View Full Version : LinkedIn Hacked

06-07-2012, 09:07 AM
In case if some of you haven't seen the news and have a LinkedIn user account, your password information maybe available to anyone on the internet.

It's best if you change your password asap. I meant to post this yesterday but got slammed at work so I apologize in advance.

Another good thing to check is your primary e-mail address and make sure it hasn't been changed so said hacker can't reset your password on you.

News Article: Change Your LinkedIn Password Right Now! - Business Insider (http://www.businessinsider.com/linkedin-hacked-2012-6)

How to change your password: Here's How To Change Your LinkedIn Password After Today's Security Breach - Business Insider (http://www.businessinsider.com/heres-how-to-change-your-linkedin-password-after-todays-security-breach-2012-6)

LinkedIn Confirms it was hacked: LinkedIn confirms that posted passwords are of its members - SC Magazine (http://www.scmagazine.com/linkedin-confirms-that-posted-passwords-are-of-its-members/article/244575/?DCMP=EMC-SCUS_Newswire)

If you feel like nerding out, this is a good article on it: Errata Security: Confirmed: LinkedIn 6mil password dump is real (http://erratasec.blogspot.com/2012/06/confirmed-linkedin-6mil-password-dump.html)


Update - You can actually test if your password was stolen here: LastPass - LinkedIn Password Checker (https://lastpass.com/linkedin/)

But it's still recommended you change your password anyways just in case. :)

06-07-2012, 06:42 PM
That's awesome.

Thanks for posting.