.


12-04-2011, 03:34 PM
Welcome back, even though I don't know you as you were active in my time of inactive

12-04-2011, 03:50 PM
Welcome back Saph, I wondered if you were going to come back.

But Im glad you came back and I hope it will work better this time :)

12-04-2011, 03:55 PM
Hello again.

12-04-2011, 05:08 PM
Been trying to catch Dili, Muffin, Linux and the others on LoL here and there but I never got any response, atleast not a nice one or a recent one, so I kinda gave up on that.

Are you trying to defame us on your first post back? I really object to you saying you "never got a nice response" from me, Dili, or Linux. I doubt Dili or Linux would be rude like that, and I am hardly ever on LoL. I really don't appreciate it, especially after how you left and the things you said about us.

Welcome back.

12-04-2011, 05:49 PM
Are you trying to defame us on your first post back? I really object to you saying you "never got a nice response" from me, Dili, or Linux. I doubt Dili or Linux would be rude like that, and I am hardly ever on LoL. I really don't appreciate it, especially after how you left and the things you said about us.

Welcome back.

Disagreement and scrutiny on my first day? Wow, that was quick.

Linux never messaged me, Dili said some pretty damned nasty stuff, believe it or not, I have to prove nothing. And I don't appreciate the fact that after months your opinion of me is based on 2 days over what seems like many months of positive interaction.

You can object all you want, it doesn't change the fact that it's true. I didn't get any responses, and the ones I did get were old, and they were pretty damned upsetting to read, deal with it.

And thank you.

12-04-2011, 05:56 PM
Disagreement and scrutiny on my first day? Wow, that was quick.

Linux never messaged me, Dili said some pretty damned nasty stuff, believe it or not, I have to prove nothing. And I don't appreciate the fact that after months your opinion of me is based on 2 days over what seems like many months of positive interaction.

You can object all you want, it doesn't change the fact that it's true. I didn't get any responses, and the ones I did get were old, and they were pretty damned upsetting to read, deal with it.

And thank you.

Why wouldn't I scrutinize you when the first thing you do is attack me and another mod, and the admin of the site? I haven't had any contact with you, and yet you attack me in your first post back.

I think it's hardly necessary to put something like that in your first post back, especially with how you left. You said a lot of things that were completely unacceptable. Now, it seems like you aren't making any effort to act any differently.

All I am saying is that it's really rude of you to say you want to come back and then immediately turn around and insult us. Just because someone doesn't respond doesn't mean they are being jerks.

Had you not attacked me or others in your post, I wouldn't have said anything. However, I think it is completely acceptable for me to call it out.

12-04-2011, 08:14 PM
Alot of things were done by you guys that were unacceptable as well.

Whatever, not coming back, forget I was ever here.

12-04-2011, 08:46 PM


You removed us from your friends list on LoL last I remember, so none of us had any contact with you since you left.

And if I recall correctly, you only had issues with that LoL thread that you opened about being banned for having a few leaves. Other than that you were fine, but you exploded on that topic.

And Bye?

12-04-2011, 09:38 PM

That didn't take long.

12-04-2011, 10:55 PM

12-05-2011, 07:42 AM

lol'd hard.

Well that was interesting.

12-05-2011, 09:05 AM
Welcome Saph. And goodbye maybe? I think you were gone before I arrived…. but in this single post I’ve noticed already that you make things interesting lol

12-05-2011, 06:21 PM
Welcome Saph. And goodbye maybe? I think you were gone before I arrived…. but in this single post I’ve noticed already that you make things interesting lol

@Linux: That might be. Could be I did it in a fit of rage and forgot later, my mistake if that's the case

@Mizel: Yeah I was gone before you arrived. And I did make things interesting. Infact, people seem to ban people if they're feeling unfairly treated, which I did. I have 1 rep box, I used to have 3, because of me not agreeing that The Dark Knight is a good batman movie. Pointless I know, but people such as Muffincat find it hard to let go of things(As her first post to me in months can hint on). I say it's way the hell in the past and ready to start fresh, I get a ***** response for my open mindedness.

The more I've thought about it, the more I've noticed. What, other than defending my own dignity, did I do to deserve to get banned? I didnt harass anybody, I didn't post a link titled boobs.com that led to a virus that turned your webcam on so I can see you when you're on. All I did, was respond accordingly to the unacceptable behavior of all who seemed to think it was okay to insult me.

But like I said before(And it was COMPLETELY ignored, so I bite as I've been bitten), It's all way the hell in the past as far as I'm concerned.

12-05-2011, 07:22 PM
Well im glad you are back. :P

Even though i wasnt part of that whole pointless rage discussion i could see all the viewpoints. (Of course it's easier to be impartial when one isnt part of the discussion).

So how about you all forget about the past and suck it up so we can all go back to beeing friends. :)

12-05-2011, 09:48 PM
I'm willing to do that, 100%

12-05-2011, 11:12 PM
Welcome back Saph.
Hopefully we can all remain civil in this thread.

12-06-2011, 12:09 PM
Well im glad you are back. :P

Even though i wasnt part of that whole pointless rage discussion i could see all the viewpoints. (Of course it's easier to be impartial when one isnt part of the discussion).

So how about you all forget about the past and suck it up so we can all go back to beeing friends. :)

I back that up totally.

12-06-2011, 05:04 PM

12-07-2011, 07:22 PM
Hey man, welcome back !

12-08-2011, 12:21 PM
Saph, just drop it. If you want to be accepted here, just come back and post like nothing ever happened. It is definitely in the past, but you're bringing it back to the present. If you want people to respect you on this site then stop complaining all the time.

I agree with what muffin said, to a degree. You could have just as easily said "I tried contacting muffin, dili, linux on LoL but that didn't work too well" and gotten the same point across without offending anybody.

Just be respectful and things will go fine. It doesn't matter why you were banned, it doesn't matter if people were rude in the past. Just be respectful and try not to get upset if somebody's viewpoint disagrees with yours, and we will all welcome you back with open arms.

^not tryin to sound like i'm starting anything, but i'm also not tryin to sugar coat it.

Just try to have fun :P


I'm willing to do that, 100%

I didn't see this at first lol. Looks like you're already on the right page. good :)