View Full Version : Game Sells Dropping

05-14-2012, 05:21 AM
This April, video game/console sells were 32% lower than the previous year. What is everyone's input on this? Is it just simply the economy taking its toll on everyone, or is there something else involved? Do you think sales will continue to drop this year or make a comeback?

05-14-2012, 10:27 AM
This April, video game/console sells were 32% lower than the previous year. What is everyone's input on this? Is it just simply the economy taking its toll on everyone, or is there something else involved? Do you think sales will continue to drop this year or make a comeback?

I think for the most part, everyone's just either got one of the major consoles already, or still recovering from Christmas lol. I know I've had no money to spend on games or myself with Valentine's, my mom's bday, Mother's Day, and needing new summer tires all one after the other. That one may just be me though haha.

05-14-2012, 10:28 AM
The generation is showing fatigue, also there wasn't really a full month software this month. The top game sold a mere 236k between ps3/360

April 2012 NPD Sales Results [Up3: Best selling game sold less than 236K, Kid Icarus] - NeoGAF (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=473707)

I mean just look, mostly games that released in previous months. We need a new generation.. like now

edit: Another theory. This gen consoles are still kinda expensive. Wii should and prob would be 99 at any other point in any other gen, 360 dropped to 99 for its entry but still requires a 15 a month sub and the next one up costs 300. Sony entry level at the moment is 249. These guys need to be at 99 and 150 for models. Not give us a blah model at low price and the neat model for 300+ still. It's bs. This gen better be the last and I know it won't that does the entry level model and so called pro/elit models. 1 model per console.

NeoGAF - View Single Post - April 2012 NPD Sales Results [Up3: Best selling game sold less than 236K, Kid Icarus] (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=37851154&postcount=1339)

estimation of what the current count is at for the year

Neogaf has done some math and its estimated PS3 was at 175k this month and Wii at 91k. First month ever under 100k

05-14-2012, 02:26 PM
The current generation of consoles have been around for a really long time. It should be pretty obvious sales would drop. Not sure about the games though, maybe IT IS the economy.

05-15-2012, 10:09 AM
I think with the games, there isn't enough new ip and too much sequel and reusing ip's. If the game industry keeps this path the industry will crash for a 2nd time.

05-15-2012, 11:10 AM
I don't want a new gen. I'm perfectly happy with the current gen...so many games I still need to play.

and I mean, there haven't really been too many HUGE games lately have there? Diablo 3 just came out, but just about everybody has their console of choice now so of course those sales will go down.

just give us an awesome exciting game.

05-15-2012, 11:16 AM
Everyone was saving for D3 or spent all their game money on the collectors edition lollllllll
but nah, other than D3 there hasn't been anything HUGE, and games are expensive. Everyone's got their consoles, handheld games and consoles are being replaced by apps, etc.

05-15-2012, 12:37 PM
The current generation of consoles have been around for a really long time. It should be pretty obvious sales would drop. Not sure about the games though, maybe IT IS the economy.

Agree. Kind of hard not expect sales to drop when there hasnt been a new console released in a long time. Same with games really. Nothing BIG has come out in the past few months.

05-15-2012, 12:45 PM
I feel current gen has all but down with *big* new ips as game developers ramp up production for Wii U games for its what late 2012/early 2013 release and Microsoft/Sony most likely late 2013/early 2014 release. We are going to sea of sequels, yearly sports games and perhaps smaller newer ips. But nothing big

05-16-2012, 05:41 AM
Hm... Nothing unusual after things like Christmas and more. Also there were absolutly no games that were released in the past months that I actually care about(only Last Story, Pandora's Tower and Risen 2). The Rest of the year I only want to get one more game (Kirby 20th anniversary edition) and then save most of the money I have for the Wii U.

05-17-2012, 12:25 AM
I am going to say no real BIG names have been released. max Pain may have been the biggest for consuls right now with D3 on Pc. But I have not bought a game since Christmas and that was Battlefield 3. I just pre ordered Dragon Dogma today only cause it is made by team Resi and DMC. But once the big names get rolling watch out cause people are already stoked for B-Ops 2 and Resi 6 AND Ac3 so no need to be worried