View Full Version : Wyoming doomsday bil

02-26-2012, 12:38 PM
CHEYENNE — State representatives on Friday advanced legislation to launch a study into what Wyoming should do in the event of a complete economic or political collapse in the United States.

House Bill 85 passed on first reading by a voice vote. It would create a state-run government continuity task force, which would study and prepare Wyoming for potential catastrophes, from disruptions in food and energy supplies to a complete meltdown of the federal government.

The task force would look at the feasibility of Wyoming issuing its own alternative currency, if needed. And House members approved an amendment Friday by state Rep. Kermit Brown, R-Laramie, to have the task force also examine conditions under which Wyoming would need to implement its own military draft, raise a standing army, and acquire strike aircraft and an aircraft carrier.

The bill’s sponsor, state Rep. David Miller, R-Riverton, has said he doesn’t anticipate any major crises hitting America anytime soon. But with the national debt exceeding $15 trillion and protest movements growing around the country, Miller said Wyoming — which has a comparatively good economy and sound state finances — needs to make sure it’s protected should any unexpected emergency hit the U.S.

Several House members spoke in favor of the legislation, saying there was no harm in preparing for the worst.

“I don’t think there’s anyone in this room today what would come up here and say that this country is in good shape, that the world is stable and in good shape — because that is clearly not the case,” state Rep. Lorraine Quarberg, R-Thermopolis, said. “To put your head in the sand and think that nothing bad’s going to happen, and that we have no obligation to the citizens of the state of Wyoming to at least have the discussion, is not healthy.”

Wyoming’s Department of Homeland Security already has a statewide crisis management plan, but it doesn’t cover what the state should do in the event of an extreme nationwide political or economic collapse. In recent years, lawmakers in at least six states have introduced legislation to create a state currency, all unsuccessfully.

The task force would include state lawmakers, the director of the Wyoming Department of Homeland Security, the Wyoming attorney general and the Wyoming National Guard’s adjutant general, among others.

The bill must pass two more House votes before it would head to the Senate for consideration. The original bill appropriated $32,000 for the task force, though the Joint Appropriations Committee slashed that number in half earlier this week.

University of Wyoming political science professor Jim King said the potential for a complete unraveling of the U.S. government and economy is “astronomically remote” in the foreseeable future.

But King noted that the federal government set up a Continuity of Government Commission in 2002, of which former U.S. Sen. Al Simpson, R-Wyo., was co-chairman. However, King said he didn’t know of any states that had established a similar board.

sure makes a lot of sense for air craft carrier in the middle of america!

02-26-2012, 03:06 PM
Yup, an aircraft carrier surerly would suit their needs, if Wyoming thinks its time to invade, I dont know Iran maybe. If no then I think they could spend those money MUCH better, its not particualry cheap with an aircraft carrier( smaller countries cant even afford those things :shocked: )

I loled at this.

02-26-2012, 03:24 PM
whomever decided to add the aircraft carrier needs to found and beaten with wet trout

02-26-2012, 05:33 PM

In this image I have a topographical map of Wyoming overlaying a population map. You can see there are a few bodies of water that would allow an aircraft carrier to both cover the entire state and move around enough not to be a sitting duck against most envading ground forces.

I would not place a strategic resource like that int he northwest of the state because of the mountains provide to much cover for someone to sneak up on you. I expect in the worst case event that they would abandon that part of the state. Also the reaction time to reach most of the population centers are closer tothe area I highlighted.

02-26-2012, 08:27 PM
Pfft...I had a Doomsday plan ready for the past 10 years. Even though they all have to do with Zombies, I can make it work with the government collapsing, without needing an aircraft carrier.

02-26-2012, 08:41 PM
Just because they got some bodies of water to fit and aircraft doesn't make it logical for them to want, it's really unneeded.

02-27-2012, 12:44 AM
why not though? They are making plans that involve getting one during or after a major crisis. And how can having one possible not be an advantage?

How can you guess what they would need or not need? Your being more ridiculous than they are if you think you can predict the future.

02-27-2012, 02:47 AM
why not though? They are making plans that involve getting one during or after a major crisis. And how can having one possible not be an advantage?

How can you guess what they would need or not need? Your being more ridiculous than they are if you think you can predict the future.

An aircraft carrier is ridiculus unless they are planning on an invasion. First an aircraft carrier is massivly expensive, can one state afford one and the service. And if they want an army(or need one) a regular army would be much more effective than a lone carrier (a carrier is extremely vulnerable and needs a fleet for protection) Also I dont think that a single state would need a carrier more than the rest of the world. lql

02-27-2012, 11:20 AM
Like Paec said an Aircraft Carrier would be expensive, that funds could go towards other means of protection really. I think you're in the "cool" factor mode rather than rational. If they need planes taken off they could build something for a fraction of the price and still have tons left over.

03-26-2012, 01:56 AM
if i were them, i would start importing illegals from canada/mexico to form an army. why wait to react to the war? i would START it. it's not illogical, they would be able to hide out their government for months in the rockies, lay low for a while if people got too uppity (because really, who ****ing cares about wyoming? we would forget about them again in weeks, if not days) then strike again. they have enough mormons to blame things on extremeists and it would kill two birds with one stone. wyoming could be the next al-quieda.

03-26-2012, 10:44 AM
Yeah, because no one has a satellites on Wyoming and wouldn't notice that at some point..

03-26-2012, 10:49 AM
Yeah, because no one has a satellites on Wyoming and wouldn't notice that at some point..

yep because EVERYONE watches wyoming so closely. it's not like we have better things to do then watch some useless hick-ass state that nobody cares about. i mean it would be different if we had multiple wars going on or an economic crisis to worry about, but sense everything else is just peachy, we really need to worry about what backwater places like wyoming, nebraska, and oklahoma are planning. we watch them thar hills like a hawk

03-26-2012, 10:56 AM
And lets pretend they get a big army of illegals. lol untrained army/poorly trained after basics vs. way more jets/tanks/highly trained soldiers. The war would end so fast lol

03-26-2012, 11:13 AM
only if they do it wrong in stand-up battles you retard. the best way with an infirior force *KINDA LIKE THE TALIBAN* is to do it in hit-and-run attacks, (kinda like the taliban). yep because we destroyed the hell out of that taliban so fast lol

03-26-2012, 11:18 AM
terrain would be a factor as well, but yeah. Wouldn't be much of problem. As for Taliban they were pretty much defeated from the get go. Having a few stragglers around and new recruits setting up IED and hit and run attacks doesn't exactly = legit force. The same thing would not happen with Wyoming as for they wouldn't have a radical religion reason to join the fight. Also, we could isolate them so hard. They wouldn't be able to survive with their resoures and we could just grind them out till they gave up.

03-26-2012, 11:31 AM
ok i'm going to pick appart your argument here real quick to show you that you're retarded and need to go to logic school.
terrain would be a factor as well, but yeah. Wouldn't be much of problem." <-- what terrain? them being in a different state attacking things that matter? what terrain exactly are you talking about? when they DO attack, it would be in isolated incidents that would be hard to predict or react to. you dont seem to understand gurella warfare.

As for Taliban they were pretty much defeated from the get go." so we just left thousands of service members there for about a decade to.... what? party? they are still giving us a big problem and that's why we're still there you dolt. if they were "defeated from the get go" we would have been gone in a month.

The same thing would not happen with Wyoming as for they wouldn't have a radical religion reason to join the fight." mormons.

Also, we could isolate them so hard." yep because they're SO not used to that. it's not like they moved to wyoming for that specific purpose.

They wouldn't be able to survive with their resources" do you realise how many people in wyoming live off the land? sure there are cities and all that but most of the residents live on isolated ranches that pretty much provide for themselves.

as for the giving up part, what happens when they say "oh that wasn't us, it was an isolated group of extremeists, so we didn't do anything wrong, why are you attacking us?" oh, that's right. because again, that's how gurella warfare works. as you plainly don't grasp this concept, here's wiki to help your feeble mind.
Wikimedia Error (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guerrilla_warfare)
Guerrilla warfare is a form of irregular warfare and refers to conflicts in which a small group of combatants including, but not limited to, armed civilians (or "irregulars") use military tactics, such as ambushes, sabotage, raids, the element of surprise, and extraordinary mobility to harass a larger and less-mobile traditional army, or strike a vulnerable target, and withdraw almost immediately.

03-26-2012, 12:41 PM
2nd retort: It was clear we had other agendas than just beating the taliban man. Wyoming may be isolate but they can survive on their own resources for that long. They survive off other states resources.

03-26-2012, 01:04 PM
oh? explain how they get those out of state resources to the isolated ranches that dont even have lines of communication. magic? you're being rediculous, sir. why would you even suggest that?

03-26-2012, 01:14 PM
I dunno why you are suggesting Wyoming would have a chance in hell against america led force. So answer a question with a question. What is making you take this stance?

03-26-2012, 01:38 PM
lol supertramp is just trolling you like a pro, not even he can take himself seriously.

I dont think aquiring an aircraft carried would be a bad idea becasue in a crisis you dont have to pay for anything. End of the world situation you just need a lot of fuel. Where better to hide your fuel than on a moving platform.

03-26-2012, 04:29 PM
A moving platform that takes lots of fuel. And in response to the stationing of troops in Iraq/Afghanistan/wherever in the middle east its all about the resources. The Afghanistan war was started over lithium and the Iraq war was started over oil. Anyway read a book called the postman. It talks about government collapse and its a fairly good read

03-26-2012, 09:33 PM
They are nuclear powered now so refueling is not a problem. Is the book the same as The Postman movie?

03-26-2012, 10:09 PM
I don't know. Didn't know there was a postman movie

03-27-2012, 10:10 AM
it was... interesting. it was about a dude after the apocalypse delivering letters.

edit: there. i contributed to one thread. i will continue as i was from this point on.

03-27-2012, 05:09 PM
Good job. Anyway I believe the movie and the book are the same (in the way movies based on books and those books are)

03-27-2012, 11:16 PM
Ah okay...

03-29-2012, 12:14 AM
holy crap aircraft carries are nuclear powered? I guess that makes sense if submarines have been. So that makes a lot more sense. They are basically refueling stations for aircraft that are mobile.


that thing is like a small town. Perfect place to govern from.

03-30-2012, 12:58 PM
What do they know that we don't?!

03-30-2012, 01:19 PM
Nothing, Just crazies being crazy.

03-30-2012, 05:52 PM
ok i'm going to pick appart your argument here real quick to show you that you're retarded and need to go to logic school.
terrain would be a factor as well, but yeah. Wouldn't be much of problem." <-- what terrain? them being in a different state attacking things that matter? what terrain exactly are you talking about? when they DO attack, it would be in isolated incidents that would be hard to predict or react to. you dont seem to understand gurella warfare.

As for Taliban they were pretty much defeated from the get go." so we just left thousands of service members there for about a decade to.... what? party? they are still giving us a big problem and that's why we're still there you dolt. if they were "defeated from the get go" we would have been gone in a month.

The same thing would not happen with Wyoming as for they wouldn't have a radical religion reason to join the fight." mormons.

Also, we could isolate them so hard." yep because they're SO not used to that. it's not like they moved to wyoming for that specific purpose.

They wouldn't be able to survive with their resources" do you realise how many people in wyoming live off the land? sure there are cities and all that but most of the residents live on isolated ranches that pretty much provide for themselves.

as for the giving up part, what happens when they say "oh that wasn't us, it was an isolated group of extremeists, so we didn't do anything wrong, why are you attacking us?" oh, that's right. because again, that's how gurella warfare works. as you plainly don't grasp this concept, here's wiki to help your feeble mind.
Wikimedia Error (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guerrilla_warfare)
Guerrilla warfare is a form of irregular warfare and refers to conflicts in which a small group of combatants including, but not limited to, armed civilians (or "irregulars") use military tactics, such as ambushes, sabotage, raids, the element of surprise, and extraordinary mobility to harass a larger and less-mobile traditional army, or strike a vulnerable target, and withdraw almost immediately.

You clearly have no idea how a real war is planned or operates, real war is not like you're video games. Check you're PM's