View Full Version : Thoughts on a "Gamer Bar"?

06-15-2013, 03:21 AM
I was wondering what everyone thought on a "gamer bar". Not that kind of bar thats just themed around video games. Or some kind of bar that does cosplay and cards games. I mean more like an internet cafe gaming lounge that has a bar.

I saw something online like this called Sanctuary in Seattle. Pretty cool venue, but it seenms really tiny. Not exactly what i'm talking about. I was wondering if anyone knew what I was talking about and knew of any places like this? Maybe some super cool gaming lounge's that let you BYOB and rent a fridge, or has a bar, or just no alcohol, just gaming.

Normally I would say, why would I pay to go out and play games at some place when I can play at home. The wierd thing is, I remember at one point in my life going to the local internet cafe with friends and playing on their super computers for an hour at $5/hour. I would love a place to go and play on some xboxs and ps's and have some pc's to play on, all of them for like, $10-20 a day. I've been to some local internet/gaming cafe's or lounge's around here that are really crappy, and feel like a gamer didn't make it. Also charged like $20 for an hour at the place. What!?

06-15-2013, 11:58 AM
That would be an awesome idea. The only thing I'd be worried about is someone spilling their beer on my computer haha. I wouldn't mind paying $5-10/hr for gaming like that as long as the drinks were a little cheaper.

06-15-2013, 01:36 PM
That would be an interesting idea, however BYOB would never happen, the place would be shut down in no time.

06-16-2013, 04:27 AM
That would be an interesting idea, however BYOB would never happen, the place would be shut down in no time.

yep, I knew someone who tried to do something like what your doing but with music, he did BYOB, it did not work out. He also could not seem to make money on the food. I have no idea why though, but while it was open it was a cool place.

06-17-2013, 07:25 PM
Awesome feedback, my only other curiosity was, would people prefer hourly or daily, or both? And how do you make that work out?

I was thinking maybe cards and a card reader on a door to make it automated for them going in/out that they prepay for certain hours or days. Anyone got any feedback on this, or any other ideas/suggestions?

06-17-2013, 10:04 PM
Awesome feedback, my only other curiosity was, would people prefer hourly or daily, or both? And how do you make that work out?

I was thinking maybe cards and a card reader on a door to make it automated for them going in/out that they prepay for certain hours or days. Anyone got any feedback on this, or any other ideas/suggestions?

Why not just punch cards? We had a place that was strictly a LAN center for a while in my town. It was $7/hr drop in each hour, $5/hr for 3-5 or more, and $4/hr for 5+ hours. You'd go in, say "Hey I'm ROFLBRYCE" and they'd write down your name and the time you got there, then you'd either pay up front or use your punchcard you bought. If you payed for more than you played, they'd issue you a gift certificate good for how many hours left. I think a 10Hour punch card was like $60? Then they sold 24Hour for $120 and 50Hour for $200. It wasn't a terrible deal if it was to go LAN with friends.

They'd write down your name so after you played your 2 hour or whatever you played for, they'd come around go "Yo buddy time to leave!" and you'd either pay again or walk out. It was an easy setup, and they had a concession stand with pop/junk food that was decently priced too. (Well, there'd be beer and cocktails added but you get the point.) For a 10AM-11PM place, and 9AM-3AM on weekends, it was pretty awesome. They had 6TV stations setup with each console and a ton of games, as well as 10 PC's. For a little town it was always packed, and I can't imagine how full it would be after all the booze and people bringing in their own gear.

Gamer Research
06-18-2013, 09:41 PM
This sounds like a great idea, I bet with some innovation ppl here in LA would die for it. I am going to pocket this idea for later when I am done my studies and want to play around with it. Thanks!

06-18-2013, 10:27 PM
This sounds like a great idea, I bet with some innovation ppl here in LA would die for it. I am going to pocket this idea for later when I am done my studies and want to play around with it. Thanks!

Oh crap, now I have to add all those little copyright logos all over the place... just kidding ;)

Gamer Research
06-18-2013, 10:44 PM
HAHA! nope, just copied and pasted it to my desktop, a little sprinkle of new wording here....a dash of awesomeness here.....and POOF new idea!

06-19-2013, 05:28 PM
I'm not really sure why you decided to be public in your malicious intent, but, it's cool, it's not like you or me are the first. These kinds of things are already out there. I was just getting outside opinions, such as the BYOB thing, it does seem like a bad idea with a chance of underage drinking going on. That's definitely a bad idea. Just be cool man. lol.

Gamer Research
06-19-2013, 11:07 PM
I'm not really sure why you decided to be public in your malicious intent, but, it's cool, it's not like you or me are the first. These kinds of things are already out there. I was just getting outside opinions, such as the BYOB thing, it does seem like a bad idea with a chance of underage drinking going on. That's definitely a bad idea. Just be cool man. lol.

Um...who was being malicious?

06-20-2013, 11:05 AM
I like the idea, but I Thought you meant having a gaming bar in your house. like a lounge area with a bar in it you know? haha

06-20-2013, 11:07 AM
it does seem like a bad idea with a chance of underage drinking going on. That's definitely a bad idea. Just be cool man. lol.

Well, it'd be a bar so you'd be ID'ing at the door I assume, just like any other bar. :S

08-07-2015, 03:10 AM
That's an awesome idea. :)