View Full Version : UFO Debate

03-20-2012, 09:12 PM
I i watched an interesting video here:

(I thought this was way to long and not even close to objective, good look at the nutballs though)

While I have not decided weather or not I believe in extraterrestrial life, I am very interested in the UFO Phenomena. The large collection of sightings are an amazing event. Not because they might be real, but because if they are not, we have a worldwide case of group think and collective self deception.

It might be wishful thinking or people getting confused. But it has been happening for a long time and there is no explanation for it. I was wondering what your opinions are on what could be behind the thousands of sightings over the decades.

03-20-2012, 10:21 PM
There was a special on Discovery I think a while ago explaining why so many people have reported UFOs over the past few decades, not sure if you saw it. But it basically explained it as the effect media has on people. With so many movies being produced with aliens taking over the world and the lack of understanding people have about UFOs, the combination kind of snowballed over the years. Before aliens it was supernatural stuff people read in books or heard in stories.

I don't know if I have a big opinion about this on either end. I would like to think that there is intelligent life out there, but I can't prove (and no one else can) it one way or another with hard evidence (besides the shady photographs and videos).

I didn't watch the video because it's an hour and 50 mins (wish I had that time). Might try to catch a bit of it later.

03-20-2012, 10:49 PM
well the UFO sightings are a lot different than abduction stories. You would need two separate theories for that I would think. If we are interpreting subconscious media projections in our sleep that's different than the hundreds of UFO sightings. There are good photos but those can be called hoaxes. And in any case how many pictures do you see with airplanes in them? We tend to not respond to or be good at taking pictures of things moving in the sky.

I would also question the idea that most movie projections of aliens are of UFO sightings or abductions. I think a large number of hollywood aliens are less threatening or even beneficial to humans. I would be quicker to believe that the abductions are manifestations of an evolutionary fear of non human sapiens like neanderthals abducting us.

The UFO sightings have in the past been reported on a city wide scale (the 50s). And both pilots seeing the same thing on airliners is disturbing as well. Many descriptions from military personnel who are trained to observe. The daylight sightings are the hardest to explain. I think I will watch some more videos from both sides before I sound like a nutball.

03-21-2012, 02:13 AM
I think its interesting even if most of the "sightings" and videos are fake. But for every tenth fake a picture that is unexplainable shows up and that can be interesting. And like said before when several people see the same thing.

03-21-2012, 07:08 AM
I haven't watched that video yet, I will do when I have time, but my personal opinion on UFOs is that they're all fake in the videos, every single one of them. However, I am pretty certain that there must be other intelligent life out there in space, because space is massive, and that's just from knowing about our galaxy and what's in it; there's even more beyond!

People make fake videos for one or both of these two reasons, a) for money and fame, and/or b) to spread awareness about the huge possibility that there are other life-forms our there, either in or beyond our galaxy. Most likely beyond.

03-21-2012, 09:53 AM
I haven't watched that video yet, I will do when I have time, but my personal opinion on UFOs is that they're all fake in the videos, every single one of them. However, I am pretty certain that there must be other intelligent life out there in space, because space is massive, and that's just from knowing about our galaxy and what's in it; there's even more beyond!

People make fake videos for one or both of these two reasons, a) for money and fame, and/or b) to spread awareness about the huge possibility that there are other life-forms our there, either in or beyond our galaxy. Most likely beyond.


How can you call this fake