View Full Version : Booking a day off work for a new game, sad or not?

02-29-2012, 03:03 AM
I've been contemplating booking a day off from work to play Mass Effect 3 next week. Is this sad? haha All i wanna do is play the game and eat crap all day, to me this seems like a lot of fun. Have any of you done this before?

02-29-2012, 09:38 AM
If you have the days and can spare it, sure do it. Personally I would never as I'd rather just use them in a vacation mode. One random day off isnt going to make me forget work for long to enjoy the day off and most places in America have ****e for vacation and sick so some of us even have to use vacation to keep from getting fired.

02-29-2012, 10:14 AM
If you have the days and can spare it, sure do it. Personally I would never as I'd rather just use them in a vacation mode. One random day off isnt going to make me forget work for long to enjoy the day off and most places in America have ****e for vacation and sick so some of us even have to use vacation to keep from getting fired.

Ah man that really suck to be honest :/ I got some holiday i have to use up from last year

02-29-2012, 02:47 PM
Oh man, I always used to take days off work for game releases :D But that was my old job where I actually had PTO to use haha I say…. DO EET! ;)

02-29-2012, 03:04 PM
I feel like to be efficient at work, you have to be relaxed. If that means taking a day off to enjoy your game, go ahead! When I was younger, I would skip so many days just to play videogames, I nearly had to repeat the 6th grade! :laugh1: Just don't overdo it like I did, and you should be just fine.

02-29-2012, 03:13 PM
Ah man that really suck to be honest :/ I got some holiday i have to use up from last year

Our dont roll over for the most part. So it's a use it or lose it. Some places are nice enough to give you money for un-used days though.

02-29-2012, 03:21 PM
I feel like to be efficient at work, you have to be relaxed. If that means taking a day off to enjoy your game, go ahead! When I was younger, I would skip so many days just to play videogames, I nearly had to repeat the 6th grade! :laugh1: Just don't overdo it like I did, and you should be just fine.

Exactly like my senior year of high school! lol I was 1 more missed day of not graduating :X

02-29-2012, 03:30 PM
In high school I went to math on Monday and spend the rest of the week's math doing stuff for engineering class

02-29-2012, 04:32 PM
Neither sound fun to me :P

02-29-2012, 05:36 PM
I stayed up all night and all day playing mortal kombat the night it cam out. Skip school the following day to continue to play. Shao Kahn really know how to get under my skin.

02-29-2012, 05:52 PM
I have done this before, but only as I really needed to use up some of my holiday. Although the Guild Wars 2 release may make me need to book some time off!

02-29-2012, 06:04 PM
I failed my sophmore year because of San Andreas. Played all night, slept during class, came home played some more. Take a lil nap then played some more. For like 2 months i was playing 14-16 hours a day I think .

03-01-2012, 06:43 AM
I've Booked 9th March Off For Mass Effect 3 Guys!

03-02-2012, 02:13 PM
i could say i have done this for quite alot of games lol. They are always alot funner then work