View Full Version : Hello

07-16-2012, 07:18 AM
Hey guys.

So far I have been Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines.

I have had...a lot of good experiences and a lot of bad ones as well.

I miss my old life. I miss...being on the internet. Lol. Idk. I sound weird.

These places are beautiful. Travel whenever given the chance my good friends.

I don't have much else to say...I miss being here and a part of this community.

To Knibbler, Linux and other GFX People (Or whoever it concerns) : Yes I've been working on GFX with no internet for the whole deployment. Once I go out in Singapore to get some internet I'll post them. Also, thank you LiNuX for not Destaffing me. I'm sorry I haven't been on much. Gamers-Forum was blocked from access on the ship because of the word filter GAMERS. Lol.

I love all of you. New Gamers / Old.

Foof out.

P.S. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

07-16-2012, 08:13 AM
FOOOOOOOF!!!! ZOMG, I've missed you :( It's good to hear from you man. It's awesome you get to go to all of these amazing places. I hope that your good experiences highly outweigh your bad though. Are you getting any quality gaming time in? :P I'm surprised that they block any sites from you guys.... you'd think they wouldnt care what you did on your free time :/

Do you get sea sick at all? Have you seen any mermaids? And what was your favorite place you've been to so far?

07-16-2012, 09:38 AM
FOOOOOOOF!!!! ZOMG, I've missed you :( It's good to hear from you man. It's awesome you get to go to all of these amazing places. I hope that your good experiences highly outweigh your bad though. Are you getting any quality gaming time in? :P I'm surprised that they block any sites from you guys.... you'd think they wouldnt care what you did on your free time :/

Do you get sea sick at all? Have you seen any mermaids? And what was your favorite place you've been to so far?

I've missed you as well.

Any experience is a good experience is how I choose to look at it...I try to not suffer the pain of regret.

As for the blocks on websites, they have to have a very strong system of security due to the fact that there are top secret documents on the servers we have.
We can't have people going on random websites and either sharing the information and we definitely can't have our servers getting exploited and infiltrated.
But come on...Filtering "Gamers" ? Pfff. skjddfhads. Now I just use mobile view and it gives me access to any site. Lol.

I've been playing a lot of Fish Tycoon, Plant Tycoon, Morrowind, Oblivion, Diablo, Diablo 2, Skyrim...Uh...I've been playing a lot of games. I bought Diablo 3 but it won't install on my computer because the game is region locked. I tried to install it on my computer but I bought it from Indonesia. It's not letting me install the game because my laptop has an ID that identifies it as a computer from Northern America. So....I can't play it. I'll have to spoof my IP or go back to Indonesia to install it. Lol.

I do not get sea sick at all surprisingly. I'm on the USS Vandegrift (FFG48) and it is approx. 451 ft long. It rocks....a lot. Lol. BUT no sea sickness for me. A lot of people get this patch from Medical that you put behind your ear, it cures sea sickness in most people.

As for mermaids...No I have not seen anything. I have seen whales though, a lot of whales. I have seen dolphins, tons of dolphins. I have seen flying fish, millions of flying fish. I have seen turtles, jellyfish, barracudas... I've seen a lot of marine life. Lol

My favorite place I've been to so far...Tough choice.

Indonesia : The part we went to was very...dirty. Broken. Destroyed. Very third worldish. I attended in a community service event and helped paint some houses. That was pretty cool. We also went to a small little village and playing soccer with the little kids.

Malaysia: We were anchored out here for 8 days. Ugh. Nothing really too...interesting about it. Cept I saw this tree that had lights that were programmed to display at different times making it look like raindrops were falling in the tree. I took a video. I'll upload it sometime.

Philippines: We were at FPCON CHARLIE when we pulled in here.

"Applies when an incident occurs or intelligence is received indicating some form of terrorist action against personnel and facilities is likely."

We didn't get to leave the pier. Lol.

Singapore: Pretty great...Idk what else to say. xD

07-16-2012, 11:24 AM
Foof! Glad to see you back, and that you've been, for the most part, enjoying the world abroad. Share all the pics and videos when you can, I wanna see all of these adventures!

07-16-2012, 12:32 PM
Glad to see you are doing okay foof! We all have missed you.

07-17-2012, 03:27 AM
Welcome back around the forums Foof, I miss seeing your virtual face!
Can't wait to see the bit's you've created when you get the chance to post them up!
Glad to have you back dude!

07-18-2012, 11:48 AM
Welcome mate

07-20-2012, 02:34 PM
Hey, that’s the best way to look at it :)

Oh yea…. I guess ya know, security would be an issue you guys, huh? :P

Good to see you’ve still got games to keep you buy though! Bummer about D3… don’t worry you aren’t missing much xD I can only assume you’ve been rummaging through the Steam Summer Sale, knowing you though :P

Aw, damn no mermaids? Awesome about all the other stuff you’re seeing though. I say you find a dolphin and make him your pet. Have it follow you from port to port. Get a saddle for it ;)

Awesome! Would love to see video and pics ^_^

It’s good hearing from you man. Nice to know you’re doing well. KIT. Get some awesome pics and such up soon ^_^

07-21-2012, 10:58 AM
Sorry I missed this post, glad to see you're experiencing the world like the way you are.

And what word isn't banned? I might try to find a workaround for you :D