View Full Version : abortions

03-26-2012, 12:08 PM
the topic is abortions. discuss.

03-26-2012, 12:23 PM
Personally, if it's between me and a girl. I would never condone it. If the girl got one that I was the father of, I would break up and break contact with her forever. My gf said she has no problems considering, I told her this. As for others I really don't care what yall do with your lifes but some things I feel. One, Really shouldn't get an abortion unless it was rape and or a threat to your life. Some will argue, but what if you the girl cant give the child a good life. Well there is adoption.

03-26-2012, 12:25 PM
so you wouldn't trust a girl with the choice of weather or not to have a child, but you'll trust her with the choice of what do do with it and how it's to be cared for once it is born. good brain logic.

03-26-2012, 12:27 PM
It's a personal matter, I don't want to know that I could of been a father of said child only to have it taken away. As for other woman you act as if there isn't a process where she can get helped through the process. It's not like bang > prego > wait 9 months > pop it out.

03-26-2012, 01:02 PM
and it isn't like prego > baby born > right decision, either. what happens when baby is born and the girl that wanted an abortion turns out to be an abusive mother that refused adoption?

03-26-2012, 01:16 PM
That's called life. You can't change someones will to be a good mother or not. You can only hope that the child hasn't suffered that much before child youth services steps in and removes the child.

03-26-2012, 01:31 PM
Im going to agree with thedeparted. I think it should be the last option considered. I wont judge someone who is a victim of a sex crime or someone faceing life threatening complications. But you can find a family for a child even before its born if you dont want it or feel you arent ready for that responsability or financialy able.

However, I dont think the choice should be based on religion or dogma, mores of society or imposing your will on others. So I have to stay pro choice. I really hate people that hate on mothers faced with difficult choices.

03-26-2012, 01:43 PM
I am taking my religous views out of this. This is still wrong because you are taking away the rights of a fellow American (and human). I think it's hypocritical for people to argue for "Gay Rights" and what not (I am not agaisnt this) but then go "It's the womens chioce!" when it comes to abortion (It's the same group who call the oppostion Ignorant and oppresive). The baby is alive and considered it's own life form at when the sperm meets the egg. And it is wrong to allow that to happen IMHO. That being said I have no control and if my GF ended up prego, knocking on wood, I would be devestaded if that happend.

03-26-2012, 01:51 PM
Pro-choice. The best thing is birth control and freely available birth control education, so that people don't have to make the difficult choice, but the choice is definitely one that should be available.

edit: and ultimately, I think that it does come down to the woman's choice. I obviously believe that the father should have a say in it, but I absolutely think that if a man is saying his wife/partner can't get an abortion and she wants one, that she should have the final word. Hopefully most people can be in relationships where they come to a resolution agreeably, but that is not always the case. I would never be for a man forcing a woman to have his child if she didn't want to.

03-26-2012, 02:10 PM
Ooohhhh, touchy touchy.

Pro-choice. I'm sorry, but an undeveloped fetus is not a person and does not yet, imo, get or deserve rights. Not to mention sometimes it's better for the unborn child to be aborted versus born to parents that dont give a damn or will just put it in orphanage... Although only to some extent. I dont think abortions should be allowed at 8.5 months, but for a certain period of time you should be able to make that decision.

I also think it sucks guys have no say. Woman's body or not, it's complete bullshiz.... my best friend just got pregnant on purpose, by tricking her ex-boyfriend, out of spite because he cheated on her. This is a lifelong decision that will affect TWO people, so TWO people should have say. Biznitches be crazy, and this certainly isn't the first or last chick that will get knocked up on purpose to trick a guy into coming back or at least being on their lives forever.

Although, on the flip side.... why don't we just make birth control a law? You should be made to be on birth control until you want a kid, at which point you should have totake a test to even be allowed to have kids. We are no longer allowed to supersize our fast food meals because it's bad for our health... and we are forced to take an exam to be able to drive.... but anyone can have kids?? Makes no sense to me >_<

03-26-2012, 02:22 PM
Pro-choice. I'm sorry, but an undeveloped fetus is not a person and does not yet, imo, get or deserve rights. Not to mention sometimes it's better for the unborn child to be aborted versus born to parents that dont give a damn or will just put it in orphanage... Although only to some extent. I dont think abortions should be allowed at 8.5 months, but for a certain period of time you should be able to make that decision.

Agree with that pretty much word for word.

I also think it sucks guys have no say. Woman's body or not, it's complete bullshiz.... my best friend just got pregnant on purpose, by tricking her ex-boyfriend, out of spite because he cheated on her. This is a lifelong decision that will affect TWO people, so TWO people should have say. Biznitches be crazy, and this certainly isn't the first or last chick that will get knocked up on purpose to trick a guy into coming back or at least being on their lives forever.

It does suck, for sure, and the decision to keep the baby is a little trickier. I think the final say should go to the woman, though, because either way, it just seems wrong for a guy to demand that the girl either abort or keep the baby. If people weren't so awful (and didn't to things like get pregnant to "keep a guy"), it would be a lot easier :| I definitely don't think the guy should get no say, but... it's just hard to say. The situation of a father forcing a woman to keep a child she doesn't want seems more clear cut to me than some lady tricking someone into getting her pregnant... that's... ridiculous @_@

03-26-2012, 02:28 PM
Agree with that pretty much word for word.

It does suck, for sure, and the decision to keep the baby is a little trickier. I think the final say should go to the woman, though, because either way, it just seems wrong for a guy to demand that the girl either abort or keep the baby. If people weren't so awful (and didn't to things like get pregnant to "keep a guy"), it would be a lot easier :| I definitely don't think the guy should get no say, but... it's just hard to say. The situation of a father forcing a woman to keep a child she doesn't want seems more clear cut to me than some lady tricking someone into getting her pregnant... that's... ridiculous @_@

Oh, I totally agree. Most def. when it comes down to it, final say should without a doubt be the woman’s decision. Im sorry, but Im not birthing a life-long parasite the size of a watermelon out of my vagina unless Im damn well ready LOL It just really sucks that some chicks will use that to their advantage. It’s most definitely something life changing that no one, including guys, should have to deal with if they aren’t ready.

03-26-2012, 02:37 PM
For sure :/ And I do definitely think that many guys get the short end of the stick in these situations, but it's just such a hard thing. Too many people take advantage of it, especially in custody/child support battles... but that's a slightly different subject. I wish there was a perfect answer.

03-26-2012, 02:40 PM
The perfect answer? Steralize thoughs who can't/ don't deserve a kid? I wonder if the future will be like that, where kids are regulated.

03-26-2012, 02:42 PM
Exactly... like China lol Nah, I dont think sterilize is the answer. But jesus, people should at least have to take a test or something >_<

03-26-2012, 02:48 PM
Haha I was joking with sterilization, but I yea. The sad thing is my county is the number one county for teen pregnancy in the U.S.

03-26-2012, 02:51 PM
The sad part is, is that teen pregnancy, hell ANY pregnancy is avoidable. I dont know how it works there, but here Planned Parenthood gives FREEEEEEE birth control (pills and condoms) to ANYONE under the age of 18. I've been on it since I was 14, and got it for free up until I hit 18. So if you dont have the balls to tell your parents you're having sex, you just go pick it up by yourself. I was close enough with my parents to say, Hey I think it's time I get put on birth control.

03-26-2012, 02:53 PM
Shoot my parents would be esctatic if I told them "Yo, Parent's no need to worry we are both using protection. So piece we are going to go make sweet kinky love".

03-26-2012, 02:56 PM
Yeah, not to mention that teenage pregnancy is for some reason higher in places that only teach "abstinence only" in school :|

03-26-2012, 02:58 PM
It's the whole "You can't tell me what to do!" attitude.

03-26-2012, 03:02 PM
It's more about poor education and the lack of knowledge or availability of condoms or other forms of birth control... basically, educate the kids, because teaching them about how you just shouldn't have sex because "it's bad and you have to be married" is not going to work :|

They are going to have sex. Might as well help them out and let them do it safely...

03-26-2012, 03:04 PM
Ah shot marriage. Well in the area around where I live alot of parents had teenage pregnancy's and there kids take on the mentalitly of well "Well why is she even talking to me about sex when look at what happended to you".

03-26-2012, 03:06 PM
Shows like friggin 16 and pregnant dont help. Glorifying young teen moms is reallyyyyyy not the best route to go, imo.

03-26-2012, 03:07 PM
Oh yea! really those shows and TLC disgust me.

03-26-2012, 04:18 PM
1: those comments about mandatory birth control and sterilization reminded me of various writings on totalitarian societies (brave new world and such).
2: completely hypocritical but they wouldn't have gotten pregnant if they didn't have sex in the first place. We would have a lot less pregnancies if people had more self control (once again me being a hypocrite)
3: abortions later in the pregnancy once the child can actually feel pain should be outlawed. If you are going to have an abortion why wait that long
4: I'm a Guy and don't know anything about birthing a child so I try not to say anything about adoption

03-26-2012, 04:27 PM
I am against abortion. It is murder ( I thinking that ). If I can make love with a girl, I can going to marry too.

03-26-2012, 04:32 PM
You need to think about the gray areas of abortion. There's not much black and white in the issue

03-26-2012, 06:41 PM
I am against abortion. It is murder ( I thinking that ). If I can make love with a girl, I can going to marry too.

if you can't form a sentance in english, you obviously can't form complete ideas. i have stricken this comment from the record. proceed.

03-26-2012, 08:28 PM
1: those comments about mandatory birth control and sterilization reminded me of various writings on totalitarian societies (brave new world and such).
2: completely hypocritical but they wouldn't have gotten pregnant if they didn't have sex in the first place. We would have a lot less pregnancies if people had more self control (once again me being a hypocrite)
3: abortions later in the pregnancy once the child can actually feel pain should be outlawed. If you are going to have an abortion why wait that long
4: I'm a Guy and don't know anything about birthing a child so I try not to say anything about adoption

Oh I think everyone should have the option to have kids.... they should just need to be tested first, to make sure they're capable of raising a kid. Shiity..... yes. But unfortunately people ruining things for everyone comes into play here lol And knowing that it's nature for people to reproduce... and knowing how 16 year old boys are... Any port in the storm as they say! :D So not having sex isn't an option LOL... but forcing people to have safe sex is. I figure Ill just tell my kids to look up blue waffle and tell them thats will happen to them if they have sex. Ya know, scar them the good old fashioned way!

And yea, I don't agree with abortion past a certain point. That's just overboard. Egg and sperm first joined compared to fully formed, ready to be born baby is a biiigggg difference.

03-26-2012, 09:08 PM
Lol number 4 made shake my head in agreement

03-26-2012, 09:16 PM
Ya know when you have those really big poops? Like the ones that bring a tear to check... that ypu work really hard for...that you take a pic of and msg your friends... it's kind of like that.

At least that's what I imagine :D

03-26-2012, 11:34 PM
that's not at all what an abortion is like, it's more like using a vacuum as a vibrator.

03-28-2012, 05:56 AM
Im am for abortions until a certain week(when it has gone to long) or if someone is in danger(like if the baby is a mutated flesh eating monster)

What is more important is like everyone else here say, information about safe sex instead of just saying sex is bad. :p

03-28-2012, 07:44 AM
Pro-choice. I don't feel that I'm entitled to tell anyone how to live their lives. And who am I to judge what's best for another person, or for an unborn child? Do I know all the facts about the pregnancy?, If the child is carried to term, will it be healthy and able to live a full life? Will it be born in poverty or homelessness or addicted to drugs or alcohol? If a child is carried to term and delivered? Is the mother emotionally and mentally prepared for childbirth, or are they likely to end up abusive or otherwise harmful to the child?

Also, remember the recent rash of babies being found in trash cans in states where it's impossible to find an abortion provider? Isn't making abortion illegal likely to lead to more of these sorts of things? Also, most (NOT all) anti-abortionists that I know of are extreme conservatives who think the government should stay out of our lives, but then want the government to involve itself in our lives when it comes to abortion and gay rights. That strikes me as a bit hypocritical.

03-28-2012, 07:51 AM
I'm abstinent. It's all in these pamphlets I brought home from school. Sex turns straight people gay, and Gays into Mexicans, everyone goes down a notch!.... Instead, Im going to go microwave a bagel and have sex with it ;)

04-03-2012, 02:45 PM
Also, most (NOT all) anti-abortionists that I know of are extreme conservatives who think the government should stay out of our lives, but then want the government to involve itself in our lives when it comes to abortion and gay rights. That strikes me as a bit hypocritical.

From what I've experienced of conservatives being against abortion is government funding of abortions through government health-care programs. A big one is the government providing funding to Planned Parenthood for setting up abortions.

04-03-2012, 04:07 PM
Yeah, that Planned Parenthood thing has come up a lot lately. But most people don't understand how non-profits work. I worked in the non-profit sector for years. Every dollar that comes in comes in with certain expectations and stipulations, whether that money comes from public or private donors. And those expectations and stipulations are rigorously adhered to. I haven't worked with Planned Parenthood, but I can absolutely guarantee that not a dime of federal money is allocated to abortions, because existing law prohibits federal money from being used for abortions, and nonprofits are required by law to use donated and received money in the way prescribed by the contributor.

So the federal money that Planned Parenthood receives goes to providing physicals, tests, and birth control to people who otherwise can't afford it, and only private money gets spent on providing abortions. By law, the non-profit agency's books are open for all to see, and the division of funds is clear.

However, I also believe that, given that there is now apparently a huge push to make all contraceptives illegal, it's NOT about federal money. It's about regulating people's lives. Or maybe that's just the loudest conservatives. But they're the ones we hear about every day. If it really IS about the money, I'd love to see maybe some of the more moderate conservatives talk about that. But that's not what I'm hearing. What I'm hearing is that abortion is against god's will and should be illegal, but since the supreme court has said otherwise, we'll just make it impossible. Is Kentucky trying to JAIL doctors for providing abortions an attempt to keep federal money out of the process?

04-03-2012, 04:23 PM
If I have 100 dollars to spend on everything and need to buy 100 dollars worth of x I spend all 100 dollars on x. If I get 100 dollars to spend on just x I can now take the previous 100 and spend it on y. The funding problem doesn't have a solution that will please everyone

04-03-2012, 07:43 PM
THANK THE GODS funding doesn't go to abortions. Only because if that were the case then everyone would just get abortions all the time versus using birth control. However, I do love Planned Parenthood because they give free birth control and healthcare to women that can't afford it (*COUmeGH*) and underage women (aka preventing more unnecessary underage teen pregnancies). I was lucky enough to have a mom I could talk to, and say "Hey mom, I need birth control"... not all underage girls (and boys) are that lucky.

I don't know why everyone protests PP. Can someone honestly enlighten me?

04-03-2012, 11:29 PM
It's more about poor education and the lack of knowledge or availability of condoms or other forms of birth control... basically, educate the kids, because teaching them about how you just shouldn't have sex because "it's bad and you have to be married" is not going to work :|

They are going to have sex. Might as well help them out and let them do it safely...
Oh my god so much of this. We had a fairly thorough sex ed class in grade 7, as well again in grade 10. They didn't want us having sex of course, but if we made that decision, then we were prepared and knew the do's and don't's. Funny enough, 3 people who were pulled from it by parents going "Nope, don't want our kids learning about devil sex blah blah" wound up pregnant. It's not really funny...you know what I mean.

if you can't form a sentance in english, you obviously can't form complete ideas. i have stricken this comment from the record. proceed.
Not everyone here speaks English fluently as a first language, and may be from other nations. Don't be rude about it. Also, "Sentence."

My opinion: it should be up to the person. Keep the baby if you can. Sex crimes, health problems, it's your choice again. I will neither agree nor disagree with the person. They have their reasoning. It's tough thinking what I'd do if it was me. There are options like adoption, but at the same time, there are still horror stories with it. Bad families, and staying in an orphanage for a long time for example. This isn't to say that a child doesn't deserve a chance at life though. I'm very on the fence with this one, it's all circumstantial and that's how I want to think of it. The most logical choice sometimes is better than the choice you want, as hard as it is to admit, face, or even think of.

04-29-2012, 03:59 PM
The only time when an abortion is justified in my case is rape and only during the early stages.

04-30-2012, 10:43 PM
I am pro-choice, but I think that abortion shouldn't be used as a form of birth control. I think that you should have to do a pro vs con sheet at the abortion clinic and have a therapist evaluate it before they allow you to get one. I have a friend who has had 6 abortions, she has 2 children and is currently pregnant with her 3rd. I honestly think she should of been turned away after her 2nd and referred to a doctor who specializes in sterilization.
Ultimately I think it is up to the parents of a child (male and female) to teach them about sex education. I have faith in today's youth that if they are educated they will not face the choices associated with pregnancy. I think that parents rely on schools or hell even television to teach their children about sex education... And we can see how that is turning out... Abortion should always always always be an option for those who NEED it. But I think other options should be considered first. Obviously if you are a crack whore who is going to just throw her child into some slum foster care don't even consider not to get an abortion. Just do it. Kids in actual foster homes can end up more ****ed up then kids who have a parent who resents having them... If you do the research and adopt out your child to a family who cannot have kids and want your unwanted baby, adoption can work. But adoption is not always unicorns ****ting rainbows.
You cannot judge someone for having an abortion. You don't know their reasons. One thing that works for one, may not be an option for another. I think people need to act like adults weigh the options, weigh the pros and cons and come up with a solution that best suits them. If it is abortion, so be it. People just should be more educated about all 3 options...

06-19-2012, 06:45 PM
Saw this on the home page, not sure if I am reviving or not so if I am sorry.

I feel that you can have an abortion if you feel you need to.
Because imagine a girl who was raped and now has to deal with a baby because abortion became illegal.
Also, I think sometimes if you where being irresponsible it shouldn't be okay to get an abortion, but on the other hand you can just be young and stupid and make some mistakes.
So honestly in my opinion, it should always be an option.

06-27-2012, 06:58 PM
I just never got how birth control can be difficult. I know a girl, with three kids to three different men, each child barely a year and a half apart. I mean sure, once is a mistake. But two or three times? Good God woman! Shouldn't you be putting two and two together by now instead of blankly wondering where all these babies are coming from? Not to mention the risk of STD's, STI's and HIV she's putting herself in danger of. Plus the children are not well cared for. They're hardly ever dressed in anything other than PJ's and they are always (for lack of a better word) smelly and unclean.

Birth control and education is the answer in my opinion. But at the risk of being Off Topic I would add that I am very much Pro-Choice. I believe that it's the mothers right to decide what she does with her body. As long as that fetus is in her body, it belongs to her and she can do as she pleases with it.

06-27-2012, 09:06 PM
oh gosh not this topic on here too.

im pro-life. simple as that and no i do not care to argue my point. my opinion is mine and yours is yours. thats it.

06-29-2012, 08:56 AM
I just never got how birth control can be difficult. I know a girl, with three kids to three different men, each child barely a year and a half apart. I mean sure, once is a mistake. But two or three times? Good God woman! Shouldn't you be putting two and two together by now instead of blankly wondering where all these babies are coming from? Not to mention the risk of STD's, STI's and HIV she's putting herself in danger of. Plus the children are not well cared for. They're hardly ever dressed in anything other than PJ's and they are always (for lack of a better word) smelly and unclean.

Birth control and education is the answer in my opinion. But at the risk of being Off Topic I would add that I am very much Pro-Choice. I believe that it's the mothers right to decide what she does with her body. As long as that fetus is in her body, it belongs to her and she can do as she pleases with it.

I totally agree. To be honest, I know more then one person just like that. I like to call them "baby machines", because other then that they are wastes of flesh. They know about birth control, they just don't care and don't use it....

Also, I always like when people that are pro war are pro life. Saw a bumper sticker on that yesterday, said something like "War is not Pro-Life".