View Full Version : Valve confirms the Steam Box

01-11-2013, 10:33 PM
Not sure who has all heard, but a lot of rumors about vavle making a console in the upcoming years.

Article: As Valve confirms the Steam Box, Microsoft's Phil Harrison issues a warning Eurogamer.net (http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-01-10-as-valve-confirms-the-steam-box-microsofts-phil-harrison-issues-a-warning)

Basically, it's going to be a device powered by linux ( as the option to use windows if you wish to install it ) that you can plug directly into your tv. It then runs steam, and you can download games that you bought onto steam and play them on your tv.

According to valve, they plan to use "biometric data" into the controllers to allow you to play games onto 8 different screens on the same system. The Steam Box is supposed to run like a server, giving you optimal performance even with 8 games running at the same time.

Picture of prototype:

It's a Piston Xi3, the same insides are what is going to run the Steam Box. The Piston Xi3 is capable of running any game on the market on ultra high settings. Pretty insane how small it is, it is pricey though, the starting price for the Piston is $999

This doesn't mean that the Steam Box is going to be the same price, it's just that valve is building their system from the piston. My guess is that it's not going to be cheap. Can't wait to hear more about this, if any company can join in on the console market, it's definitely valve.

01-11-2013, 10:52 PM
Heard about that a few days ago. Looks sweet but too pricey for me to get right away.

Also read that you can use different computers as slaves for more power which makes it sweeter.

01-11-2013, 10:59 PM
Never been so pumped for something in my life.


01-11-2013, 11:48 PM
Heard about that a few days ago. Looks sweet but too pricey for me to get right away.

Also read that you can use different computers as slaves for more power which makes it sweeter.

Wow, didn't see that, That's pretty sweet though.

honestly though, for anyone who has a decent computer it's kind of pointless to get a steam box. I mean if I really wanted to, I could just plug my PC into my TV, and I can use my PS3 or Xbox 360 controller. The only reason I would consider buying one is if you can play the same game on two different tv's with one steam account. Like if you have left 4 dead 2, and 4 friends over, and you could all play from 1 steam account, that'd be epic.

01-13-2013, 02:29 PM
I also heard that Valve will launch a new console, something like half computer half console. Maybe a Conuter. You never know.

01-13-2013, 03:20 PM
I also heard that Valve will launch a new console, something like half computer half console. Maybe a Conuter. You never know.

Steam is Valve. Valve is Steam.

01-13-2013, 04:19 PM
I truly wonder what this will be, well if anyone can do it its Valve.

01-15-2013, 02:05 PM
It's an awesome concept... I just don't understand why anyone would pay that much for it when you can buy an amazing computer nowadays for around $750? Just doesn't make sense to me D:

01-15-2013, 04:39 PM
It's an awesome concept... I just don't understand why anyone would pay that much for it when you can buy an amazing computer nowadays for around $750? Just doesn't make sense to me D:
My thoughts exactly. It sounds cool, and there's still no info on price as far as I know but really, I'm not all that interested in it. Well, not interested in buying one.

01-15-2013, 06:27 PM
Yeah it's not going to cost 1,000 dollars. That's just the price of the Piston, I'm sure steams smart enough to know that making a console that cost 1,000 dollars isn't going to do well. I mean look at this generation consoles. The cheapest was the best selling, the most expensive was the worst.

01-15-2013, 09:13 PM
Of any game company, Valve is the one I trust the most. Depending on the final price point I may indeed pick it up, but time will tell. I'd rather it not be another something I spend money on just to have it sit there and collect dust.

01-16-2013, 07:47 AM
Yeah it's not going to cost 1,000 dollars. That's just the price of the Piston, I'm sure steams smart enough to know that making a console that cost 1,000 dollars isn't going to do well. I mean look at this generation consoles. The cheapest was the best selling, the most expensive was the worst.

Lol Yea. I don't actually think it's going to cost that much, but I'm sure it'll cost at least as much as any other console... I'd still rather have a PC :P I really want this to come out just because I'm reallyyyyy curious to see how it does on sales.

01-16-2013, 12:04 PM
I just want to know how the playing up to 8 tv's with one system is going to work. Makes lan parties a lot easier.

01-16-2013, 12:50 PM
Who the hell has 8 TV"s in one house though? lol

01-16-2013, 03:12 PM
Lol Yea. I don't actually think it's going to cost that much, but I'm sure it'll cost at least as much as any other console... I'd still rather have a PC :P I really want this to come out just because I'm reallyyyyy curious to see how it does on sales.

I would wager it to cost between a console and a PC. Anywhere between $400-650.

01-16-2013, 03:13 PM
I would wager it to cost between a console and a PC. Anywhere between $400-650.

Yea, I agree. That's about what I'm thinking too. Man.... Gaben is one of the most awesome people alive. I'd friggin love to work for him D:

01-16-2013, 03:40 PM
Who the hell has 8 TV"s in one house though? lol

I have 5 flat screens in my house, all 28 inch or larger. Then 2 old tv's. But I use to go to friends houses with my 360 all the time. We'd all bring a tv and xbox. If it's all one system you'd just bring a tv and you wouldn't even need to buy the game.

01-16-2013, 03:42 PM
Ah. My TV's are 2 55"'s and 60". And no way in hell would I drag them from place to place lol But I also don't know anyone with a house big enough to support 8 whole TV's and people..... maybe like, some of my friends parents houses lol

01-16-2013, 10:11 PM
If anyone can do it right, it's Valve. The option to hook up 8 tvs might seem ridiculous.. but at the same time IT HAS THE OPTION TO HOOK UP TO 8 TVS.

03-19-2013, 10:39 AM
Valve is now severing ties with the Xi3 Piston. And the starting price is in fact $1k for it >_<

Valve severs ties with Xi3 Piston, now has | VG247 (http://www.vg247.com/2013/03/12/valve-severs-ties-with-xi3-piston-now-has-no-involvement/)

I don't know if this means they are no longer planning on making the Steam Box at all or if they are going to go about it with a different company or what.

03-19-2013, 10:26 PM
It would be great if Valve made a console. everything they make is awesome.

03-24-2013, 06:03 AM
I heard about this...My overall excitement rating for this is 4/10...I'll probably get it, but if it's really $1,000 I won't be getting it when it releases, the PC I built was $1,400. I haven't read up on it too much so the info about how it runs was pretty useful

03-25-2013, 09:03 AM
I heard about this...My overall excitement rating for this is 4/10...I'll probably get it, but if it's really $1,000 I won't be getting it when it releases, the PC I built was $1,400. I haven't read up on it too much so the info about how it runs was pretty useful

Why would you get the Steam Box if you ALREADY have a really nice PC? lol Seems sort of.... counterproductive xD

03-25-2013, 11:20 AM
Why would you get the Steam Box if you ALREADY have a really nice PC? lol Seems sort of.... counterproductive xD
I've got a couple of sibling gamers who don't have nice gaming PC's like me, so it would be more to share. I don't let ANYONE touch my PC but me...

03-25-2013, 11:23 AM
I've got a couple of sibling gamers who don't have nice gaming PC's like me, so it would be more to share. I don't let ANYONE touch my PC but me...

Ah, ok. That makes sense lol Having both a Steam Box AND nice PC all to yourself just sounded like overdoing it :P

04-01-2013, 12:11 AM
I'm definitely on the I-already-have-a-PC boat, but I can kind of see the attraction. I'm still saving my money for a PS4, though.

04-01-2013, 06:54 AM
Ah, ok. That makes sense lol Having both a Steam Box AND nice PC all to yourself just sounded like overdoing it :P

Anything worth doing is worth overdoing ~Mythbusters (and I think Mick Jagger)

I agree that a $1000 is a bit much for something like this but I'm interested to see how it uses other computers as slaves and if it actually gets awesomer or is a total let down.

I still won't get it right away, I never get anything right when it's released.