View Full Version : Please Help Me Recall A Game's Name

05-10-2012, 05:55 PM
Hey guys.

I'm asking u coz ur my last hope.

Im dying to find an old game I played about 6 years ago.
I tried every possible search, yet nothing has helped.
My only hope is to decribe the game as much as I can (and remember), hoping some1 played it too and does remember the name.

OK, the few things I do remember about the game:

*A small single player game available on some site like miniclip..
*A mini-advanture of ninja/samurai. You had to choose between 4 types of samurais (red, purple, blue, green), each had its own advantages.
*You walk with arrows and its a 2-d rooms with really nice animation.
*You enter rooms where u fight an enemy, at the end u'd get exp points, coins,
and sometimes his weapon.
*You had few stores that sold equipment and life/mana potions.
*I remember that when you were missing few coins, you could always do a really annoying job(transfering knives or white bottles from 1 shop to another, around 20 seconds job), and got 3 coins for doing this.
*During 1 mission, you read a book that tells u to look at the moon - u get a ring.
*u could fight various monsters in different doors(levels), but for some reason the hardest enemies were some kind of flagpoles or crosses, that had strong attacks and also reflected your attacks.
*1 of the last stages in 1 room was 2 well-equipped samurais.

I'll be very thankful for some1 who can help me with this issue :)

Thanks in advance.

05-11-2012, 05:07 AM
Not sure what game you are talking about but maybe you can search for it on Newgounds. It is a very large and old site where many flash games are posted. Try posting this thread in their forum. Hope this helps!

05-11-2012, 06:49 AM
I love you man!!

I searched there "Best Adventure games of all time - by score", and it was right there!

The game is called: Sinjid: SotW

Thank you very much!!
Contact me if you need any help possible.

05-11-2012, 06:53 AM
Glad to help man, I had a feeling it was on newgrounds :P