View Full Version : Diablo 3, I think I have to slow connection to play it

06-12-2012, 12:34 PM
So I bought Diablo 3 and started to play it, I know that you need a connection to play it but I have older games that also need to be started online.

However diablo 3 is almost unplayable because of this.

I can play as usual but then the game just seems to freeze, I can still move my character and when I attack the attack animations show up but nothing else, the other characters also stand still. Suddenly it all starts again, I jump back to the area where I lost connection and my friend joins up, however its worse if I am fighting when this happens. It looks like they all freeze but actually they are fighting, its just that I cant see it or do something about it, when the game starts again I might see myself surrounded and almost killed by enemies.

One time at the skeleton king I had taken down half his life, then THAT happened for me hte game was still and I ran around, when the game started I was "teleported" to my old position surrounded by enemies that the skeleton king had summoned while I was disconnected. I died thanks to that , and I have died many more times thanks to that, even to small and easy enemies.


End of rant...

06-12-2012, 12:58 PM
This is the exact reason I am NOT buying D3
The single player is just that SINGLE PLAYER!
Nobody cares if you use mods and crap while you're alone.
It just URG! So irritating.
I am with you on this one Paec

06-12-2012, 05:20 PM
This is the exact reason I am NOT buying D3
The single player is just that SINGLE PLAYER!
Nobody cares if you use mods and crap while you're alone.
It just URG! So irritating.
I am with you on this one Paec
People do care if you use mods and crap alone. With the new auction house implemented, even if you've only ever played solo, you can sell items from your characters online. Now if you mod yourself some super awesome gear, there's gonna be some issues. That's where more issues come in. Why not make it so online only characters can use the auction house? But then that leaves out content for single player. Why not just have a seperate single player mode seperate from the whole client? Still ways to hack the files, let alone another 6 months or more on the development period, impossible to patch and tweak, etc.

I don't like that you need to connect to the internet to play a single player game at all, but I do understand why Blizzard did it. It really does max out the gaming experience, as big of a pain it is. Really sucks that you aren't able to play though, Paec I hope the problem solves itself soon D: