View Full Version : Do you have to have played the previous elder scrolls games to understand skyrim?

12-27-2011, 07:56 AM
I like the look of it but have never played the others. Will I be ok following the story or will I get lost?

12-27-2011, 01:18 PM
None of them have anything to do with each other, they're just similar in gameplay. So yes, you can play Skyrim without ever having touched any of the others.

12-27-2011, 01:23 PM
None of them have anything to do with each other, they're just similar in gameplay. So yes, you can play Skyrim without ever having touched any of the others.

That's not entirely true since all the games take place in a different province of Tamrial so it's pretty much like the fallout series. Same universe/planet just different locations.

You don't need to play any past ones but a lot of familiar names and even characters tend to pop up sometimes.

12-27-2011, 05:53 PM
Its not needed, however if you play the other games you might understand som more about the background lore(but you can as well read up on internet if you have the need)

12-27-2011, 07:20 PM
Its like not watching star wars then playing a star wars games. You might not get some of the inside jokes but its still a lot of fun.

12-27-2011, 08:37 PM
That's not entirely true since all the games take place in a different province of Tamrial so it's pretty much like the fallout series. Same universe/planet just different locations.

You don't need to play any past ones but a lot of familiar names and even characters tend to pop up sometimes.

err....close enough haha.

But no, its not like Metal Gear Solid where the games are heavily reliant on having played the previous game

12-27-2011, 09:30 PM
Well pretty much like everyone else has said, you don't need to have played the others ones and quite frankly if you start playing them you run the risk of getting too engaged in them and not having time for Skyrim

01-04-2012, 10:38 PM
Being an Elder Scrolls fan, and a huge lore nerd, I will admit that the games are never connected in story and most of the lore in past games has been retconned

01-05-2012, 09:18 AM
The lore is mostly similar (there are some inconsistencies.) But the stories are separate so you don't need to play any of the previous ones. Although I'd play morrowind cause that's my favorite one. Best elder scrolls in my opinion. And I can't get arena or daggerfall to work.

01-05-2012, 10:02 AM
This is good to know actually, since I received Skyrim for Christmas and haven't ever played any of the games prior. Lol. Woot. Good topic.

01-16-2012, 08:34 PM
I noticed that there may have been a reference or two to some other Elder Scrolls like Oblivion but one can certainly play without ever have played any of the previous games. Then again... I've never really played ANY of them myself I don't know too much about them at all.

01-16-2012, 10:17 PM
as long a you can take the arrow to the knee you should be fine :p

02-05-2012, 05:35 AM
You don't need to play any past ones but a lot of familiar names and even characters tend to pop up sometimes.

02-06-2012, 02:39 AM
Oh my gosh... the arrow to the knee joke was great at first but it is now SO overused that I get a bit of a headache every time I hear/see it now. T_T Can I take an arrow to the eyes and in both ears now?

02-06-2012, 04:23 AM
-___- seriously.... lol it doesnt bother me :D nd no sir hmm oh were u a female?? ehh dont matter.. lmao ANYWAYS, nah u didnt need to play the others 2 understand the story cuz its completely different age so juxx like new ^___^

03-02-2012, 07:47 AM
Heh, no, I'm male I assure you. But I've been catching myself using "blaster pistol to the knee" references in SW:TOR so I no longer can say anything about that overused joke. :(

04-22-2012, 01:28 PM
I think you might enjoy Skyrim as an introductory game. I started with Oblivion and I hate the leveling system. Skyrim is worth playing and you won't miss out on anything, so go for it!

05-17-2012, 03:42 PM
Well I started off with Skyrim, and I would advise you if you started off with it.. to then go back and start from the beginning. It's just fun to play them all though, trust me :D

05-17-2012, 05:30 PM
You have to have played previous elder scrolls in order to understand why its a little disappointing. But other than that no.

05-24-2012, 07:28 PM
No you don't need to but i would recommend it.