View Full Version : Forum RP World leader

12-12-2012, 01:02 AM
Hello guys I decided to start some forum RP in this one you will be set in the role of a country/ terrorist leader. Role-play anything goes, other then you can not use nukes without the UN's permission (that's me)

If you do not follow these rules I will find a way to make your character assassinated
- no meta gaming (using info out of character to help you)
Ex. If you use an email sent to another country (the emails should be posted here for reference)and someone uses this, it's meta gaming
- no excessive out of character (OOC)
- Don't power game such as Canada holds a draft for more soldiers and in one day they get 1000000000 troops
- A year is 5 pages
- you are allowed to create new weapons (given that you state the amount of time it takes (again no power gaming))
-all country's or terrorists have to fill out proper forms
- Don't pick the usa, it starts off really powerful
- use Wikipedia to get the starting army size.

Current countrys:

UN leader: Justin reed

Terrorist groups:
R.T.U (leader: J)

Country application format (do not take a taken country's country)

Country name:
Character name:

Terrorist group application format.
Group name:
character name:
A short bio on the group:

(if you wan't the UN part message me because we can change it up sometimes)
P.S elections don't happen in this earth.

12-12-2012, 01:04 AM
(( I'm off to bed I will write my application tomorrow also all applications are accepted providing you followed the rules, so just roleplay once you write it. Write anything "OOC" with double brackets))

12-21-2012, 06:19 AM
Terrorist group application format.
Group name: R.T.U
character name: J
A short bio on the group: This group is combined of rich people that are fed up with society and wan't to attack many places with leaders they disagree with. they reside in a mansion somewhere in the Canadian shield, rummors have been heard they also have a launch base in the Canadian Rockies.

01-06-2013, 12:52 AM
Terrorist group application.

Group name: KKK - 'Kitty Kat Krusaders'
character name: Maru
A short bio on the group: Following the revelation of the Grand Wizard's love of all things cuddly, especially kittens, the Klan's racism and bigotry evolved; They don't just hate black people, they hate all of humanity. Fighting along side their furry feline friends, they've vowed to pretty much kill everyone.. Except the Japanese.

Rumors say they've managed to accomplish inter-species breeding (think cat-people from Doctor Who) and are building a fluffy army capable of mass destruction.

01-22-2013, 12:27 AM

I hope to start this back , if anyone interested.

01-22-2013, 12:34 AM
(( Okay I am going to make a country as well just so I can get the RP going))
Country name: Canada
Character name: Orack Broboma.

*You notice a new feed with the newly elected prime minister making his acceptance speech.

"Good morning, I would like to start of by saying thank you to the fellow people, as a beginning thank you I would like to Lower all medium and low wealth taxes so you guys do not have to worry, I will have to raise High wealth because I have to make money somehow. I just came here to say thanks and that, more further business will be recorded on my Twitter and pod-cast website.