View Full Version : Waste of time with TWC

01-10-2012, 02:53 AM
warning - vent thread.

It's almost 4 AM and I was on the phone with Time Warner Cable for almost 2 hours trying to find out if there was an internet outage in my area. While on the phone, I figured out that there was an outage (don't ask me how) but the 3 people I was transferred to insisted it's my hardware so they kept asking me to reboot everything...like I'm gonna listen to them.

This all happened right in the middle of me taking a test with the IRS (long story for another day) and I got kicked off right in the middle and that's really frustrating.

So in the 2 hours, they "established" that it was my hardware and scheduled an appointment for a tech to come on December 18th (yes, 9 days away) and said that I will have no internet for that time. How do you tell Linux that he won't have internet for 9 days? That's...suicidal. So I yelled at her and she said to call back in the morning to try to get someone to come in right away.

15 minutes after I hung up, internet started to slowly come back. I'm lagging like crap right now but at least I can surf the web. It's almost 4 and I am way too tired to take the test again, I had other plans tomorrow but I guess I need to re-plan everything.


Those guys seriously need tech savvy reps. Last dozen times I've called, I knew what the problem was and I even told them how/where to fix it, but they never listen. It's always with the rebooting and elevator music.

/vent thread

01-10-2012, 09:30 AM
I'm sorry, Linux :(

I hate TWC and I never want to have them again :| They have pretty poor service :/

01-10-2012, 09:32 AM
yikes that sucks i dont have it here thank god you shoud work there as a rep as you know more then them :p

01-10-2012, 10:08 AM
That’s the *worst* when you know what the problem is and they make you run through the same steps a dozen times. So frustrating. Hope you get it all worked out :(

01-10-2012, 10:48 AM
I have satellite internet. When its cold or cloudy it runs really slow. And its always either cold or cloudy.

01-10-2012, 12:52 PM
The net is fully back now but it set me back almost a day. Won't take my test until later this week, have to focus on other things. I'm just glad I finished 2 out of the 3 tests yesterday so that's less pressure.

I'm sorry, Linux :(

I hate TWC and I never want to have them again :| They have pretty poor service :/

I hate them too :( but it's a monopoly here, no other cables services available. If I switch, I can only switch to verizon and that's a downgrade on my speed since it'll be a 3mbps dsl line (compared to my current 10mbps).

Makes me mad. I wanna move. Somewhere with FIOS already available.

That’s the *worst* when you know what the problem is and they make you run through the same steps a dozen times. So frustrating. Hope you get it all worked out :(

It really is frustrating, especially when you get bounced from one rep to another and they try to make you do the same thing over and over again and it's 3 AM and you're tired and cranky.

The techs that come to your house are probably the only ones who know what they are doing so I enjoy talking to them, the last time someone came, I was showing him the new PC I built (wasn't my PC) and he gave me a new modem. But I wasn't gonna wait 9 days for this one. I probably would have downgraded to DSL if I had to.

01-10-2012, 01:03 PM
It really is frustrating, especially when you get bounced from one rep to another and they try to make you do the same thing over and over again and it's 3 AM and you're tired and cranky.

The techs that come to your house are probably the only ones who know what they are doing so I enjoy talking to them, the last time someone came, I was showing him the new PC I built (wasn't my PC) and he gave me a new modem. But I wasn't gonna wait 9 days for this one. I probably would have downgraded to DSL if I had to.

I went through the same thing with Verizon with the last cell I had. They sent me to 4 different techs… they *each* had me factory reset, reboot, take the battery out, blah blah blah despite having already done it with each previous tech. When I got the fourth tech I lost it…. however I got a free phone upgrade, a monthly discount and $130 off my bill :D

I mean, I feel bad because they are just doing their job… but once you’ve tried something, there’s no need to keep having you repeatedly try the same thing over and over. That’s just ridiculous. And no, I wouldn’t wait 9 days either. That’s unacceptable. And if I did decide to wait that long, you better believe Id be getting some month for free outta that haha :P And you know things are rough when you actually get to the point of contemplating DSL ;)

01-10-2012, 07:42 PM
I hate them too :( but it's a monopoly here, no other cables services available. If I switch, I can only switch to verizon and that's a downgrade on my speed since it'll be a 3mbps dsl line (compared to my current 10mbps).

Makes me mad. I wanna move. Somewhere with FIOS already available.

Come live with Dili and I :3

We have FIOS here :D

I'm surprised it's not more available in NYC, though o.o

01-10-2012, 07:53 PM
Let me pack my things.