View Full Version : Hello from the University of Miami.

02-09-2012, 01:08 AM
First off, My Name is John, I am a 21 year old male, I've been a Gamer as long as I remember. I am a student at University of Miami's Miller School of Medicine. I enjoy cars,Paintball,Firearms for recreational shooting, and of course, Gaming. My favorite game ever is Final Fantasy 7, and I'm looking forward to GTA V to come out. I love Science, but for some reason the average 3rd grader uses better grammar than myself. I currently play the PS3,XBOX360 platforms, and soon on the PC. I decided to get into computer gaming and got a great gaming laptop, due to my schedule I haven't gamed on it yet. Thanks for letting me introduce myself, I think I'm really going to enjoy the forum and contribute as much as I can, this is my first gamers forum and I think I'm going to love it.

02-09-2012, 04:24 AM
Welcome to GF, Im also sure you will love us :D

(blah blah blah generic things blah blah obey rules blah blah blah dont spam blah blah blah pay tribute :p blah blah blah bank codes blah blah blah)

Oh and we are also a little crazy here, dont take everything here to seriously ;).

Anyway Cya on the forum.

02-09-2012, 07:37 AM

Be sure to read the rules (http://gamers-forum.com/showthread.php?t=16470) and check out Gamers-Forum IRC (http://www.gamers-forum.com/showthread.php?t=13264)!

02-09-2012, 08:41 AM
Welcome John. Privileged we could be the ones to break your gaming forum virginity! :)

Wow, going to a School of Medicine I’m surprised you have time for anything :P What kind of laptop did you get? And what type of games are you planning on getting?

See you around ^_^

02-11-2012, 08:50 PM
Thanks for the reply, I'll take it all in stride...hopefully ;-)
Welcome to GF, Im also sure you will love us :D

(blah blah blah generic things blah blah obey rules blah blah blah dont spam blah blah blah pay tribute :p blah blah blah bank codes blah blah blah)

Oh and we are also a little crazy here, dont take everything here to seriously ;).

Anyway Cya on the forum.

02-11-2012, 09:03 PM
Sorry for welcoming you LATE.
Welcome to Gamers-Forum.
Hope you enjoy your stay.

Post. Meet new people and friends.
Contribute if you want, don't be scared to.
Etc etc.

02-11-2012, 11:00 PM
Thanks for the reply, btw, regarding Med. School your absolutely right. Med. students have little to no personal lives. I think it's very important to have some kind of hobby that is not school related, and that's the great thing about gaming. I can literally go from studying to Gaming online in a couple minutes, and then get off and go back to studying. There may be times where I'm not visiting the forum as much as I would like to, but I'll be around :-), regarding my computer, I've got an ASUS G73-JH, 5870M G.C., 8GB Standard Ram, 2x500GB HDD's, haven't had a single problem with it,
Games I want to get into on PC:WoW,Portal2, but to be honest what games are good are one of the reasons I'm here;-) Thanks for the reply
Welcome John. Privileged we could be the ones to break your gaming forum virginity! :)

Wow, going to a School of Medicine I’m surprised you have time for anything :P What kind of laptop did you get? And what type of games are you planning on getting?

See you around ^_^

Thanks for the reply, it kinda hit home for me, when it comes to PC gaming, I am a total noob. So if I say something stupid please forgive me. Once again thanks for the reply.
Sorry for welcoming you LATE.
Welcome to Gamers-Forum.
Hope you enjoy your stay.

Post. Meet new people and friends
Contribute if you want, don't be scared to.
Etc etc.

02-12-2012, 09:42 AM
Hi Anubis! Great name, by the way.

Welcome to the forum, and we don't really like double posting (posting twice in a row fairly close in time to each other), so I'll just get that out of the way ;) Not a big deal, though; I merged your posts for you.

Let us know if you have any questions :)

02-13-2012, 08:43 AM
Thanks for the reply, btw, regarding Med. School your absolutely right. Med. students have little to no personal lives. I think it's very important to have some kind of hobby that is not school related, and that's the great thing about gaming. I can literally go from studying to Gaming online in a couple minutes, and then get off and go back to studying. There may be times where I'm not visiting the forum as much as I would like to, but I'll be around :-), regarding my computer, I've got an ASUS G73-JH, 5870M G.C., 8GB Standard Ram, 2x500GB HDD's, haven't had a single problem with it,
Games I want to get into on PC:WoW,Portal2, but to be honest what games are good are one of the reasons I'm here;-) Thanks for the reply

Well, gaming is an excellent choice of hobby. And we can def help you out on finding some good games! ;)

02-13-2012, 11:40 PM
Welcome Anubi! New to Miami or have you been around?

02-16-2012, 08:03 AM
Hi Anubis! Great name, by the way.

Welcome to the forum, and we don't really like double posting (posting twice in a row fairly close in time to each other), so I'll just get that out of the way ;) Not a big deal, though; I merged your posts for you.

Let us know if you have any questions :)
Thank you, I was very pleased the name was available!

Welcome Anubi! New to Miami or have you been around?

I've only been in Miami for about 8 months now, but I've lived in S. Florida all my life, I grew up in the town of Jupiter Island.