View Full Version : Help Me For article; Can women play computer?

01-10-2012, 03:09 PM
Racism Everywhere!

01-10-2012, 05:28 PM
im not 18 im only 13 and im tired and sick today but i can awnser a few if thats okay also welcome to the forum hope you enjoy your time hope you stay for more than just this :)

01-10-2012, 05:32 PM
Pretty offensive line of questions

01-10-2012, 05:57 PM
1: I think women should be able to play whatever they want Eben if its a "man's" game
More coming later

01-10-2012, 07:14 PM
yes obviously if they put the time into it

although i would be very pissed if i lost to a girl on a console game

01-10-2012, 07:52 PM
wait...... is this a joke?

01-11-2012, 03:49 AM
Sorry I can't complete this, as I am a female. Btw- there are numerous spelling mistakes in your post, which makes your approach look a bit unprofessional. Advice- spell-check before posting, as people will be more likely to take you and your research more seriously.
All the best, Yasdnil

01-11-2012, 05:08 AM
This post looks a little strange, and you only got one post, also why is this only for males?

But for the record, no I dont have anything against female gamers.

01-11-2012, 07:29 AM
I think as long as they make my sandwich before they sit down to play video games then it's okay.

01-11-2012, 08:02 AM
I think as long as they make my sandwich before they sit down to play video games then it's okay.

:laugh1:v amusing

01-11-2012, 08:31 AM
Sorry I can't complete this, as I am a female. Btw- there are numerous spelling mistakes in your post, which makes your approach look a bit unprofessional. Advice- spell-check before posting, as people will be more likely to take you and your research more seriously.
All the best, Yasdnil

Lol English isn’t necessarily every single person in this forums first language ;)

I think as long as they make my sandwich before they sit down to play video games then it's okay.


01-11-2012, 12:52 PM
I don't know, but this seems like a troll to me. In case it isn't, I'm not going to answer your questions one by one, but I'll just say: YES, it is okay for women to play computer "men" games. And I don't see the point in asking a question such as this one. It's a matter of personal preference wether you're going to play COD or Barbie. And why would developers need to change the gameplay of already awesome games so that women would feel more welcome. There are a lot of girly and a lot of "men" games out there. No one's forcing you to play either of them and you can choose which ones you like.

01-11-2012, 05:23 PM
Lol English isn’t necessarily every single person in this forums first language ;)

Should be. Ha.

This thread conversation is on the fence between absolute stupidity and sexism.

Obviously, women can play games.
Obviously, we don't care if women do.
And I work for the Army -- you want a woman who can cuss and spit like a man, we have plenty. So that's out the window.

01-11-2012, 05:47 PM
[QUOTE=Mizel;309757]Lol English isn’t necessarily every single person in this forums first language ;)

its not mine :p

01-12-2012, 08:30 AM
[QUOTE=Mizel;309757]Lol English isn’t necessarily every single person in this forums first language ;)

its not mine :p

Exactly. Doesn’t bother me one bit. I enjoy having different people from all across the world in here :)

This thread is def ridonk and sexist…. however amusing nonetheless xD

01-12-2012, 12:19 PM
Can this thread just be closed?
Troll or not its just offensive lmao

01-12-2012, 04:01 PM
Maybe this thread is just a government test to see how freethinking we are. O_O

01-13-2012, 05:14 PM
Since there have been no men answering these questions, I'm going to ... yes I'm a woman... take the answers or leave them... I don't care...

Q 1;
Is it right for women to play the same computergames as men do or do they belong in a kitchen? (Why?) My computer is in the kitchen. Win/Win. However is Mr. Shixx wants a sandwich while I'm power leveling, he's out of luck.

Q 2;
Do you think its awkward or wierd when you meet a female gameplayer in the gaming world? (Why/why not?) I don't find it awkward... but like I said, I'm a woman so....

Q 3;
Is it wierd or cool that women play the same computergames as men? (Why/why not?)Nope.

Q 4;
Do you think that computergames like WoW, CoD, or L4D is designed modtly for men? (Why/why not?) It's *mostly* and "computergames" should be two words. Also... I rock at CoD and L4D.

Q 5;
Do you think we should stop developing the same classic roleplay games and try making a more girly version or would enough to chance the choice of marketing, so women can feel more welcome in the gaming world? Women gamers are quite at home with the gameplay the way it is now... if they get offended, they probably do really just belong in the kitchen.

Q 6;
Do you think that women performs In-game tasks ans quests differently than men would do, or would they basically do the same? It's *and* and of course we do it differently. We do it the smart way.

Q 7;
Is it OK for women to care just as much for a game as men can do? - Is it OK for them to stare at their screens for hours while screaming, "Die! Die, mother****er!"? I'd hope so. I do it all the time...

Q 8;
The female gamer you have met - do they ask for special treatment because of their gender? None that I've met.

Q 9;
How do you think the gamingworld can make the females feel more welcome and encourage them to play the same games as men do? Like I said earlier.. if they get offended.....

Q 10;
Why do you play computer and why do you think women does? I play because it's fun, gives me a chance to hang out with my friends, and ya know... Mr. Shixx.

Q 11;
Has it become a trend for girls to play the 'geekt boy games'? Define "geekt boy games"

Q 12;
A lot of roleplay games is presented by a young looking girl with nearly no clothes left on, and their titties are 3 times than realistic. - Do you get tempted to play by the presentation of the game or the media and your friends description of the game?... What? Also... who says women don't like to play games where the characters are gorgeous big breasted women?? Most women I know who are gamers are like... "I'd totally hit that."

01-14-2012, 03:23 PM
At the cost of being called out for spam that was an awesome set of answers damage and I'll answer the questions when I get to a comp. :p

01-14-2012, 05:52 PM
Hi, guys. So I'm writing this article about women playing computergames. Is it OK or not? I'm trying not to look at this from my own perspective (women), and to see it through the eyes of men. I want to know what they're actually walking around thinking about the hole subject. So, if you are a man in the age of 18-40 and an active gamer, I would be really happy if you would help me write my article and answer a few questions I have. Please? I really need this! Thanks!

Q 1;
Is it right for women to play the same computergames as men do or do they belong in a kitchen? (Why?)

Q 2;
Do you think its awkward or wierd when you meet a female gameplayer in the gaming world? (Why/why not?)

Q 3;
Is it wierd or cool that women play the same computergames as men? (Why/why not?)

Q 4;
Do you think that computergames like WoW, CoD, or L4D is designed modtly for men? (Why/why not?)

Q 5;
Do you think we should stop developing the same classic roleplay games and try making a more girly version or would enough to chance the choice of marketing, so women can feel more welcome in the gaming world?

Q 6;
Do you think that women performs In-game tasks ans quests differently than men would do, or would they basically do the same?

Q 7;
Is it OK for women to care just as much for a game as men can do? - Is it OK for them to stare at their screens for hours while screaming, "Die! Die, mother****er!"?

Q 8;
The female gamer you have met - do they ask for special treatment because of their gender?

Q 9;
How do you think the gamingworld can make the females feel more welcome and encourage them to play the same games as men do?

Q 10;
Why do you play computer and why do you think women does?

Q 11;
Has it become a trend for girls to play the 'geekt boy games'?

Q 12;
A lot of roleplay games is presented by a young looking girl with nearly no clothes left on, and their titties are 3 times than realistic. - Do you get tempted to play by the presentation of the game or the media and your friends description of the game?

Ok, Im going to answer the questions anyway

Q 1 I dont care what games they play, and technicaly Im the one in the kitchen( I am educated as a chef, or something :p) And why wouldnt they be able to play the same games men play, its not like its more dangerous for them.

Q 2 No, I think its fun because its been only guys for so long and its always funny see small boys getting their asses kicked by a girl in halo(or any other game).

Q 3 As a gamer I dont think its weird, and if you meet a girl then I would think its cool if she was a gamer too.

Q4 Many games are aiming for younger males like cod with massive explosions, bad asses and boobs but with that said its not what makes the games funny. People wouldnt play cod if it were bad gameplay and bad mp, and both males as females can have as much fun in the games(and there are many girls that loves big explosions to :p).

Q 5 And what does making a game more girly means? More stereotype things like pink colours and dolls and other pretty stuff that girls like(or atleast every movie maker and toy maker thinks that).

Q 6 I have no idee.

Q 7 If they like it and not ruin the rest of their life(or screaming those words to me) its ok for me.

Q 8 I havnt actually met any "real" female gamers IRL, the few ones that playes any game are only playing the sims or similar. But I dont think so no.

Q 9 I dont think they can do so much more for now. The number of female gamers rises because earlier it has been almost forbidden for females to play games but that is slowly changing, but it can be much better.

Q 10 I play pc because its fun and I think thats the situations for everyone else too, man or woman.

Q 11 uhm wut?

Q 12 I dont get more interested in playing that game, I go after the gameplay not what the characters looks like, but still they might look good (sometimes) but its not like I would buy a game only because there was a sexy girl on it(and mostly they just looks bad with massive ballons that seems to be full of helium or any other gass, I wonder what would happen if you took a needle :p).

01-14-2012, 06:42 PM
1: I don't particularly care if women play games. They can do whatever they want with their life. Although I usually find that women are better at teamwork and are generally less *****y than guys (ironically enough).

2: Not particularly. Generally meeting and playing with women is better (see answer to question 1)

3: Once again I don't care, they are better community players, they can do what they want.

4: I think that a good deal of features are aimed at male gamers, but thats because there is still a much larger number of male gamers than female.

5: To tell the truth I think that making games more girly might be a turnoff for women because its been in my experience that women don't generally like everything being pink in pretty. They like what a lot of guys like (exceptions being sex, some music, twilight :p, etc.).

6: It really depends on the game. Women are generally more strategy oriented, but, like men, different women approach things in different ways.

7: Once again I don't care. If they think screaming at their screen is fun (I myself prefer to start trolling once it gets to that.) then they can do it.

8: No they don't and I don't give any special treatment to them. They usually beat me all the time anyway.

9: See the answer to 5

10: I play games because they provide me entertainment and kill extra time. Just like women! Men and women really aren't that different in their interests nowadays.

11: Your question is very vague. And once again I don't care what women do with their time. Its their time to do things with.

12: I focus more on gameplay than their boobs. See the Soul Caliber boobs thread for our discussions on that. I'm sure women care more about gameplay too and lets face it no one wants to stare at some ugly guy while playing a game.

01-17-2012, 06:52 AM
if she has a pc in the kitchen why not

01-17-2012, 04:30 PM
Well she'd have to have a PC in the bedroom as well!

01-22-2012, 08:47 AM
I am a female in the gaming world, and have been for about 17 years. I've seen and heard it all from male gamers & the fact is females are no different from male gamers. I kick just as much ass if not harder then males & i don't think threads like this are really needed. It's like asking if it's ok for a man to cook in a kitchen...tell that to chefs around the world who make tons of money doing what they do. Women gamers are not "special" or any different from any other gamer.

if she has a pc in the kitchen why not
You're selfish, little boy.

01-22-2012, 08:54 AM
You're selfish, little boy.

Im pretty sure that's just harmless humor considering the stupidity of the topic at hand. :P

Also please don't doublepost, rather edit your previous one. :)

01-22-2012, 09:04 AM
Im pretty sure that's just harmless humor considering the stupidity of the topic at hand. :P

Also please don't doublepost, rather edit your previous one. :)

I'm new so obviously i'm getting use to the forum. If you think this topic was stupid & you add to the stupidity of it, who's being stupid? Really... Forum after forum is the same thing & sexist little "jokes" about women gamers are old and foolish. Time to grow up gamer boys, move over & make room for more serious game time.

01-22-2012, 09:18 AM
um lady i think you have us wrong we have a varitiy of female and male gamers and because the person of this thread was a troll we kinda just took over with jokes that ment nothing.

01-22-2012, 09:21 AM
um lady i think you have us wrong we have a varitiy of female and male gamers and because the person of this thread was a troll we kinda just took over with jokes that ment nothung and if you did read a post up somwhere mizle a girl gamer said she had a computer in the kitchen the point of that joke.

Another point forums like this want to appeal to gamers to join & having threads like this isn't a great first impression. Regardless if it's a joke or not, it has made it's impression & mods should find threads of this nature to be treating to the sites growth. As for this female gamer you speak of, she didn't stand up for herself & that is a shame.

01-22-2012, 09:24 AM
never mmind that must be another post she said that. and no she just has a freaking sense of HUMOR!!!

01-22-2012, 09:26 AM
never mmind that must be another post she said that. and no she just has a freaking sense of HUMOR!!!

It was funny the first time i heard it, yeah...But after years and years of the same joke told over again by thousands of men it loses that spark.

01-22-2012, 09:27 AM
Lol Just..... lol

01-22-2012, 10:02 AM
LADY, please don't attack our members by saying that the male gamers of our forum are sexist. If you look at the responses, most of them are for female gaming. While I disagree with some people's opinions, this thread is not breaking any rules. Think of it as a discussion, and please don't get upset over it. I have similar opinions to you about it, but I don't think this thread merits being deleted.

The original poster is (apparently) female, and trying to see things from a (decidedly sexist) "male" perspective, and is asking for males to answer questions in the kinds of ways that she has probably been exposed to. If I were to ask the questions, I would word them differently.

In any case, the responses to the woman have not been favorable, and I think that is a wonderful testament to our community.

01-22-2012, 10:40 AM
LADY, please don't attack our members by saying that the male gamers of our forum are sexist. If you look at the responses, most of them are for female gaming. While I disagree with some people's opinions, this thread is not breaking any rules. Think of it as a discussion, and please don't get upset over it. I have similar opinions to you about it, but I don't think this thread merits being deleted.

The original poster is (apparently) female, and trying to see things from a (decidedly sexist) "male" perspective, and is asking for males to answer questions in the kinds of ways that she has probably been exposed to. If I were to ask the questions, I would word them differently.

In any case, the responses to the woman have not been favorable, and I think that is a wonderful testament to our community.

Attacking? Stating my own opinion is not attacking. This is forum should be open for discussion & shutting down my debate at attacking members is pretty weak.

01-22-2012, 02:50 PM
While women in the kitchen jokes seem harmless, they add to a lot of trouble females (in general) have. Your opinions get constantly put down and any time you try to defend yourself you just get "GET IN KITCHEN LOOOOOOOOOOOL GUYS I MADE A WOMENS JOKE. IM SUCH A MAN LOL". It's sexism and its trying and its OLD.

I definitely give most of the men on this forum a nice golf clap because I have very rarely seen that sort of crap on GF, which is why I think a lot of females have stayed, and enjoy it here.

But this thread, the nature of the questions are sexist, and women can be sexist too.
I really think the thread should just be taken out to the field and put down.

01-22-2012, 03:49 PM
While women in the kitchen jokes seem harmless, they add to a lot of trouble females (in general) have. Your opinions get constantly put down and any time you try to defend yourself you just get "GET IN KITCHEN LOOOOOOOOOOOL GUYS I MADE A WOMENS JOKE. IM SUCH A MAN LOL". It's sexism and its trying and its OLD.

I definitely give most of the men on this forum a nice golf clap because I have very rarely seen that sort of crap on GF, which is why I think a lot of females have stayed, and enjoy it here.

But this thread, the nature of the questions are sexist, and women can be sexist too.
I really think the thread should just be taken out to the field and put down.
Thank you! I knew i wasn't the only one who saw the logic in my argument behind this thread.

01-22-2012, 03:54 PM
It's funny how this troll account has brought us a 30+ post thread

01-22-2012, 04:27 PM
I'm new so obviously i'm getting use to the forum. If you think this topic was stupid & you add to the stupidity of it, who's being stupid? Really... Forum after forum is the same thing & sexist little "jokes" about women gamers are old and foolish. Time to grow up gamer boys, move over & make room for more serious game time.


I don't even... Add to the stupidity? I was just checking new posts and noticed you doubleposted, while also mentioning that most of the sexist responses on this topic shouldn't be taken seriously.

01-22-2012, 09:05 PM
Attacking? Stating my own opinion is not attacking. This is forum should be open for discussion & shutting down my debate at attacking members is pretty weak.

Calling people stupid and sexist is NOT debating - it is attacking, especially when many of the members have done nothing to provoke it. Please refrain from calling people stupid :)

01-22-2012, 09:14 PM

This is why women should stay in the kitchen.


01-22-2012, 09:47 PM
This thread does not need to be deleted or closed, lots of people post lots of things on the internet all the time and participating in an open online forum comes with a lot of practice of taking everything with a grain of salt, stating an opinion can be the same or different from attacking someone, repeating an opinion is usually fruitless, and I'm sorry to anyone that may have felt hurt by anything they read in this thread.

All that moddy mumbo jumbo aside, as a 22/male, these are my answers to the OP's questions:

Q 1;
Is it right for women to play the same computergames as men do or do they belong in a kitchen? (Why?)

What? ... What?

Q 2;
Do you think its awkward or wierd when you meet a female gameplayer in the gaming world? (Why/why not?)

No, even more so in these past handful of years we've seen general trends where girls as gamers is particularly "normal".

Q 3;
Is it wierd or cool that women play the same computergames as men? (Why/why not?)

You misspelled "weird" - you see, the rule goes "I before E except after..."... wait... I was never good at school, anyway.

Oh, it's cool to me because I have more friends to play games with

Q 4;
Do you think that computergames like WoW, CoD, or L4D is designed modtly for men? (Why/why not?)

Somewhat because they capitalize on some chauvinistic themes (painting with dangerously broad strokes here).

Q 5;
Do you think we should stop developing the same classic roleplay games and try making a more girly version or would enough to chance the choice of marketing, so women can feel more welcome in the gaming world?

I think women are completely welcome in the gaming world as they have made themselves completely at home.

Q 6;
Do you think that women performs In-game tasks ans quests differently than men would do, or would they basically do the same?

varies from game to game and gets into deep psychological inquiry

Q 7;
Is it OK for women to care just as much for a game as men can do? - Is it OK for them to stare at their screens for hours while screaming, "Die! Die, mother****er!"?

I don't think anyone should game for too long and lose touch with reality, though I do all the time, and I also think that it isn't healthy for anyone to scream "die, die, mother ****er" for hours on end, though I do from time to time.

Q 8;
The female gamer you have met - do they ask for special treatment because of their gender?

No - in fact I find more often that they are frustrated that they are given special treatment before they have a say in the matter.

Q 9;
How do you think the gamingworld can make the females feel more welcome and encourage them to play the same games as men do?

less threads like this

Q 10;
Why do you play computer and why do you think women does?

I play computer games because they are one of my preferred forms of entertainment. I expect that, while women are mystical creatures outside my comprehension, they play games for a similar reason.

Q 11;
Has it become a trend for girls to play the 'geekt boy games'?

I'm uncomfortable that I want to say "yes" to this question

Q 12;
A lot of roleplay games is presented by a young looking girl with nearly no clothes left on, and their titties are 3 times than realistic. - Do you get tempted to play by the presentation of the game or the media and your friends description of the game?

no, this usually turns me off to a game because I know that's how they're trying to sell it and the actual game content is likely suffering

01-22-2012, 10:10 PM
People still beating this dead horse, eh? Why no /endthread?

01-23-2012, 08:52 AM
Calling people stupid and sexist is NOT debating - it is attacking, especially when many of the members have done nothing to provoke it. Please refrain from calling people stupid :)

I wasn't calling him out on being stupid it was made as a question..yet you are quoting my post attacking me for attacking. if i were trolling in the first place, it'd be safe to say PLEASE DON'T FEED THE TROLLS. This site it a fail & i am moving onto the next.

01-23-2012, 09:19 AM
I wasn't calling him out on being stupid it was made as a question..yet you are quoting my post attacking me for attacking. if i were trolling in the first place, it'd be safe to say PLEASE DON'T FEED THE TROLLS. This site it a fail & i am moving onto the next.

Bye then. Shame to lose a female gamer

Yasdnil (female gamer with one less female gamer friend) :(

01-23-2012, 03:52 PM
Well on the subject of sexism I don't think small jokes make you sexist. I'm sure we have all poked fun at our friends and at each other on the forum but that doesn't make us sexists or mean. We are a community and we are somewhat close so you'll get teasing and joking all the time, but its not something that should be taken seriously. Look at some of the threads I'm in. I joke around a good deal but but I still support women gamers. Don't take everything you see here or anywhere on the internet seriously cause just like real life people like to joke around.

01-23-2012, 08:18 PM
Whoa whoa whoa. What kind of sick life are you living, joking around?? Jeez.

But yes, I concur. Things are too easily taken out of context. I have that problem a lot xD

01-23-2012, 08:28 PM
lol tbh ive never seen somone get 2 red bars that fast :P kinda funny

01-23-2012, 09:11 PM
Haha I missed that. Think she raged? Anyway I do hope she comes back. We could always use more members. As long as they don't complain so much :p

01-23-2012, 09:22 PM
ya i didnt mind her she was pretty nice and liked fps my fav

01-23-2012, 09:34 PM
Winder if she supported women playing video games? :p

01-24-2012, 12:20 AM
I do have to say that this was quite an interesting read! Although I do have to admit... female gamers... male gamers... they're all the same to me. =/ Although coming from a gay guy's perspective, it's easy to see it from both points of views I suppose. :P

EDIT: I just realized I said Although twice. =/

01-24-2012, 10:10 PM
Haha I missed that. Think she raged? Anyway I do hope she comes back. We could always use more members. As long as they don't complain so much :p

woah i missed this i belive the proper term would be rage quit :P but ya if she came back that would be nice.

01-25-2012, 02:45 PM
1. I don't really care if the person I'm playing a game with is a man or a woman, as long as they play well. Women can choose to play any type of game they want, even one that's been created and designed for male gamers. As long as they enjoy it, they enjoy spending time playing computer games I don't see why that would bother me.

2. No, I don't think it's weird meeting a female gamer, I know quite a few.

3. It's neither weird, nor cool, is just a person who enjoys playing computer games.

4. Not necessarily, I know a lot of women who love playing wow.

5. I don't see why women can't feel welcomed in the game world right now. Some women enjoy going to clubs, other enjoy playing a computer game. The same goes for men.

6. Haven't noticed any differences between a women's gaming style and a man's.

7. Why not? if they feel like it. As long as it doesn't bother the neighbors.

8. No.

9. I don't see why that has to be an issue. Women are free to play whatever game they want, I'm sure there are games out there designed especially for women (sims comes to mind), it doesn't mean men can't feel welcomed to play sims or women can't play CoD. It's a matter of taste I guess.

10. I just like to unwind, relax, sometimes it's even a social experience (if it's multiplayer). It's also fun, I guess. I don't think women play for other reasons.

11. I don't know if it's a trend or not.

12. Friends

01-08-2013, 03:16 PM
I will say that I find it amazing how a lot of men gamers start drooling at the mouth when the see or meet a female gamer. xD

01-08-2013, 03:21 PM
Female gamers rock!

Unless they're the type of gamer girls that are like.... *OH EM GEE. I want everyone to know that Im a GURLLLL and I'm sooooo much better at gaming than you. OH. And did I mention that I was a GURL? GIVE ME ATTENTION PLZ*


01-08-2013, 03:57 PM
No idea how this thread got by all of the staff.

01-08-2013, 04:17 PM
Right?! That kills me too but I won't lie. I love having a female character in any given MMO and then all of a sudden I'm getting attention, help, and free stuff just because people are assuming I'm female. Something about the way I talk or type must be feminine. :P

01-08-2013, 04:21 PM
oh man I had completely forgotten about this thread, now I will have nightmares again. :(

01-08-2013, 04:26 PM
What?! Why? Hahaha O_o

01-08-2013, 05:04 PM
What?! Why? Hahaha O_o

The thread is just so god damn stupid and IQ liberated. :p

01-09-2013, 09:23 AM
Right?! That kills me too but I won't lie. I love having a female character in any given MMO and then all of a sudden I'm getting attention, help, and free stuff just because people are assuming I'm female. Something about the way I talk or type must be feminine. :P
LMAO That reminds me.... I have a char on WoW named MizShagwell (like from Austin Powers). All I have to do is walk into a major city and guys are like whispering me "can I add you to my friends list" and stuff. Ah, it's actually really sad but works to my benefit LOL

01-13-2013, 02:51 PM
If a woman puts her mind to it she can make it snow in summer. That is what I heard, but women can be really stubborn, I have seen.

01-14-2013, 03:11 PM
I would really love to see that happen. O_O Make her come to eastern North Carolina please. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-23-2013, 12:12 PM
So I am guessing you are single, no?

I think as long as they make my sandwich before they sit down to play video games then it's okay.

01-23-2013, 01:23 PM
So I am guessing you are single, no?
That made me laugh so much.

01-23-2013, 01:24 PM
Hey, some women like a man that tells them what to do :P

01-23-2013, 01:26 PM
So I am guessing you are single, no?

Hey, some women like a man that tells them what to do :P

Those men need a strong black woman in their life. :p

01-23-2013, 01:28 PM
My best friend is actually one of those people. She loves her bf to tell her she's worthless and to go make/do stuff for him. I don't get it, but it works for them. I, on the other hand, prefer to be the one in charge LOL :P

01-23-2013, 02:26 PM
My guess is he surely could not handle a strong woman of any color. I visualize him cowering in a corner as she takes his sandwich and force feeds it to him. "How's that for a bologna sandwich?!"

Those men need a strong black woman in their life. :p

01-23-2013, 03:36 PM
Hold the bologna and give me some turkey. Prefer on wheat bread with lettuce and mustard. Can you cut it in half like a triangle for me with the crust cut off, thanks.


01-23-2013, 03:40 PM
Ya'll are stupid. Lol I love it. <3

01-24-2013, 11:03 AM
You're killing me! :laugh1:

Hold the bologna and give me some turkey. Prefer on wheat bread with lettuce and mustard. Can you cut it in half like a triangle for me with the crust cut off, thanks.


01-24-2013, 03:51 PM

01-24-2013, 04:28 PM
what a hell...

01-24-2013, 11:04 PM
My kitchen is THE WORLD

*war face*

01-24-2013, 11:10 PM


01-24-2013, 11:13 PM
Suchhh a great movie. > : )

01-24-2013, 11:15 PM
Im going to need youtube evidence of your war face, or skype evidence.

01-25-2013, 09:37 AM
I'm not really sure I can do that.
It's too dangerous and fearsome.

01-26-2013, 12:54 PM

show me your war face!!!!!!!!!

02-05-2013, 09:28 PM
I might not make a good president of the US but challenge me to some Black Ops and I will make a grown man cry.:p