View Full Version : Diablo 3 Guide (yay!)

05-26-2012, 12:08 AM
Hey guys, just wanted to help some newbs out by posting helpful information. What do I mean by helpful? Well just the stuff I have had to explain repeatedly and have finally decide to put into one place.

First thing you should do in Diablo 3 is turn on elective mode. Its under options, game settings, and is the bottom right option. It allows you to set any skill to any button, even multiple skills from the same set. (like 4 deff skills, for instance)



This is radically different now. At this point what you should be doing is using an auction house app on your smartphone to see wha tto sell and what to merch.

Next, you want to stop putting garbage on the auction house. Each item that does not sell will sit on your account for days, eating up one of your ten slots. Do not sell your junk, merch it or deconstruct it. Want to know what is worth selling? Use this easy to follow guide:

-Nothing before you hit level 30. But really, those fools have no gold.
- Armor: (pre lvl 50)
Anything with a decent armor rating, VIT and a third stat. Once you figure out what to sell, go look up that stats on the market for a like item, sort by buyout, now undercut a similar item to make sure yours sells.
(after lvl 50) people are going to need higher armor or more stat lines. Different classes use different things, but generally a high VIT with two or three added stats sells. Anything with those pluse attack speed nees to be looked up because they are generally an easy 50k.
-Rings/Amulets: Found a ring with flat damage and attack speed? Easy money! Make sure you look up the going rate. Sockets are the best third stat but only if it has those first two.
-Weapons: After normal mode, weapon damage will scale very rapidly. the safe bet is to sell what you have equipped every time you find something better. Look up the price range before hand.

Finally, merching things for cheap at 1k min 5k max is what I do to fill empty spaces when there is nothing that good to sell. Always with decent items, just those almost good items. And use your transaction history to look at what you paid money for before you merch your used junk.

(these are the most recent, from today, I sell about twice this in a day)



Its real, and its awesome. to get it make the staff of herding with these items:

Black Mushroom -- Found rarely in a room on Cathedral level one, in early Act One.
Leoric's Shinbone -- Found rarely in the fireplace in Leoric's Manor, in late Act One.
Wirt's Bell -- An Act II vendor (Squirt)sells it for 100,000 gold on her Potions and Dyes tab.
Liquid Rainbow -- Spawns in the Mysterious Cave in the Mysterious Chest in the Oasis, Act 2. Save the old man and he will open the chest.
Gibbering Gemstone -- Random drop from Chiltara in the Caverns of Frost, Act 3. It’s in the Ballistae fight area. If you get Ice Caverns exit out try again. The mob is random.
Plan: Staff of Herding -- To teach the recipe to Haedrig. Drops randomly from Izual, Act 4.

Upgrading: Enter act 4 on nightmare ect., talk to the merch near the healer, buy the plans for 1 gold. It is not a random act3 merch item. People who tell you that are trolling you.
To use the staff exit New Tristram to the right and follow the road until its split by a fissure. with the staff in your inventory walk by the cow bones and the ghost of the cow king appears.



I want to level up fast and have stacks of gold!

Run act3 up to catapults in the highest difficulty you can manage.

Well then you are reading the right thing. To do this you need a lvl 50ish character and the ability to solo azmodan relatively fast. Aw hell just watch the video:


The reason you do this is for the quest rewards. The reward xp is 90k for a run, and about 30k per min if you do it right. This guy is skipping the mobs but with a demon hunter I was killing the mobs and still making decent time. Another thing he did wrong was he left the game with returning to town, you return in 4 sec and skip the 10 sec log out time, so if he was really trying for the fastest grind he would save 6 sec.

Some things to note: Space bar skips dialog, enter works for hitting enter, and azmodan should die in half that time if you dont suck. I will upload a vid if you want my fastest time is about 2min.


Now you can be lvl 60 like me! =D


Go back and look at my whimsyshire pic. Thats my character doing cluster shot with the "loaded for bear" rune. My passive gives me a lot of extra crit. And another one builds up chance to crit over time. Meaning that if I waited long enough (like 20sec) I would crit with everything for a brief moment. Using a combo like say... rain of vengeance, mark of death, and furry (rain and furry hitting at the same time with the delay) will let me crit about 20 times for an increased 12% damage. 20 x 30k (average) + 12% = dead boss. You cant tell that from my DPS rating.

All that means is that the fancy smancy damage algorithm they use cant be relied upon for determining your real potential. Actually using skills and passive with synergy will allow you to do far more damage than your DPS rating. So dont build a character just to increase that one stat. My last piece of advice is focus more on learning the skills and combos than relying on gear to carry you.

Here is that same act 3 to act 4 run (without sound haha, I forgot I had that turned off) to demonstrate what I mean about my damage output. Of course, Im lvl 60 at this point, but we are just looking at the damage and skill sets:


Im using vault in my left click slot for the first time, I was surprised to see that unless I hit shift I was firing a normal shot. Its almost like getting another skill slot. For furry I have mark with mortal enemy so that I generate furry on hit, but normally that might not be enough.


I will try to keep adding interesting things as I go. These seem like the basic essentials for now though.

05-26-2012, 08:10 AM
That's a pretty good review. Im still level 15 with all the crashes I have been experiencing. Hope I can get it fixed soon.

If you want to publish this on my blog, hit me up. I run a Diablo 3 blog and will publish it for free.

05-27-2012, 09:04 PM
Your reviews are fun Bob, I enjoyed this <:

06-03-2012, 03:16 AM
Glad to be able to see this forum still, I am looking for a very long time,

06-04-2012, 10:43 PM
they fixed the xp gain from act 3 to 4. =(

06-04-2012, 11:28 PM
Wow, didn't know about elective mode, glad I read this now. When I first saw it I was like "pffft, I no noob, I know how to play" :D

Good review bob.

06-05-2012, 01:10 PM
the patch notes supposedly got leaked from an internal source:

1.03b patch notes leaked .. - Forums - Diablo III (http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/5568801117)

also for people looking to lvl up more lvl 60 characters fast there are a few methods left, but they are expected to be fixed on or before the above patch. Look on google, we are hitting lvl 60 at 16 hours game time right now.

06-05-2012, 08:54 PM
CAn't wait to utilize this, great job man! Still just starting Act 2 on normal :( bought release day too, xD

09-11-2012, 07:52 PM
Well Im going to necro revive this because most of it has changed by now. What we are really looking at right now for xp is running act 3 up till the catapults for the best xp. Thats currently the best xp in the game and inferno farming it is the fastest way to build up paragon lvls.

My DH has been pretty much the same because they get pretty hard to play in inferno mode. Im having a lot easier time with my recent Wizard build:

RogueTarget (BobTD#1141) :: DiabloProgress - Diablo 3 Rankings (http://www.diabloprogress.com/hero/bobtd-1141/RogueTarget/13326149)

Using that website you can track my gear and build real time, along with a lot of people better than me. The skills might look strange at fist so let me explain:

Pre inferno build

Active Skills

Electrocute - Chain Lightning
Blizzard - Stark Winter
Archon - Pure Power
Magic Weapon - Blood Magic
Familiar - Sparkflint
Energy Armor - Prismatic Armor

Passive Skills

Glass Cannon
Cold Blooded

Inferno build

Active Skills

Energy Twister - Storm Chaser
Teleport - Safe Passage
Diamond Skin - Diamond Shards
Frost Nova - Deep Freeze
Explosive Blast - Chain Reaction
Energy Armor - Prismatic Armor

Passive Skills

Critical Mass
Astral Presence


Alright, on my infero build I just managed to kill Zoltun Kulle on inferno without taking a single point of damage. I will upload a vid at some point because its not that hard to do with this build. What this build does well is reduce your cooldowns for every crit, and give you a lot of chances to crit. This allows you to keep both frost nova and diomond skin up at all times. Right now I have about 35% chance to crit:


Im working on getting that higher, but right now I am just barely able to run this build with unlimited arcane power and cooldown reduction. I can effectively cast frost nova and maintain diamond armor faster than they wear off. Critical mass gives you a "chance" for all your cooldowns to be reduced by 1 sec on a crit. My weapon is generating arcane power on crit, and my frost nova can increase my chance to crit by 15%.

why I use Energy Twister - Storm Chaser is because that "chance" to proc on my passive is different for each skill and rune. This skill has the highest internal proc rate for my passive at 40% more often than any other skill. Im not even using a signature spell to activate the rune because at this lvl of gameplay that would be a waste.

Even with this build and gear Im just barley starting to get up to the higher lvl of gameplay. Compared to real hardcore players my character is not very impressive. So far my equipment is broablay under a mil gold in value. What really needs to happen for me to progress is I need one good drop so that I can sell it and start moving my gear up to about half way. At that point I should be able to start running act3 start to finish and look at increasing my gold find a little along the way.

Wizard Inferno Build - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6BtnJSYGk4&feature=youtu.be)

09-11-2012, 09:04 PM
What skills have you been using for DH inferno?

09-11-2012, 09:28 PM
look on diabloprogress.com at the best DH players if you want to know what the best for high lvl gear is. Right now my dh looks like this but he is pretty much poop:

BobTD (BobTD#1141) :: DiabloProgress - Diablo 3 Rankings (http://www.diabloprogress.com/hero/bobtd-1141/BobTD/2708936)

09-11-2012, 09:32 PM
Have you not been playing the DH much?

09-11-2012, 09:34 PM
yeah I havent played him since about a month after the game came out. I might try to gear him up and work on his skill set now that the last two patches made the game more playable.

I pretty much just got back into it this week and started a wizard, who is already looking a lot better than my DH.

09-11-2012, 09:38 PM
I really only play my DH. Every other class kinda bores me. Although playing DH is starting to get too easy cause I can one shot everything... with 3 teammates

09-11-2012, 11:07 PM
do you play on inferno?

here is the wizard build I use in action:

Wizard Inferno Build - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6BtnJSYGk4&feature=youtu.be)

09-11-2012, 11:28 PM
Yes I play on inferno. For abilities I use:
Hungering arrow - (with that one special critical rune :p)
Chakram - razor disk
Companion - ferrets
Vault - trail of cinders
That one spell that makes me invincible
Preparation - the healing rune

Trail of cinders does silly huge damage. :p my crits with chakram do 150-200k damage

09-11-2012, 11:44 PM
There is a patch coming this week that reduces the damage of trail of cinders from 1600% to 800% so you must be right.

09-12-2012, 12:12 AM
Nooooo damn you blizzard!

09-13-2012, 03:48 AM
There is a patch coming this week that reduces the damage of trail of cinders from 1600% to 800% so you must be right.

It's actually from 1500% to 300%. There was actually a bug where they made each tick do 100% instead of 100% per second. Since there are 5 ticks per second and this ability lasts 3 seconds, 100 * 15 = 1500%!

It's coming out in patch 1.0.5, not sure where you got the idea that it is being released this week though. I blogged about this the other day along with all the other things Blizzard has planned for this patch. Did I mention Followers are getting a buff? XD

Link: Upcoming Changes in Patch 1.0.5 (http://easydiablo3.com/post/2012/09/11/Upcoming-Changes-in-Patch-105.aspx)

09-13-2012, 11:41 AM
Actually I don't think that it was a bug since the tooltip said it does 1500% weapon damage over 3 seconds :p

09-13-2012, 12:00 PM
Actually I don't think that it was a bug since the tooltip said it does 1500% weapon damage over 3 seconds :p

It is a bug. The tooltip reads from the game data that is why it is like that. Did you not see our Patch 1.0.5 post (http://easydiablo3.com/post/2012/09/11/Upcoming-Changes-in-Patch-105.aspx)? Check it out. Trail of Cinders is the very first point mentioned.

09-13-2012, 12:33 PM
Lol they opted not to fix it right away because it was really fun :p
And they are bringing back the players 8 command :D

12-20-2012, 10:16 AM
I'm a big fan of Diabolo 3 and I was searching for a good guide on the internet, but all the things for free are to difficult to understand if you are new to Diabolo and so I decided to buy a paid guide and it's great !

I'm rushing to the highest level, I have lots of money and I now how to play; it's simpy great.

01-09-2013, 06:13 PM
will upload a better quality image later, but my resists are now all over 800 unbuffed, and over 1100 with my armor up. i dont really play that much or spend money on gear so i am doing pretty well for a crit mass build.