View Full Version : Top 15 most frustating things in games.

01-26-2012, 03:11 PM
The 15 Most Frustrating Situations in Videogames (Page 3) - Dorkly Article (http://www.dorkly.com/article/31088/the-15-most-frustrating-situations-in-videogames/page:3)

Despite I like this list I would want one more.

Before most bosses there are a small intro movie, often you can click through it but sometimes you cant, and I hate to listen through that dialogue for the fith time because there is a MF BOSS after.

In ME its even worse in one part. Before one boss there is a massive and slow as f*** elevator before the bossfight, and you cant save the game in the elevator so if you die you need to ride the elevator again, and again and agian and again.