View Full Version : Was Game Of Thrones underrated?

07-11-2012, 01:43 PM
Was Game of Thrones underrated?

Now I have finished the game, Game Of Thrones and it was amazing, the story telling, combat and just about everything. It really felt like the choices mattered, so like I always do I read up on the game over on Wikipedia ect and I noticed how horribly rated this game was "54 out of 100 on Metacritic" for some really stupid reasons such as "poor execution through low-quality graphics, sound design, animations and voice acting, as well as a repetitive combat experience." Now the graphics were absolutely fine and there was no real problem with them and I had no problems with the voice acting either. Seen much worse animation and sound design as well but no one ever complained about that. And... Repetitive combat? Have they played any other games besides tetris? Anyways this is turning into a rant mainly because this was the best RPG I've played in a while surpassing Skyrim and being second only to KOTOR.

Anyways I am going a little off topic here. Does anyone else think that Game of Thrones was a underrated game and deserved to have a better rating? Because it just grinds my gears seeing such an excellent RPG being rated badly thus making it seem like there is no room for it on the market.

07-11-2012, 03:39 PM
I had written a whole paragraph about the than I reread your post... Idk I have read mixed reviews of some people loving it others find it bland. I think it is in the same boat has Dragon's Dogma in that it boils down to taste and opinion

07-11-2012, 04:46 PM
Yeah this is a very big problem. The thing is I can NOT understand what sort of people can find Game of Thrones bland.. There are plot twists, all of which are VERY unexpected and interesting. There is a sufficent amount of intrigue and your actions actually have an effect on the game.

Lets compare it to a different RPG a sequal to my 4th fav RPG of all time. Dragon Age 2, ratings are around 8.5/10. Yet your actions have NO consequence and the story is average. And just doesn't give you the whole feeling of an overarching goal, its like 3 games where stuck together with a conversation wheel thrown in just to stick an RPG sticker on it. The choices should have at least chose who you fight in the end. But nope it was all the same in the end the character was a complete failure unlike in its prequel Dragon Age: origins (You probably guessed by now that I am part of the fans who were enraged by DA2). They even said "unnecessary simplification and unfocused storytelling" yet gave this game a 80/100... Why? The story of Game of Thrones should give it an 80/100 even if it had no animations, 8-bit graphics and sound quality which was undeliberate.

But yeah it mainly boils down to the taste. For me the story telling matters more than combat, graphics, sound quality ect. The story itself is 80% of the whole experience for me which is probably why most RPGs just do not satisfy me at all, yet a brilliant RPG comes and is rated horribly for stupid reasons. Makes me sad really.

And yeah Dragon's Dogma was actually a pretty good game although it did not satisfy my taste due to its story (anything that involves dragons is pretty generic in fantasy games, like zombies in shooters. Just not as generic. Nonetheless it was not a bad story, cant say the same for DA2 which has high scores... I bet EA payed them).

Seeing how everyones definition of a good RPG is different I would really like to know what you think makes a good RPG. For me its:
80/100 for Story
10/100 for Combat
2/100 voice acting
2/100 sound
1/100 graphics
5/100 characters
Heh I'm not too good with this sort of thing but you get the point, I would really like to hear your opinion on what makes an RP Game great.

EDIT: Ah excuse my post including a lot of ranting. It just really annoys me when something so great is treated so badly. Yet utter garbage of an RPG is treated like gold.

07-11-2012, 05:08 PM
I was same about Dragon's Dogma... read the reviews I was reaged a little. Than said eh forget it. I enjoy the game, other people enjoy it. That is all that matters.

07-11-2012, 06:20 PM
Yeah that matters but there are 2 main things that effect a game. 1) How much it was sold and 2) The rating given by idiots. So it kinda cripples the game having a sequel or more games like that being made. Like if COD4 didn't sell a lot there wouldn't have been MW2 and the era of FPSs flooding the market. And they all resemble COD. Sadly. Now I wish that game wasn't successful. BUt ye I wish there were more games like Game Of Thrones, KOTOR, DA:O, BG heck Dragon's Dogma is also pretty good. Could use improving in a lot of areas but a good game none the less.

07-11-2012, 06:51 PM
Yea, I agree it could be improved but I loved it cause it was a fresh face on the field. Improve the grapple gimmick add more moves and update the graphics. The good thing though is Number two is already in the works =]

07-13-2012, 12:46 PM
Yup this is one of those times that a sequel is a good thing. Because they arent milking the game but improving it, which is a good thing in my book ^_^ Sadly I don't think Game of Thrones will get a sequel which pains my heart because it was great. Did you play it?

PS: An example of bad barely improved sequels. Look at COD since MW became so stupidly popular.

07-13-2012, 02:40 PM
I rented Game of Thrones while on vacation, and give the 5 or so hours I had to play it, I enjoyed it. I've been scouting around my game stores and I can't find it, could this be why? D:

As for the Dragon's Dogma discussion also going on on this topic, I sortof liked it, I just, needed to mute my damned pawns >_< "Master, Goblins!!!" "Goblins up ahead ser" "Master, we are under attack!!!!" It drives me insane, It's a great game. Though the story seems abit lacking. It's like Dark Souls in that way, yet.. there is no "Hidden Story Charm" That DkS had.

07-13-2012, 06:36 PM
There was actually hidden things as side stories but ya I know what ya mean. I am a sucker for those style of games, medieval and magic rpg's. Idk Game of Thrones is becoming hugely popular so I could see another game coming out, sadly though I think only as a quick cash gain so I think the game would tank.

07-17-2012, 06:45 PM
I personally wasn't a fan of the game... i wasn't a fan of the whole game layout and dialogue very much