View Full Version : Bad news, everyone..

02-26-2012, 12:33 AM

Seriously though, my computer pooped it. Its dead. :( I noticed its been slow and freezing for a week, so used a program called WipeDrive to get everything off the hard drive. I know the program works right my moms used it on her computer. Anywho, any time I try using the XP or Vista install discs, I get an error when it says "Booting up Windows Setup". Yup I get blue screen of death. I called GeekSquad (only computer store open late) since I know nothing past downloading and installing. He said it sounds like the harddrive is fried, since that's what is poppin up on the blue screen.

So Im going to be away from the forum a while. I might lurk a bit but not post, this is taking me forever on my phone >.< if anyone /really/ wants to talk I dont kind givin out my cell number, or I've got Skype under ROFLBRYCE on my iPod.

Gonna figure out if its easier to replace some parts from this 3 year old (short run :( ) $350 laptop or just buy a new one whenever I can (likely not soon unless my mom decides to help out a bit)

TLDR: Computer died, dunno when fixed or if buying new PM if you wanna text or add my Skype ROFLBRYCE if you really wanna talk.

02-26-2012, 12:42 AM
Hard Drives are pretty cheap if that's the problem. 20 or 30 bucks will buy you a 250gb Hard Drive.

Sorry to hear about that though, good luck with fixing it, we'll miss you :(

02-26-2012, 12:43 AM
Blue screens are usually memory issues. And a program wouldn't 'fry' a hard drive, some setting may just be messed up. You should see if you can format the drive again using the windows install CD.

02-26-2012, 02:26 AM
Blue screens are usually memory issues. And a program wouldn't 'fry' a hard drive, some setting may just be messed up. You should see if you can format the drive again using the windows install CD.

Its a no go, can't use command prompts and there's no options at all with either disc. They do an auto run, up to a point saying "Starting Windows Setup" breifly and ptthhpp.

Like I said though I know nothing about computers. There may be a way to fix it, but not sure if i wanna pay $60 to get them to check it out and then more cash in parts. If it costs over $150-200 i think id be better off buyin a new lappy.

Thanks Trunks, im really upset i was hyped up for the new LoL patch xD

Edit: also he said it sounded like the hard drive was fried because of issues I was having the last week and that the install discs won't work properly. But that makes perfect sense to me since I dunno anything. Ill keep poppin in now and then and checkin up commenting when I can. I hate touch screens.

02-26-2012, 10:20 AM
Its a no go, can't use command prompts and there's no options at all with either disc. They do an auto run, up to a point saying "Starting Windows Setup" breifly and ptthhpp.

Like I said though I know nothing about computers. There may be a way to fix it, but not sure if i wanna pay $60 to get them to check it out and then more cash in parts. If it costs over $150-200 i think id be better off buyin a new lappy.

Thanks Trunks, im really upset i was hyped up for the new LoL patch xD

Edit: also he said it sounded like the hard drive was fried because of issues I was having the last week and that the install discs won't work properly. But that makes perfect sense to me since I dunno anything. Ill keep poppin in now and then and checkin up commenting when I can. I hate touch screens.

I've dealt with fried hard drives, and even if it was giving you problems, running a program to wipe it shouldn't kill it. It may have done something else to it which makes it seem like it's dead, but I can't say anything for certain without looking at it.

And if you can, try to figure out where the hdd is located and try to remove it, a lot of laptops have a panel on the side or back that you can open to pull the hdd out, and if that's the case, you can buy a very cheap drive and replace it.

A search online should point you to some tutorials/videos on how to do it for your laptop (assuming it's a well known brand).

03-08-2012, 03:44 PM
That sucks, I noticed you haven't been around much lately.

How's the hunt for a new laptop going?

03-09-2012, 12:13 PM
[/ProfessorFarnsworth]... made me lol :P

Suuuucks bout your comp :( Mine just died as well.. had to get a new one. Any luck with fixing yours/getting a new one?

03-28-2012, 11:56 PM
That sucks, I noticed you haven't been around much lately.

How's the hunt for a new laptop going?
Desktop ;) just got it tonight, $400 Futureshop special xD It runs LoL and WoW, and that's about all I need, I'll upgrade if I need to.

[/ProfessorFarnsworth]... made me lol :P

Suuuucks bout your comp :( Mine just died as well.. had to get a new one. Any luck with fixing yours/getting a new one?
Brand new HP :) Normally don't like them, but this ones purty, had built in Wifi, 1TB hard drive, 4gb of ram, so it beat the living crap out of my laptop xD

So yeah folks I'm back, probably won't be on here too much next few days getting all my crap re-installed and moved and stuff. I lucked out and moved everything off my laptop to an external an hour before it died out, premonitionnnnn o.O but anywhos, I'm back and will be up and gaming shortly ;)

03-29-2012, 11:06 AM
Welcome back rofl :3

I've got an HP, too, and it's not that bad. They're cheap and it's lasted me several years already *shrug*

03-29-2012, 11:23 AM
Welcome back rofl :3

I've got an HP, too, and it's not that bad. They're cheap and it's lasted me several years already *shrug*

Thanks :) Yeah I figured I'd buy one since they're built like tanks xD I can always upgrade if I need to though. However, I'm playing LoL at 30FPS on high compared to 20FPS on lowest/settings off, so I should be okay for a while xD

03-30-2012, 04:09 PM
Welcome back, man :]

For $400 it sounds like you got a pretty sweet deal

03-30-2012, 04:51 PM
Welcome back, man :]

For $400 it sounds like you got a pretty sweet deal

Thanks man :) yeah I didn't do bad haha. Can actually play a few games now, (TF2 doesn't just blue screen me anymore!) not worrying about anything not running right, and it takes all my camera cards without adapters! lol.

03-30-2012, 08:41 PM
Welcome Back.

I prefer HP over most other manufacturers. My job is full of Dells, but they got a new HP on Thursday after I made a big deal about Dell sucking :D It's not my HP though....I asked them to let me build my own to replace the crappy dell they gave me but noooo..

Welcome back.

03-30-2012, 08:57 PM
Welcome Back.

I prefer HP over most other manufacturers. My job is full of Dells, but they got a new HP on Thursday after I made a big deal about Dell sucking :D It's not my HP though....I asked them to let me build my own to replace the crappy dell they gave me but noooo..

Welcome back.
Yeah Dell is pretty hit and miss, I was willing to take anything over it, xD I was looking at an Acer as well but this one had more bang for it's buck.

Stupid bosses, gotta keep the staff happy but noooo..bastardos.

Thanks a lot, man. I've spent the entire day on my computer, lol. Got a crappy Rainmeter background started up for the first time, and been playing LoL since 10AM, xD