View Full Version : Pokemon X and Y coming Oct '13 for 3DS

01-08-2013, 11:46 AM
Pokemon X and Y Announcement Trailer - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfclgYT7h-A)


01-08-2013, 02:19 PM
Saw this earlier today, pretty excited about it. I'll be getting which ever one has the flying legendary. I really don't want a deer... lol and My start is going to be Froakie, he looks like a water fighting type from the video. Fire looks like a Physic as well. Grass may be dark, idk hard to tell. Pretty sure Froakie is using close combat though.

01-08-2013, 04:42 PM
Saw this earlier today, pretty excited about it. I'll be getting which ever one has the flying legendary. I really don't want a deer... lol and My start is going to be Froakie, he looks like a water fighting type from the video. Fire looks like a Physic as well. Grass may be dark, idk hard to tell. Pretty sure Froakie is using close combat though.

I really hate that deer-looking legendary...and I really hope the starters are single type, i'm getting sick of the dual types. But anyways, yea, I'll be getting this. I fear that the character movements are still locked to a grid though, I REALLY hope they fixed this.

01-08-2013, 06:15 PM
I'll be getting which ever one has the flying legendary. I really don't want a deer.
Same here.

The only starter that looks good to me is Chespin, the grass type. I'm not really sure how the new 3D graphics are going to roll with me, as I'm way too use to the aerial view type of Pokemon games; I prefer them that way.

Anyhow, hopefully this will be better than Black and White, because I wasn't very much of a fan of those two.

01-08-2013, 07:24 PM
I really hate that deer-looking legendary...and I really hope the starters are single type, i'm getting sick of the dual types. But anyways, yea, I'll be getting this. I fear that the character movements are still locked to a grid though, I REALLY hope they fixed this.

Yeah same here, the deer thing sucks, they better make it strong to make up for how unappealing it looks. I like the dual types, gives more strategy to the game than just every Pokemon being single type. From the camera angle that the game has, I think a free movement ttype of game would be better for this as well. Just have to wait and see I guess.

Same here.

The only starter that looks good to me is Chespin, the grass type. I'm not really sure how the new 3D graphics are going to roll with me, as I'm way too use to the aerial view type of Pokemon games; I prefer them that way.

Anyhow, hopefully this will be better than Black and White, because I wasn't very much of a fan of those two.

Chespin really lol? I hate grass types.

But I agree with you, the game better be aerial view, from the video and screen shots I've seen, doesn't look that way :/

Here are the legionaries:



After reading around and looking at the pictures. I think Pokemon Y will be the bird, and X is the deer. Apparently the deer has X's in it's eye and the bird is shaped like a Y. So everyone is assuming that's how the mascots for each game are going to be.

01-10-2013, 07:06 PM
Waaay more excited for these games than I should be lol I'll probably pick up whichever one has the deer thing in it, unfortunately I think it looks better than the bird :X But still looks like this game is gonna kick ass. It's cool finally having a handheld Pokemon game with an RPG style to it.

01-11-2013, 11:49 AM
Honestly, i'm glad they're moving on from the old-school camera angles and are finally making the jump into a fully 3D environment.

Also, I meant i'm getting sick of dual-type starters, not dual-types in general

01-11-2013, 11:59 AM
Honestly, i'm glad they're moving on from the old-school camera angles and are finally making the jump into a fully 3D environment.

Also, I meant i'm getting sick of dual-type starters, not dual-types in general

Yeah, I think so too it'll be neat to see a new pokemon, all the games have been the same format.

Oh I see, I thought it was annoying when they had one start with dual type, and the other to single. I don't think it'll be too bad if they make them all dual type.

01-14-2013, 09:19 PM
Well it's been confirmed that the three starts are going to be single type. So just grass, water and fire.

01-17-2013, 09:20 PM
Well it's been confirmed that the three starts are going to be single type. So just grass, water and fire.

One day they will change this up to three new/different types. At least I have my fingers crossed. I would love to have a psychic/ghost starter or even an ice type. I don't know Dark would be cool too. Just something different all together. One day...

01-17-2013, 11:00 PM
At least they won't have 4 straight generations with a Fire/Fighting starter

01-18-2013, 02:45 AM
I thought about this once...they could have dark, fighting, and psychic be the three starters...only thing is, dark is completely immune to psychich attacks, while the other ones are only not very effective against their weakness, so that could be a problem.

01-18-2013, 12:44 PM
I thought about this once...they could have dark, fighting, and psychic be the three starters...only thing is, dark is completely immune to psychich attacks, while the other ones are only not very effective against their weakness, so that could be a problem.

Yeah. It'd be nice to mix up the starters a bit, but right now it's the fire/water/grass that work perfectly due to type effectiveness. The only other once I can come up with atm is Ice/Ground/Steel that doesn't involve the original typings.

Actually, those would be cool starters to see. I'm just kinda hoping Pokemon doesn't get dragged out to the point they need to do that and kill the franchise. I'd rather it end in it's prime then hit Gen 10 with 1134 different ones to catch.

01-18-2013, 01:01 PM
I think for their last game they ever make, they should make all Pokemon available for catch. As well as going back to older regions like in gold and silver and black and white 2. Doubt that will ever happen, but it'd definitely be a lot of hours to beat the game.

01-18-2013, 01:18 PM
I think for their last game they ever make, they should make all Pokemon available for catch. As well as going back to older regions like in gold and silver and black and white 2. Doubt that will ever happen, but it'd definitely be a lot of hours to beat the game.

I think it might happen, but it definitely would be their last game. It'd be cool to pick a region to start in as well, or just play through the games in order of the story that they follow. I dunno how going through 6 - X regions would work with levels, they'd have to scale them really weird. First E4 at like level 30, lol. Wind up at the last E4 at like level 80-90.

01-19-2013, 12:07 AM
I think it might happen, but it definitely would be their last game. It'd be cool to pick a region to start in as well, or just play through the games in order of the story that they follow. I dunno how going through 6 - X regions would work with levels, they'd have to scale them really weird. First E4 at like level 30, lol. Wind up at the last E4 at like level 80-90.

That would take a s*** load of programing or whatever I would think. That's 6 complete regions they would have to put into the game.

03-29-2013, 03:52 PM
I'm planning on getting Y. just cause my sister's getting X. haha. I'll just be the opposite