View Full Version : whats the difference?

07-11-2013, 09:52 PM
between League of Legends & Dota 2?

I'm still a beginner cause I tried it out Monday night (LoL), its a good game so far. I can't really picture myself playing this game for over 2 hours though... I'm a casual gamer when it comes to MMOs. :cheesy:

as for Dota 2, I'm in the waiting list in steam. like line 7000 something. intense! maybe its to prevent crashing on servers?

other than that, what is the big major differences? pros & cons? thanks in advance.

07-11-2013, 10:42 PM
Dota 2 is a lot harder to learn. LoL is noob friendly. The main difference I've noticed is that in Dota 2, all the champions are OP ( over powered) meaning if 1 person on your team does really well and gets a lot of kills. He can carry the team really easy in Dota 2. In LoL 1 person can't win the game for you. Requires a lot more team work.

07-11-2013, 11:27 PM
I've played both and I like League a lot more, probably because I played it more. DOTA is fun too but I feel like the gameplay is much slower than LoL.

And Trunks is right about LoL, one person can't win games, which makes it more fun imo because it is supposed to be a team game. They're both free so they're both worth trying at least once.

07-12-2013, 03:40 PM
No problem, I think I'll do that, try them both out & see for myself. thanks Linux & Trunks. my question has been answered. Request to close thread?