View Full Version : Faktum Hotels

11-26-2012, 02:59 AM
This is actually an interesting thing.

Homeless people in Gothenburg have started a hotel I Göteborg finns det omkring 3400 hemlösa.

Here is what it stands

I Göteborg finns det omkring 3400 hemlösa.
De flesta av dem brukar hitta tak över huvudet
hos vänner eller på härbärgen, men några
sover under bar himmel.

Vi har valt ut tio platser där de kan
tänkas tillbringa natten – och gjort dem möjliga
att boka. Precis som vilket hotell som helst.

Antingen bokar du åt dig själv eller till någon
du vill ge en fin present. Oavsett vilket går
pengarna till vårt arbete för socialt
utsatta människor.


"In Gothenburg there are about 3400 homeless people. Most of them can sleep indoors at friends and shelters but many are also forced to sleep outside. We have chosen out three spots where they might spend the night and made it possible to book them, like in any other hotel.

Either you book a "room" for yourself or book it as a gift for someone else. The money goes directly to our work for the socially vulnerable people."

So you go into the website and choose a place you want to book, there is a small describtion for every place and you are able to book it.

This webpage was started to let people understand what homeless people goes through every day.

Here is the link(its in swedish ) Faktum Hotels (http://www.faktumhotels.com/rum/02)

11-26-2012, 03:35 PM
That's crazy O_o I once did a sleepout to help raise money for some homeless shelter.... it was the day before Turkey Day and it was like 25 degrees outside. We all slept in boxes.... in was fkn terrible >_<

12-16-2012, 06:44 AM
I think this is a great idea.
I know that in my neighborhood the homeless guys pick up the cans before the recycle trash guys come.
I appreciate it because even when i forget to take out the cans first thing in the morning, I can count on the homeless guys to pick it up for me.
If they had systems like this where I live, I would definitely chip in once in a while as a sign of my appreciation.
Plus it seems more practical than donating for food for african kids. ( no offence to the african kids)