View Full Version : Most Disappointing Games

06-02-2012, 02:45 PM
You ever buy a game thinking it is going to be completely great, but it ends up being crap? If so, tell us your story here. The most recent disappointing game for me is Fable II. In the original Fable, you had an epic story line with a little comic relief here and there, a large variety of weapons and armor, and one of the most intense final bosses I have ever faced. Now on to Fable II. This game had a decent storyline, but there were way too many times when it wasn't taken seriously. I suffered lame joke after joke all the way through to the end. As for the weapons and armor, I feel like there wasn't enough of them. I was stuck using the same weapon for most of the game because every other weapon I came across was weaker. I had the weapon I would later use in the final battle way too early in the game. What completely disappointed me about the game was the "final boss". He dies in a single hit and doesn't even bother trying to fight you. Even if you don't kill him, you ally does with a single bullet. In a final note, Fable II is not a bad game. It is still very enjoyable and worth a shot. However, it did not meet my expectations and I still prefer the first Fable over it.

06-02-2012, 02:55 PM
I can say I was pretty disappointed in dragon age 2, dont get me wrong it was still a good game.

First large parts of the game was set in one place, the city of kirkwall. Even if the actual city were nice it felt pretty dead and almost nothing changed(the game was set during several years) many palces were reused several times and many times I accomplished quests I didnt even know I had. Also it wasnt as fun to collect items as many items were identical(to many items) and so on

06-02-2012, 04:35 PM
Metroid Other M

This game made a lot of promises but end up bad for Metroid Fans as me.

06-02-2012, 05:39 PM
Final Fantasy 13

06-02-2012, 07:05 PM
Medal of Honour: Airborne. I was so excited for this game, and then after playing through the mildly entertaining campaign, I was faced with the multiplayer. URGH. What a horrible attempt at a multiplayer feature. I was so disappointed by this, because the game looked fantastic, and I am heavily into my WW2 history... so I was kinda sad.

06-02-2012, 09:06 PM
Dantes Inferno. I had so many expectations for that game.

Halo Wars. When I saw the Halogen mod for C&C: Generals, I was ecstatic. But then the mod got closed by some big shots, and some time later, this piece of crap hit the shelves. So disappointing.

Skyrim. Not a bad game at all. I've spent over 100 hours in it. I just expected so much more. I'd hoped that the game would've moved back to the old Morrowind design, but it didn't. :(

06-02-2012, 11:16 PM
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days.
The missions were kind of bland and boring. I got tired of it really fast. It's definitely the worst KH game.

06-03-2012, 12:47 AM
Dark Souls was good but not nearly as good as I had hoped. I played Demons Souls earlier today and it was more fun than I had with Dark Souls. Idk what it is about dark souls that just isn't as fun... It's not a bad game though

that was the most recent one. the biggest disappointment i can think of was final fantasy 13. that game sucked something fierce

06-03-2012, 05:39 PM
Gears of War 3. It was a good game in the beginning, but when I got towards the middle or the end, I just couldn't pick it up no more. It got
real boring. Its a great game for others, but for me, nope. Why own and play many games when you can have less good ones?-- Its what I prefer.

06-05-2012, 10:27 PM
I find the Borderlands ending was a little disappointing, but it's still an amazing game.

06-06-2012, 04:22 AM
I would have to say Assassin's Creed 1 I saw the hype from Assassin's Creed 2 and I though Well I might aswell get the first one to try it out, It seemed awesome, but it left me very disappointed, don't worry AC2 made up for that and so much more

06-06-2012, 06:44 AM
AC1 was the best in the series!
I loved all of them actually, but one is the best : D
Also when Black Ops and MW3 came out, then the announcement of Black Ops 2, it threw CoD in a **** storm for me.
First off Black Ops servers sucked, MW3 was a copy of MW2 and wasn't that fun (loved the campaign though).
Plus everybody had a year to play Black Ops, now only a year to play MW3.
Just a money plow.
(Black Ops 2 looks promising)
(also Halo is getting butchered by 343 industries)

06-06-2012, 08:54 AM
AC1 was the best in the series!
I loved all of them actually, but one is the best : D
Also when Black Ops and MW3 came out, then the announcement of Black Ops 2, it threw CoD in a **** storm for me.
First off Black Ops servers sucked, MW3 was a copy of MW2 and wasn't that fun (loved the campaign though).
Plus everybody had a year to play Black Ops, now only a year to play MW3.
Just a money plow.
(Black Ops 2 looks promising)
(also Halo is getting butchered by 343 industries)

Really? I though AC1 was so cliché it was the whole "Pffffft I don't care about the rules *Five hours later* OH MY GOD THE RULES ARE PREFECT, THIS IS MY REDEMPTION" Story. I prefered the Whole AC2 series Probably because I lernt how to speak Italian from Ezio

06-06-2012, 10:20 AM
AC1 was the best in the series!
I loved all of them actually, but one is the best : D
Also when Black Ops and MW3 came out, then the announcement of Black Ops 2, it threw CoD in a **** storm for me.
First off Black Ops servers sucked, MW3 was a copy of MW2 and wasn't that fun (loved the campaign though).
Plus everybody had a year to play Black Ops, now only a year to play MW3.
Just a money plow.
(Black Ops 2 looks promising)
(also Halo is getting butchered by 343 industries)

Call of duty has been doing that since like 2007

06-06-2012, 11:09 AM
(also Halo is getting butchered by 343 industries)

How do you mean they are getting butchered?

06-06-2012, 05:15 PM
How do you mean they are getting butchered?

Killcams, killstreaks, custom loadouts.
This isn't what Halo is.