View Full Version : ever had one of those days (random)

11-08-2013, 04:08 PM
when life takes over and you dont have any time to play any games?

I have a few exams coming up soon before the Thanksgiving break, hopefully I'll have time before then to enjoy some games.

especially when the 'next-gen' consoles are around the corner (a week from today), people at my work & school keep talking about it. Its kind of a distracting topic for me... haha :cheesy:

also, I dont feel ready for a new console yet. just in 2010, I first had the ps3, then the following year - the 360. and then this year I have my own gaming PC. -- I'm starting to get into PC gaming too... question is, are you ready for a new console to be in your room/game-room/living room? haha :cheesy:

feel free to share & discuss.

11-09-2013, 11:27 AM
I know how you feel, with BF4, Ghost and Pokemon X&Y being released all within a month hard to find time to play everything. especially since I have class and work, definitely haven't been able to ply the the games as much as I wanted.

As for the consoles, I don't play on buying a next gen until the first price drop or until I find a sweet bundle. I game on my PC mostly, use consoles just for exclusives really. Waiting allows me to see which console is going to have the better exclusives as well.

11-09-2013, 03:18 PM
That's pretty much most of my days now. I played a lot today though since it's Saturday, but definitely not as much as I used to in the past.

11-09-2013, 03:36 PM
I just got Half life 2 so Ive been playing it for some time now(cant belive I didnt get it earlier). When it comes to next gen consoles I will probably wait some time, heck I want a ps3 due to the games but its so late to buy one :/

11-09-2013, 08:41 PM
@Trunks: yeah, that sounds like a perfect plan. a bundle with some good games will probably be worth it. I'll probably wait for a slim version though... it might happen. dont know yet. look at what they did to the PS one, the ps2, and then 2 different versions of the slim edition on ps3. haha

@Linux: really?! man... what about the weekends? or too busy still? I try to game it up on the weekends. sometimes if I have some exams on Monday, its not a 'gaming weekend' for me. priorities are always first.

@paecmaker: ah! dont worry, you're not way behind. I'm just barely getting into Final Fantasy 7. a game released a looong time ago during the 90s. a friend let me borrow the game and I haven't returned it since.... February. haha, hope he didnt forget!