View Full Version : My Youtube videos

10-20-2012, 09:00 PM
Well, i'm in a film class so I have access to a nice camera and editing software, so i'm going to take advantage of it by making some videos and putting them on my youtube channel...only problem is, aside from our in-class assignments, I don't know what to make. Anybody have any ideas? I'm going to be posting my videos in this topic as I make them.

Here's a project we did in class

Xbox Rage - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Me6PsOHMII)

It's more about editing technique and believable continuity than it is telling a story...

10-20-2012, 09:55 PM
Nice job on the editing, that's probably one of the things I don't like about making vids, the editing can be painstaking.

Don't know what to suggest for topics for new videos.

10-21-2012, 12:00 AM
Nice job on the editing, that's probably one of the things I don't like about making vids, the editing can be painstaking.

Don't know what to suggest for topics for new videos.

I actually liked editing it together. it was fun. I'm making a music video for my friend's band and THAT is a pain. The only bad part of editing though is when you don't have enough footage and so you have to rely on cheap editing tricks that, while they work, they might be sort of jumpy.

Our next video is an interview project, and the bass player from 10,000 Maniacs works at the school as the sound guy so i'm going to see if we can interview him.

10-21-2012, 12:43 PM
That's 3:45 of my life I can never get back....

10-21-2012, 02:34 PM
That's 3:45 of my life I can never get back....

Now you know how everybody else feels after reading your posts

10-21-2012, 06:32 PM
When did you turn into a hot chick?

10-21-2012, 09:19 PM
When did you turn into a hot chick?

That's my friend lol i was filming everything

10-21-2012, 10:38 PM
I actually liked editing it together. it was fun. I'm making a music video for my friend's band and THAT is a pain. The only bad part of editing though is when you don't have enough footage and so you have to rely on cheap editing tricks that, while they work, they might be sort of jumpy.

Our next video is an interview project, and the bass player from 10,000 Maniacs works at the school as the sound guy so i'm going to see if we can interview him.

Don't get me wrong, I don't hate it, I like doing it especially when I have an image in my head, but it just takes so long. Even with my basic programming videos, I edit out all the mistakes and replace them with corrections and that can take hours. ]

Can't wait to see your next vid. Definitely have a lot of potential.

10-22-2012, 07:13 AM
Afternoon of Boredom would have been better title, there was no rage in it :c But if the task was about editing, then good job! The flow of the scenes was believable, no sharp and stupid movements between the tv/girl/whatever. Most of the camera movement was explained by some action/given info, tho it took me a while to read that NO SIGNAL text on telly, that could have been filmed closer (death by zoom and crappy focus)

The opening of the casing was overly dramatic and -do-it-slow-and-turn-it-to-camera-so-we-can-see, but thats more directing and telling the story than editing... Yea, that I can say is that it was _boring_, and that the girl was bored, and that there was no rage. Just a silly scream at the end. You should re-title it again, then ppl wouldn't be so disappointed.

Nice job, 7-, re-title it.

10-22-2012, 11:24 AM
Afternoon of Boredom would have been better title, there was no rage in it :c But if the task was about editing, then good job! The flow of the scenes was believable, no sharp and stupid movements between the tv/girl/whatever. Most of the camera movement was explained by some action/given info, tho it took me a while to read that NO SIGNAL text on telly, that could have been filmed closer (death by zoom and crappy focus)

The opening of the casing was overly dramatic and -do-it-slow-and-turn-it-to-camera-so-we-can-see, but thats more directing and telling the story than editing... Yea, that I can say is that it was _boring_, and that the girl was bored, and that there was no rage. Just a silly scream at the end. You should re-title it again, then ppl wouldn't be so disappointed.

Nice job, 7-, re-title it.

Well, the "no signal" part was hard to focus, but I didn't want to do another cut back to the tv, and I wanted to try a zoom...that's not one of the better parts. And honestly, I just told her to take the game out of the case, and that's how she did it. I filmed around how she did it. But yeah, everybody in class was disappointed that she didn't throw stuff at the end, I didn't know what else to put as a title though. The scream at the end was taken from a different video, we had to zoom in on something, and she chose to zoom in on this one girl and the whole time she was like nooooo! nooooo! So I grabbed the audio from that since it was right before it was due and didn't have time to record something new...I probably should have before uploading it to youtube though...ah well, it's not like that was the pinnacle of my video-making.

Any suggestions for a better name?

10-25-2012, 12:49 PM
Nice videos man, keep it up.

10-25-2012, 05:46 PM
Well, I did the interview project and he said he doesn't want me to put it on Youtube, so I guess I can't show you that. Quite a shame, really, as I think it could be a good video (and get me some nice views) but oh well.

Since I'm going as Super Sayian Goku for Halloween, expect a video of me going SS in the next few days.

10-25-2012, 07:38 PM
Now you know how everybody else feels after reading your posts

It took you 3 minutes to read my post? Wow.... Education system fails yet another child....

10-25-2012, 07:51 PM
Well, I did the interview project and he said he doesn't want me to put it on Youtube, so I guess I can't show you that. Quite a shame, really, as I think it could be a good video (and get me some nice views) but oh well.

Since I'm going as Super Sayian Goku for Halloween, expect a video of me going SS in the next few days.

Can't wait to see the costume. Saw a little kid at Comic Con as Super Sayian Goku, he messed up the hair though.

It took you 3 minutes to read my post? Wow.... Education system fails yet another child....

Don't return to this thread anymore.

10-25-2012, 09:10 PM
Can't wait to see the costume. Saw a little kid at Comic Con as Super Sayian Goku, he messed up the hair though.

Yeah i'm not sure how the hair is going to come out but I hope it turns out okay. My hair is a bit longer in the front, so it's not cut perfectly...but the top layers are all longer than the bottom layers, so that might help.

11-09-2012, 08:07 PM
J.O.B. Squad - Big Poppa Pump (Official Video) - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=hyr2WxknrlU)

Finally finished my friend's band's music video. check it out!

11-10-2012, 06:53 AM
The video didn't support the song, I didn't see the point of using the fish-eye/circular effect, and the places selected for the camera were clumsy. Quality and lightning were constantly changing, obviously not by effect, but a crappy camera and editing work. I tried to look at it (for the second time) like what if the idea is to get close to the band, but I didn't see it working either.

I suck at giving constructive feedback, but try to think this post as one. Lol.

Nice practice I bet, keep on going and in few moments you'll be pro!

11-10-2012, 10:39 AM
The video didn't support the song, I didn't see the point of using the fish-eye/circular effect, and the places selected for the camera were clumsy. Quality and lightning were constantly changing, obviously not by effect, but a crappy camera and editing work. I tried to look at it (for the second time) like what if the idea is to get close to the band, but I didn't see it working either.

I suck at giving constructive feedback, but try to think this post as one. Lol.

Nice practice I bet, keep on going and in few moments you'll be pro!

well, it's hard to shoot it when the entire crowd is pushing your around. also, everyone else was an idiot and thought the 2 lights i had set up was enough so they turned everything else off so it was hard to see anything. other than that, lots of hardcore bands use fish eye lens. The reason the lighting was different was because we used footage from two different shows, which again, lots of bands do.

I wish I had gotten some better footage, but trust me, it's not the editing.

11-10-2012, 12:57 PM
Yea well couldn't you book a time and place with the band just by yourselfs to take some good footage? Without the crowd. If not, You should have organized the crowd to act (pit or not, it's not an excuse to use) and as a director/camera man/producer (that I assume you were) you don't get much respect from other film makers if you can't get your crowd to behave.

Fish-eye on music videos? Only band, that i remember using it is that one who covered from Jackson's song Smooth Criminal.

Now, for the next video, set the location, direct the members on shoot, between shots/places, make sure there is a reason for the lightning to change and all that.

Reason I'm paying so much attention to the camera and all the footage stuff, is that I do this for living and I've been studying it for so, so long. Your editing is good, but that's somewhat the easiest part of making a _good_ film.

It's all a good practice, and you need to keep doing this! You got the potential to become a good editor.

11-10-2012, 03:45 PM
Yea well couldn't you book a time and place with the band just by yourselfs to take some good footage? Without the crowd. If not, You should have organized the crowd to act (pit or not, it's not an excuse to use) and as a director/camera man/producer (that I assume you were) you don't get much respect from other film makers if you can't get your crowd to behave.

Fish-eye on music videos? Only band, that i remember using it is that one who covered from Jackson's song Smooth Criminal.

Now, for the next video, set the location, direct the members on shoot, between shots/places, make sure there is a reason for the lightning to change and all that.

Reason I'm paying so much attention to the camera and all the footage stuff, is that I do this for living and I've been studying it for so, so long. Your editing is good, but that's somewhat the easiest part of making a _good_ film.

It's all a good practice, and you need to keep doing this! You got the potential to become a good editor.

I mean, I was hoping that people would behave, but none of them seemed to care. I told the drummer I was gonna shoot the music video ahead of time and he never told the band members, and then somebody in the crowd unplugged this one light thinking that the one i set up behind the band would be enough and I told them to turn the one light back on but everybody else was like NO THIS LOOKS AWESOME! So I was just like fine whatever. I'm surprised it actually turned out as good as it did. I fully realize it could have turned out a lot better, and it disappoints me that what happened happened, but the band likes it so that's really all that matters. I'm gonna try to make another music video for my old band if we do a reunion show next year, and it's not just gonna be live footage put over top the song, so that'll turn out a lot better. But, it's not supposed to look extremely well-produced. It's a local hardcore band live footage video shot in a cabin in the middle of the woods...I was intending it to look really raw, so keep that in mind. If I was going for like a more professional looking video, I would have filmed them at practice or individually or something.

Also, I had a friend who's been doing photography for a lot longer than I have film all the stuff that was done using the wide angle lens, so that was his choice. I personally, as well as everybody else i've shown, likes the effect. here's a few other videos off the top of my head that use it

The Kansas City Massacre- All Escaping Sadists (Music Video) - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivPjfiz9dh0) Old Local Band
blink-182 - The Rock Show - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7hhDINyBP0)
Beastie Boys - Shake Your Rump - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BptQHAW2T5M)

I can't think of any more

But really though, I just wanted to shoot them a video for practice, which is what it was. Nothing really went according to plan, but next time I'll make sure it's a lot better.

Another thing is...it was an actual show, not a music video shoot. So I wasn't gonna tell the crowd not to mosh and stuff, or stop the band or anything. I tried my best not to get in the way of their concert, and I certainly wasn't going to kill the energy by telling the crowd not to mosh. Besides, these are the people that say "if you go to a show, you're gonna get punched. If you don't wanna get hit, don't come to a show"

(ps: you kinda made it seem like the whole video was garbage...do you really think it's that bad? or are you just being harsh to help get the point across/help me improve?)

thanks for the advice though

11-11-2012, 03:25 AM
(ps: you kinda made it seem like the whole video was garbage...do you really think it's that bad? or are you just being harsh to help get the point across/help me improve?)

I don't mean to sound harsh, I'm pointing out things I would have done differently, that seem silly for me and the mistakes that I know our teacher would point out. This all has been a good practice for me too! :D

It's absolutely not garbage, I see it as a video you can look back in two-three years and say "Man I need to do this again" and then it will be awesome. :)

11-11-2012, 09:21 PM
I don't mean to sound harsh, I'm pointing out things I would have done differently, that seem silly for me and the mistakes that I know our teacher would point out. This all has been a good practice for me too! :D

It's absolutely not garbage, I see it as a video you can look back in two-three years and say "Man I need to do this again" and then it will be awesome. :)

No, of course it's not going to be amazing. I just showed up, filmed what I could, and threw it together. I wasn't trying to make it a serious thing, and I think considering, it turned out pretty good. If I had actually directed them in any sort of way, and did multiple takes, then it would have been way better but all I really was trying to do was take some clips of them in concert and set it over the real song

03-27-2013, 02:16 AM
The Dice Roll - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-GGw3MwtmI)

Here's the final project I did for my video production class. I know some parts aren't that great but everybody was being uncooperative...at least I know now who to use in future videos haha

03-31-2013, 03:05 PM
Nice work. The professor in that class looks like someone I knew in high school.

The text that said "Later that day" - I couldn't make out what it was saying for a few seconds lol, had to go back and reread.

Working on making more vids like this?

03-31-2013, 05:38 PM
Nice work. The professor in that class looks like someone I knew in high school.

The text that said "Later that day" - I couldn't make out what it was saying for a few seconds lol, had to go back and reread.

Working on making more vids like this?

lol well the professor was just another student but we thought he pulled off the professor look.

Hopefully I can make more videos like this, but since the class ended I no longer have access to a camera or Premier Pro...I need to get that stuff once I get a computer. Until then, anything I make will probably be a bit lower quality lol

04-03-2013, 02:29 PM
looks great, good job Eps, hope you're doing well in this film class.

04-09-2013, 04:48 PM
I like your stuff, keep up the good work! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with when you've git your own gear.

07-06-2013, 01:17 AM
looks great