View Full Version : Help Me I need help with a Microphone decision

11-05-2012, 03:22 PM
Well since two months I'm working on upgrading my technical equipment which gives me more freedom in creating videos and other things (mostly videos). I still miss one thing and that is a microphone which is hard to find.

I need a microphone which I'm able to use to record a chat in a room, like a normal living room.
The thing is: Most Microphones I've encountered so far have huge problems with recordings if the people are too far away (0,5 - 3 meters from the microphone) and then the recording will get messed up by annoying background noises. I have found some candidats but NO LIVING PERSON seemed to have ever tried that out with those microphones, only close-recordings.

If any of you guys have a good microphone I could take a look at (in the Internet of course) and which fits my purpose then I'll be very thankful. Btw. have any of you guys made experiences with the Rode NT1-A? Can you tell me if that is a microphone that is able to work good for my plans?

I'll look forward for the help. :)
(I'm looking since 3 weeks for a microphone and mics are a topic that I have no clue about)