View Full Version : Movie download sites! Data collection?

04-15-2012, 02:07 AM
Hello Guys!!!!

I am big fan of movies.. I want to download the movies.
I don't know the name of good sites to download the movies..
Please anyone suggest me the name of good sites to download the movies..

First, yes piracy is illegal and second no this is not really a thread about where to find such things. Its post anything. And i found this thread, its poster and its format interesting.

First, roselina the poster had one post on the forum at the time of posting. Second, the improper grammar and use of punctuation seem to conflict. Like a failed attempt at seeming legit. People who dont use English as a first language would not be as legible and people to lazy to use grammar would not space out potential run on sentences and use punctuation as such.

My theory is that this was a fishing attempt at learning popular places to torrent that is probably spammed across a variety of forums as a form of crime census. Responses to this thread would reasonably generate data relevant to trends in obtaining illegal copyright vendor info. Even if it was quickly detected and closed on this forum it might be more successful elsewhere.

If you agree with my logic up to this point, than what governments and or agencies do you think would be most likely to fish for this info? Or do you think its more likely to be large copy write owners gathering this info? I dont doubt people are busted for this sort of thing on a regular basis, but do you think its really based on data obtained from high tech means or social engineering like this? Is there even a legal way to obtain data on this activity without precedence and how do you think would be a better way to obtain it than what we might have just observed?

04-15-2012, 06:35 PM
I wouldn't doubt that all of the agencies do it tbh

04-15-2012, 07:31 PM
Wow I never thought of it that way before, it makes sense lol. I think if it were a company doing it, it would be to find other sites people used so the owners could go "And now, how do we beat that?" all about beating out the competition, man.

04-15-2012, 09:08 PM
Hmmm, I got busted for downloading music/movies/games a year or so ago. It seem the one who busted me wasn't the company that I stole from but my internet company its self. I suppose the movie company could have contacted my internet provider and did it that way, but from the wording it sounded like my internet provider was the one that found out first. I know other people who got caught using the same internet provider, and I know others who download tons of more things than me and never get caught, butt hey have a different provider. So I came to the conclusion, that a lot of the time it's the internet provider that monitors your downloads and uploads, possibly checking the ones that have a high amount.

Just a little bit that I learned from observations, not sure if companies monitor things like that. It's definitely possible though, I bet a lot of things are monitored that we don't know of.

04-15-2012, 09:32 PM
I think some ISP care mre than others and some like Cox and Comcast red flag high usage users and looks into why it's high and then works from there. For instance Verizon didn't care at all that i was a filthy pirate.

04-15-2012, 09:51 PM
wait you got busted what happened just curios

04-15-2012, 10:11 PM
wait you got busted what happened just curios

I know here through Telus internet they send you a letter saying "Hey knock it off basically" then after that, they cut off your internet.

It's totally legal to download in Canada, though. The thing they have an issue with is the uploading. You can take all you want, but try sharing copyrighted material and you're screwed.

04-15-2012, 10:29 PM
IT IS!!!! its time to get the hunger games :P

04-15-2012, 10:32 PM
IT IS!!!! its time to get the hunger games :P

I didn't say do it :/

04-15-2012, 10:51 PM
wait you got busted what happened just curios

Basically what Bryce said, they shut off my internet, so any time I opened my browser it took me to this page that said "You've been red flagged for blah blah blah... If you delete all of your illegal downloads charges will be dropped." they also said something about being able to drop us as customers any time they please in the future. My brother still downloads stuff and it's been a year. So idk, you think they'd watch us more since they we got caught once.

04-15-2012, 11:04 PM
I didn't say do it :/

i was kidding calm

04-16-2012, 11:45 AM
I've been downloading MANY things for many many years, and never once had the my internet provider or anyone else catch me.... If you get caught you're doing it wrong lol I'd recommend a bitblocker, although I've never used one. Maybe I just got lucky :O

04-16-2012, 04:08 PM
I use a bitblocker. I cannot say for sure if it works or not but I have been downloading stuff since napster was around... I only download music, movies and occasionally e-books. I don't download often maybe 1 time a month and 1-2 items. I have an unlimited music subscription which lets me keep 10 songs a month. If I want any more songs that is why I download them. If I like one of the movies I downloaded I usually buy it. As for books... I am not paying $15 for 1 book... That is just outrageous...

I don't know anyone who has ever been caught, but I cannot say that it doesn't surprise me that isp's are monitoring what you do... Obviously the company I am with could give a crap less what I do...

04-16-2012, 08:59 PM
Ya know... now that I said that... Imma get a notice from Comcast tomorrow about downloading **** LOL xD

04-16-2012, 10:43 PM
I download from public wi-fi. I got busted once by my ISP too (with a bit-blocker might I add.) So I just started playing it safe.

Not that I do that sort of thing....


But yeah... There are a lot of ISPs that monitor that now. I have this stupid ISP now... but it nails me on my purchased games sometimes.... cause it's stupid. -_-

04-16-2012, 11:27 PM
Bit blockers wont protect you from your ISP because they can track where the data is going to. They usually check people that have very large or continuous downloads. If you are using torrents don't let them seed or your ISP will probably check your activity. That's how a friend of line was caught

04-17-2012, 10:24 AM
Yupp, that's what I do. I download a crapton of stuff, don't use a bitblocker, but neverrrr seed anything. And delete trackers >_<

04-17-2012, 10:34 AM
Yeah I never seed anything and I distribute whatever it is I download to the respective area then delete it from the folder it was downloaded too... I had a feeling the bit blocker didn't do anything, but with all the sopa and acta crap I wanted to make myself feel like I was doing all I could to protect my pirating ways... I should just delete it because it is wasting space...

04-17-2012, 02:47 PM
Sopa and pipa target the sites, not necessarily the users

04-17-2012, 04:07 PM
Sopa and pipa target the sites, not necessarily the users

Pipa acta... There were too many flying around. But yes pipa... Anyways, I was just taking precautionary measures just in case. I didn't want anyone knocking on my door.

04-17-2012, 04:50 PM
They just send you a strongly worded email. And if you get caught again they cut off your internet service, fine you, maybe give you jail time and confiscate your computer

04-17-2012, 05:20 PM
They just send you a strongly worded email. And if you get caught again they cut off your internet service, fine you, maybe give you jail time and confiscate your computer

Yeah because any of those sound fantastic!

04-17-2012, 10:09 PM
fine me send me to jail but dont take my internet!!!