View Full Version : Help Me What does a newbie player normally need to learn to be better at BF3???

03-10-2012, 04:16 PM

I wanna start playing multiplayer but that wont happen till I get some pointers on how to actually shoot. I am not a PC player normally I play on the PS3 (my best friend) and its easier for me with the toggles but back to point, I look at videos all the times, like tutorials:p:p like a tuturial for TDM anyone now any other good videos as well>>>

Id appreciate the help.

03-10-2012, 04:47 PM
Well Bf 3 is more about teamwork, so the best thing is probably to use your team to your best advantage, help them and they might help you. It gets better if you also know them and can communicate with them.

Apart from that and normal things like always "mark" enemies and so on I do not know anything more.

03-10-2012, 04:58 PM
haha. I get that but I've seen first hand pubing isnt really teamwork.... Normally people fend for themselves and dont got your back. :P You dont know good tutorials? :D the stalker what game is it from>>>>

03-11-2012, 01:16 PM
lmfao man ... BF 3 MP i got my whopped so bad I stopped playing the game XD sometimes I got lucky and thought I figured the game out but then I just keep getting killed and the problem is I DONT KNOW WHO OR WHAT HIT ME! ahha :(

03-11-2012, 05:22 PM
1. Well to start off, i can't stress enough just how much more fun you can have, if you play with friends or a clan. Integrated VoIP on PC is only available trough battlelog, and as such you will need to have people on the friendlist.
If you need any help to establish a solid contact list just tell me and i will try to help you out. :)

2. When you first start playing you need to learn situational awareness, there are alot of crazy things going on in a map with 64 players, and with a well trained sense of situantional awareness you will be able to survive ALOT longer and you will be better at knowing where your team will need you. (Situational awareness is basicly the ability to use all intel to create a mental picture of the battlefield where you know where friendlies and enemies are. As you play and learn maps, you will also learn where and how people move around the map, and as such you're situational awareness will improove even further.)

3. Always try to stay in cover, when preparing to move forward to your next objective, think about where to move to before you leave your current cover. Even while in cover try to move around, even if just a little, you never know when a sniper is trying to line up a shot on you.

4. "Q" is the default button to spot enemies with, it should be one of the buttons you press the most. Every spot you do can potentially save your team 1 or more tickets since it can help multiple teamates situational awareness. If you are on teamspeak you can also let the people you are playing with know. (Different clans usually have different ways to share enemy position intel, you will learn those by listening when they share intel).

5. When customizing your soldier, most players tend to create a "default" setup based on how they prefer to play. I suggest you do too. It's is sometimes necessary to change your loadout depending on situations and map, but getting used to a specific setup is a good idea.

6. Read a little about the weapons you unlock, so you can learn what situations they are best at, now i am not talking about wiki'ing them, every weapon have some statistics in battlelog where read up on them.

7. Vehicles can be tricky in the beginning, when learning the controls and ballistics of the vehicles and their weapons, i suggest going on an empty server and visualise imaginary targets and try to hit them. for best results, try to hit them while stationary, moving, and dodging.

If you have any other topics about BF3 gameplay, you can post here and i will check in on this thread later and try to respond.

I hope this helps. :)
