View Full Version : My dayZ stories(others can also post their stories here if they play the gmae)

05-25-2012, 06:29 AM
so I spawned alone along the coastline, close to me was a small village so I thought about sneaking into it. First I saw nothing but soon I saw more and more zombies roaming the place. I decided anyway to sneak past them. I managed to sneak past the zeds and got into the village. In a house I saw lots of dead zombies so I understood that there was someone else in the village, needless I kept on looking though the place. Half an hour later I saw something move, it was another survivor, he hadnt noticed me and I saw he had much better gear than me. I asked him if he was friendly(in the chat) but got no responce, after a few more tries without answer I thought he might be a bandit and was going to kill him. About then he moves away and past a building. I didnt follow him and continued with my bussiness.

Some time later outside the village I see him again, this time I had found a rifle and was at a perfect place to kill him, however I didnt. I started sneaking again but got detected by a zombie, when I tried to run away from it I accidentally lured even more zombies after me. A few hundred meters infront of me I saw a barn and though of making a stand there so I ran in to it and put my back at the wall and redied my rifle. The zombies came in and started walking towards me(zombies cant run indoors for some reason) I laid of headshot after headshot, after I had run out of ammo in my rifle I took up my pistol and started firing.

in the end I managed to kill the zombies but now I was low on ammo, and everyone in a large radius around me knew where I was.

05-25-2012, 06:48 AM
you and your arma XD

05-25-2012, 11:41 AM
hell yea :D

05-29-2012, 03:10 PM
Continue since the last story.

After I reconnected later at night the zombies were all gone, however now I was alone in the pitch black without any ammo or just about anything.

As a last resort I lit a flare and threw it infront of me, I picked up the flare and started walking along the dark road, soon I saw a couple of buildings and extinguished my flare(light draws zombies) So I was sneaking in the darknerss praying that I wouldnt hit a zombie or anything.

After some search I managed to get in to a house and thankfully I found some ammo. I needed to see where I was so I threw a flare in the village, two zombies quickly ran to the flare but I managed to stay hidden.

I sneaked away from the village but soon I saw a flare in the distance and started running there, maybe there was a friend there or at least someone not hostile. I had almost managed to get to the flare when I heard a shot. (TO BE CONTINUED)

05-30-2012, 11:48 AM
On my first play, I didn't have a clue where I was, because it was 11pm, and of course depending on what time it is in your area, depends on how light or dark it is in the game. So, it was pitch-black. I was trying to find my friend, who was literally miles away, so we started making our way to each other by using the coast-line, as we had a rough idea of where were both were by using a map we found online.

I threw a flare just to navigate through this forest bit, just in case I bumped into a zombie. Then...

...two zombies came sprinting towards me, I **** my pants, I fell of a high wall, and broke my leg. Then I died.

05-30-2012, 11:55 AM
I threw a flare just to navigate through this forest bit, just in case I bumped into a zombie. Then...

...two zombies came sprinting towards me, I **** my pants, I fell of a high wall, and broke my leg. Then I died.

lol, the first encounter is always the best, even more at night :p

05-30-2012, 12:05 PM
lol, the first encounter is always the best, even more at night :p

I almost shrieked like a little child. I definitely did a poo. I had my volume up as well. The music makes my skin crawl!

05-30-2012, 01:17 PM
I almost shrieked like a little child. I definitely did a poo. I had my volume up as well. The music makes my skin crawl!

I have actually turned of the music, but the first time I heard the music I got panicked and started running around expecting massive monsters somewhere around.

Even if its extremely unnerving it makes it harder to hear footsteps so it makes it esier for bandits to sneak up on me, thats why I turned it off.