View Full Version : Any Book Suggestions?

03-30-2012, 07:42 PM
Hi everybody! Whenever I'm not at school or screaming in my mic at some annoying camper on COD, I enjoy reading a good book. I'm just about to finish what I'm currently reading and have no clue what book to move onto next. If there's any readers out there, could you give me a few suggestions on some good authors? To give you an idea as to what I'm looking for, a couple of my favorite authors are Stephen King and J.R.R Tolkien. I really enjoy horror, paranormal, mystery, epic journey, and apocalyptic novels. I tend to stay away from non-fiction, romance, sci-fi, and fantasy (except for LOTR). I would start reading the Hunger Games, but the book store has just recently jacked-up its prices because of the movies >:( Anyways, any opinions as to what to read next would be greatly appreciated!

03-30-2012, 07:55 PM
Here's an awesome flowchart. Maybe it'll help you find something just right ;]

Edit: Read your post wrong. Thought you said you wanted sci-fi and fatasy :embarrassed:

03-30-2012, 09:00 PM
Lol its okay. I can enjoy sci-fi and fantasy on occasion, but it has to be lucky. I loved the Hobbit, LOTR, and Beowulf. I think my main problem with those types of books is that the author often leaves alot of details unfinished. I can pick up a Star Wars or LOTR book and read it easily because I'm already familiar with both and I know what X-Wings and Gollum look like. Trying to pick up another fantasy novel with new cities and creatures I have never heard of before is tedious. Looking back at LOTR, Tolkien didn't really explain what orcs look like. To anyone who had yet to be introduced to the fantasy genre, they would be completely lost as to what these "orcs" looked like, where they came from, etc.