View Full Version : From Software's: Souls Series

05-18-2012, 02:03 PM
From Software, a small Japanese company Hardly anyone knows of them. so. I decided to post this little Advert. Just to spread the word of these amazing games. So here goes.

First off we have Demon's Souls.


Made in 2010, This game quickly became infamous for it's difficulty, Many players have raged quit over even the first level. I picked this game up not too long ago, after falling in love with it' successor, and this game has also made me want to throw my controller. but I just love that, I am a sucker for hard games. and I believe the two of these games have made me a better gamer. I wholeheartedly recommend this game to any PS3 user.

Next up. Demon's Souls Spiritual Successor


Released in 2011 This was my first experience with the Souls games. This very trailer (Below) Made my heart race. Then when my best friend bought this for me. He ruined my life. Ever since. Dark Souls has been my religion. The intense difficulty jut like it's predecessor. And I too recommend this game to Everyone. Since it's being released on PC there is NO EXCUSE you people not to play this game you simply cannot call yourself a gamer until you beat these games.


What are you still reading this for? GO AND BUY THEM!

05-18-2012, 11:28 PM
Yeah they are on my radar and I'll likely get them and rage hard as I heard they are extremely hard.

05-19-2012, 12:32 AM
You should mention that team also was part of a different company and also had very good games on the last gen consul. I cannot remember what the names are but they did a history in PTOM, PlayStation the Official Magazine.

05-19-2012, 10:04 AM
Didn't they make Kings Field for PS1?

05-19-2012, 10:47 AM
I heard they were involved in the Armoured Core series?

05-19-2012, 03:53 PM
Two of the best RPGs I've played in the past decade.

Currently waiting for the PC edition of Dark Souls, and desperately hoping they drop GFWL support.

05-20-2012, 03:12 PM
Two of the best RPGs I've played in the past decade.

Currently waiting for the PC edition of Dark Souls, and desperately hoping they drop GFWL support.

They probably won't. Just remember they are very new to PC gaming. And we should buy this to support them, but also to tell them we don't like GFWL, and perhaps message them saying the Steam is the better option.