View Full Version : Hi yalll!!!!! :D what do you like watchings when you see gamers videos?

03-09-2012, 05:33 PM
Hi I'm new here, so I no didly squat about foruming. XD i think i made a word up. XP what do you like to see when you watch gaming videos?

03-09-2012, 10:04 PM
Ban it, ban it now. For the love of all that is holy! My anu- err ban it I mean.

First, that name is perfect for deception. "Blobnames"+gurl is obviously an attempt to throw us off the spam scent by insulting the feminine IQ using poor spelling while implying possession. Its easy to mass generate and hurts your eyes to look at so you wont spend long studying it.

Second, who really opens a thread with a name like that? Its some kind of wierd attempt at opinion polling with a bot or something.

And Yall? That should be a ban right there, calling intelligent reasonable people "Yall" should give us the right to hunt you down and shoot you in the leg as a warning.

Lastly, if you are a real person. I apologize for hating you already. And welcome to the forum.

03-10-2012, 02:23 PM
first of hun, dont be so dramatic its sad you posted soo much that means very little to anyone. :)
if you don't like it dont write, plain and simple. The IQ of anyone isnt being undermined when using gurl Im pretty sure you've herd/seen it before. I'm dating the person whats the harm of making a cheesy nick name BobTD isnt any better.

"Second, who really opens a thread with a name like that? Its some kind of wierd attempt at opinion polling with a bot or something."

and nope Im very much alive and functional, sorry to disappoint. :( I was actually completely serious, I felt that idiots such as yourself would open it and actually be interested in telling me because I'm curious. If your a gamer Im sure you have a preference in watching actual live streaming or montages, trolling, etc.

And I feel like youve been made fun of one two many times, you took sooo much offense to "yall" Im sure no one in their right mind would think twice of being "offended by that" sport. lmfao

I appreciate the welcome, its nice to see people have back bones to speak their mind but dont take it to heart, I feel sorta bad I offended you. :*(


I am actually new to this ****, cuz I tend to actually like to talk to people in person or via chat forums, seems pretty infantile to me as to respect to gaming, I thought Id give it a try your ruing my hope man!

03-10-2012, 03:21 PM
well hello. Ok lets keep this simple.

This isnt such a good opening thread and it just screams ban me(or I am a bot or something) but uncle Paec loves to get lost cheaps into the heard again, post a real introduction thread whitch tells us abit of who you are and what games you play, just to get things started :) .

03-10-2012, 04:08 PM
"uncle Paec loves to get lost cheaps into the heard again" this was very confusing so no harm no fowl with it. And I've seen some of the titles on this forum and others and they arent any better I thought this would make me fit in more. But introductions aside....

I like to watch people play BF3 I am not much of a shooter in multi-player but I played the campaign I play LOL, Final Fantasy (all), and Skyrim at this very moment what about you?

and I didnt really think startin off with who i am and what i do and like would be the right way to start it. If you were interested you'd ask me yourself, no? thats how we learn to socialize ourselves with others. Or what is that expression..... "Brake the ice"

---------- Post added at 05:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:05 PM ----------

But I will add, I'll keep that in mind when I make a new one, lets see if it works. :D

03-10-2012, 04:44 PM
"uncle Paec loves to get lost cheaps into the heard again" this was very confusing so no harm no fowl with it. And I've seen some of the titles on this forum and others and they arent any better I thought this would make me fit in more. But introductions aside....

I like to watch people play BF3 I am not much of a shooter in multi-player but I played the campaign I play LOL, Final Fantasy (all), and Skyrim at this very moment what about you?

and I didnt really think startin off with who i am and what i do and like would be the right way to start it. If you were interested you'd ask me yourself, no? thats how we learn to socialize ourselves with others. Or what is that expression..... "Brake the ice"

---------- Post added at 05:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:05 PM ----------

But I will add, I'll keep that in mind when I make a new one, lets see if it works. :D

Sorry about that. About the introductions you are not forced to do it but most people do(not all though), so Im not going to force you. :p

I prefer to play fps and tactical shooters even if I enjoy most genres, now I play Arma 2 OA but soon I will preobably buy mass effect 3.

03-10-2012, 04:46 PM
It wasn't that serious to make a paragraph of how you guys love to "Judge a book by it
s cover".

Welcome to the fourm dear, I'm new also.

03-10-2012, 04:54 PM
Its to late I started lol cant make me stop. XP So why did you pick your user name that way? Oo since it was a topic brought up?

Haha I know....but their point wasn't completely logical I felt obliged to set them straight. :D hehe and really?? Do you forum alot??

03-10-2012, 04:58 PM
I have intentions to stay on a fourm for a long time, but then lose my attention to it on something esle within a day or two. I'm trying to change that NOW.

03-10-2012, 05:05 PM
Hello and welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy your stay here!

03-10-2012, 05:12 PM
Its to late I started lol cant make me stop. XP So why did you pick your user name that way? Oo since it was a topic brought up?

Haha I know....but their point wasn't completely logical I felt obliged to set them straight. :D hehe and really?? Do you forum alot??

I used to have massive problems choosing gamertags, all I wanted was already occupied and I didnt want to have numbers behind or stuff. So I thought that if I choose something bad that no one else got, first I thought of peacemaker but didnt like it really. Then I just thought about pacemaker and changed the spelling to paecmaker(aka something ugly). I tried it and no one had it so I started using it on several places and now I have almost grown fond of the name.

So that is the funny story of my "name".

03-10-2012, 05:13 PM
Hmmm, alrighty then!

Welcome to the site :]

03-10-2012, 05:16 PM
what do you like to forum about then? Im hoping I can keep at it, because just like texting you txt me I see your txt and i forget to txt you back till a month later. :(

---------- Post added at 06:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:15 PM ----------

And thanks Synge! is that your picture? OO

03-10-2012, 05:20 PM
I just don't feel like texting back, LOL.

I'm a random person. whatever comes to mind. I can be silly as ever, then serious. I also like to mess with people, being a smart-ass is fun. But never, when I'm losing a debate - start fighting back with doing spelling corrections. Like most people, I'm a hardcore otaku (anime lover), Gamer, but I also draw - I'm a cartoonist, and I write stories.

As you can see, I'm gay and love meeting other gay gamers. Not meet meet, but ya know - yeah. LOL.

03-10-2012, 05:23 PM
And thanks Synge! is that your picture? OO

The woman in my sig is the singer Lights <3

My avatar is a picture of me, though. (but I assume you were asking about the former, as she is incredibly sexeh)

03-10-2012, 05:27 PM
hahahaha. I saw a video about that stuff. the otaku, I love anime but I dont press on it. Im a smart nerd as in I love reading books alot, and playing mind games. :D I can be your bf or the ***** you dont wanna know ( but thats only if you make me mad) lol Im pretty chill. That happens to me alot I tend to make the most ridiculous excuse like I was painting my nails or something. lol


I always have that issue, my friends make them up for me so I've ranged from Ms. Spanky to breebree to 1cloneuOo lol but they werent here the day I made my name but i dont mind. :D the only reason I dont use my real name is because they said creepers would stalk me more. :*( im being stalked enough!

03-10-2012, 05:30 PM
Going to college for Art & Business. Getting a part-time job at GameStop this summer. Can't wait. I can be such, an asshole. Especalliy if people start talking mess.

03-10-2012, 05:33 PM
I like you already. :) but your going to college and 15? howd you get that done? and haha my brother is trying to get a job there but he has to wait awhile, I just need to find a job in programming and the money will just flow onto my lap. $_$

03-10-2012, 05:36 PM
Ah, getting my GED this summer then going staright to college. I'm in a foster home and my mom did 'something' to mess my HS credits, badly.

03-10-2012, 05:57 PM
Oh that sucks. XP GED is faster so youll be back on track in no time. :D so you wanna major in what?

03-10-2012, 05:58 PM
Business. Because business gets you dem' dollar dollarz.

03-10-2012, 06:00 PM
"dolla dolla bill yall!!" I wouldnt think that theyd teach that at an Art school though. interesting :D so what other stuff do you like to do?

03-10-2012, 06:03 PM
Oh, I'm not going to just an art school.

Write, Draw, Read, Game, Live, F***, Sleep Eat, Parkour, Work Out, Facebook, and be Kenny. (Me) How about you?

03-10-2012, 06:08 PM

Good luck with dem college girls, man. You'll be living every 15 y/o's dream*

*not that I condone 15 y/os gettin busy.

03-10-2012, 06:27 PM
I'm 21 :D so you arent talking to me at all. The man has a right to do what he wants. :D

03-10-2012, 06:29 PM
Happily engaged.

No luck needed.

03-10-2012, 06:35 PM
your rushing into life dont ya think I AM not even engaged yet. XD

03-10-2012, 06:47 PM
Been engaged for 2 years, I have no regrets - I'm deeply in love.

Age is a number, depending how you think about it is your will.