View Full Version : New gamer here , just got my old sega genesis and sega CD out of the attic

07-15-2013, 06:48 AM

I am getting back into gaming somewhat. I love the nastalgia of playing the older games I had when I was a kid. Even though most of my games I'm not that into. I am open to trading and buying other games.

I was going to list the games I have that I'm willing to trade/ sell but I'll save that for another thread.

The games I really want to find are these:

Another world (maybe I'm going to get this on PC instead)
TMNT hyperstone heist
streets of rage

These are a few I'm interested in for you guys that want to trade or sell

I also want to get into the playstation games. I remember Golden Eye was a lot of fun, and so was Grand turismo.

I heard they just came out with playstation 3? I saw the latest grand turismo on youtube and boy was that a hoot. Very good graphics. :p

07-16-2013, 11:46 AM
Welcome Domindart :)

Ah, I loves me some old school gaming.

You should check out eBay for used classic games. Or even yard sales/flea markets :)

07-17-2013, 05:10 AM
Yeah, I just won a game on ebay for $7 called Pit Fighter. I loved that game. Can't wait to play it again