View Full Version : October is Scary games month!

10-14-2012, 09:30 PM
I looked online and all the scary game lists sucked. Since it is scary games month i wanted to take the time to post what I consider some of the best scary games of all time just for fun, with a number from one to ten to indicate how scary I found it:

-Amnesia Dark Descent 11
Any list that does not have this as number one is nonsense. This game takes the power out of your hands like a good Clock Tower game, but in first person with dark and scary environments.

-Dead Space 5
I see a lot of websites claiming that the cheap scare tactics and gore in games like Dead Space in the number one spot. Let me tell you, when I play i feel sorry for those poor necromorphs. This game is only slightly scary if you jump easy, and even then only on the first play through.

Aliens vs. Predator 2 (marine) 7
Endless waves of aliens tearing after you while you weld doors shut and try to conserve your dwindling ammunition? This game had some of the most intense moments of terror featured in PC gaming.

Fatal Frame II 9
The scariest game I have ever played on the PS2, hands down.

Killing Floor 6
Mostly an action game, but if you play alone late at night surviving this can be intense.

Doom 3, 8
Play it with the brightness ALL THE WAY DOWN and this become a terrifying game.

L4d1-2 3
Not really scary, maybe if you are new to gaming. Mostly just fun killing zombies.

Dead Island 5
The survival focus and melee combat make this a decently difficult game. Can be pretty scary at times, on the right difficulty setting.

This game I havent gotten very far in, but its still got some pretty scary elements to it. This rating is just a rough calculation.

Anyways, I plan on working though some scary games this month and hopefully updating my list. If you guys have any recommendations or want to compare scores for fear factor, feel free. Its all personal opinion after a point.

10-15-2012, 02:33 AM
I'm playing through Code Veronica X right now...it's not very scary but I absolutely love old school survival horror.

10-15-2012, 09:48 AM
Only scary game I currently have is dead space for the 360. I still need to beat that game on impossible to get 100% on it for achievements, it's the only one I need. If only it wasn't so impossible.

10-15-2012, 11:44 AM
I looked online and all the scary game lists sucked. Since it is scary games month i wanted to take the time to post what I consider some of the best scary games of all time just for fun, with a number from one to ten to indicate how scary I found it:

-Amnesia Dark Descent 11
Any list that does not have this as number one is nonsense. This game takes the power out of your hands like a good Clock Tower game, but in first person with dark and scary environments.

-Dead Space 5
I see a lot of websites claiming that the cheap scare tactics and gore in games like Dead Space in the number one spot. Let me tell you, when I play i feel sorry for those poor necromorphs. This game is only slightly scary if you jump easy, and even then only on the first play through.

Aliens vs. Predator 2 (marine) 7
Endless waves of aliens tearing after you while you weld doors shut and try to conserve your dwindling ammunition? This game had some of the most intense moments of terror featured in PC gaming.

Fatal Frame II 9
The scariest game I have ever played on the PS2, hands down.

Killing Floor 6
Mostly an action game, but if you play alone late at night surviving this can be intense.

Doom 3, 8
Play it with the brightness ALL THE WAY DOWN and this become a terrifying game.

L4d1-2 3
Not really scary, maybe if you are new to gaming. Mostly just fun killing zombies.

Dead Island 5
The survival focus and melee combat make this a decently difficult game. Can be pretty scary at times, on the right difficulty setting.

This game I havent gotten very far in, but its still got some pretty scary elements to it. This rating is just a rough calculation.

Anyways, I plan on working though some scary games this month and hopefully updating my list. If you guys have any recommendations or want to compare scores for fear factor, feel free. Its all personal opinion after a point.

Amnesia, I agree with your score, I havent played it but its one of the few games which are even scary to watch :p (scary moments: like everything :p)

Dead space, its a bit scary during the first part but after a while you have gotten used of the jumpscares. (scary moments: I dont remember where but it was a hallway and I had just exited an elevator, first it seemed clear but as I started walking a necromorph just ran towards me screaming, I can say I jumped :p)

Avp 2, havent played it but everyone says its scary as a marine :p

fatal frame, yeah its scary and I hate ghosts in games, I couldnt play it.

Killing floor 6, never played it

doom 3, I dont think its that bad, yeah there are jumpscares but I dont really think its that bad("however the "they took my baby part is creepy though", (scary moment: the baby part)

l4d 1/2, I agree not scary at all, except if you are the lonely survivor and hordes of zombies coming to get you, and you hear a tank....(scary moment: as I said earlier when you are alone)

Dead island, Personally I dont think this game is so scary, but I jumped now and then thanks to the god damn runners(infected) (scary moment: the first time I encountered a butcher, I hate those)

STALKER, except for the bloodsuckers(and one and another controller) I dont think this game is that scary, however its EXTREMELY tense and atmospheric(call of pripyat was probably the most scary of the stalker games). (scary moment: the first time I met a bloodsucker, and the underground places)

As a few other games I can mention

Resident evil remake, the first game with nicer graphics, its very tense and the atmosphere is pretty creepy.

Metro 2033, like stalker but more linear, the librarians and the "shadows" were tense.(scary moment: meeting the librarians if you dont have good weapons, if you have good weapons the whole place is way to simple)

And a scary games list without silent hill 2 is not complete also I though downpour was pretty scary(scary moment: the mine cart in downpour).

However its a nice list.

10-16-2012, 05:30 AM
+1 for Amnesia! Scary fukin game...

10-16-2012, 06:11 AM
You miss resident evil new game series release in this October.

10-16-2012, 08:11 AM
Amnesia was such an absolutely terrible game. Not scary in any way, shape or form. Was hyped up so much, I downloaded it.... couldn't even handle playing that game for more than a single evening because it was so boring -__- However, I'm glad DS was on that list. I thought DS was that good kind of build up scary. The actual creatures weren't, but the anticipation and build up and not knowing if there was one waiting for around the corner was. Loved those games.

10-16-2012, 08:50 AM
The first Resident Evil, when I first played it, was pretty damn scary to me. It was a game that pulled me in. Definitely one of the more intense gaming experiences I've had.

The Clock Tower series is another creepy one. If anything, simply because it relied heavily on you hiding from enemies, making your character seem pretty helpless.

I suppose it wasn't designed as a horror game, but Parasite Eve had some good elements of terror thrown in there. Not to mention it being one of my favorite games ever :)

10-16-2012, 09:25 PM
Amnesia was such an absolutely terrible game. Not scary in any way, shape or form. Was hyped up so much, I downloaded it.... couldn't even handle playing that game for more than a single evening because it was so boring -__- However, I'm glad DS was on that list. I thought DS was that good kind of build up scary. The actual creatures weren't, but the anticipation and build up and not knowing if there was one waiting for around the corner was. Loved those games.

I really cant understand why anyone would find Dead Space to be scarier than Amnesia. Are you sure you played the right game? Maybe some people just get bored without good graphics, but I think Dead Space is way more hyped up and less scary than Amnesia.

Of course, maybe you just find different things scary. That is possible. Interestingly you are the first person I know of who did not find Amnesia terrifying.

10-17-2012, 08:20 AM
Oh, Im def thinking of the right game. I only downloaded it because I'd heard it was "so scary." I found it to be just... very boring. It didn't keep my attention and definitely didn't scare me. Just didn't do it for me. I think it had a lot to do with the monsters in it. To me they were just laughably cheesy looking to me. Or perhaps I just didn't play it long enough? I'd be willing to give the game another shot... Like I said, I only played for a single evening.

I also wouldn't use the word "terrifying" to describe any game I've ever played honestly.

10-20-2012, 12:16 AM
its the best time of year because of all the scare stuff!