View Full Version : Steam Winter Sale 2013

12-22-2013, 08:27 PM
So from what I've seen so far, there's a pretty good selection of games on the Steam Winter Sale this year. I'm limited on money so far but I have managed to grab a few games. What games (if any) have you all bought?

So far I've bought:
Final Fantasy 7
Elder Scrolls Oblivion game of the year edition

12-22-2013, 10:39 PM
I've been avoiding the sale this year. Every year I get a bunch of games that I never play. So this time, I haven't even gone to the store.

12-23-2013, 12:48 AM
bunch of games you never play?


whats that like? Oh my god, the steam calculator takes sales into account for profile value, so even with all those discounts... why god why.


So from what I've seen so far, there's a pretty good selection of games on the Steam Winter Sale this year. I'm limited on money so far but I have managed to grab a few games. What games (if any) have you all bought?

So far I've bought:
Final Fantasy 7
Elder Scrolls Oblivion game of the year edition

Oblivion is still one of my favorite games ever. I loved playing a stealth character with charms illusions and poison sneak attacks.

12-23-2013, 01:56 AM
unplayed games? what?

I've also stayed away from the sale this year, I almost bought a couple, but I managed to control my self. I pretty much have every game I want anyway, just need to play them... sometime.

Though I don't think total counts the sale price, because there is no way I spent 1,800 lol, not even close. More like 400 or 500 if that. I bought the majority of my games during last Christmas sale, about 200 dollars worth. The rest came from bundles that were about 2 or 3 dollars for 5 games or so. I've never bought a game off steam unless it was 50 percent off or more lol.

12-23-2013, 02:39 AM
Oblivion is still one of my favorite games ever. I loved playing a stealth character with charms illusions and poison sneak attacks.

I played it for a solid 5 hours today lol beat the arena and got a good start in the Dark Brotherhood. Now I'm actually doing the main story for the first time ever lmfao

Found out an interesting fact while I was playing, the voice actor for Martin Septum is Sean Bean who played Ned Stark on Game of Thrones. I heard him talk and I was like "NO ********** WAY"

12-23-2013, 02:41 AM
yeah now that I look at the list it does seem rather generous. when I saw it applying the discounts I assumed it was reflected in the total value. 70%? Only 265 hours? do you mostly play offline?

I mostly work part time only 2-3 days a week and do cheap virus removal and stuff and I come out way ahead after splitting rent with my gf, so I probably have 3 solid days a week I just play games, read books and try to write. I cant imagine only gaming for 265 hours in a four year span.

Is there really more to life? Am I doing it wrong?

12-23-2013, 06:44 AM
yeah now that I look at the list it does seem rather generous. when I saw it applying the discounts I assumed it was reflected in the total value. 70%? Only 265 hours? do you mostly play offline?

I mostly work part time only 2-3 days a week and do cheap virus removal and stuff and I come out way ahead after splitting rent with my gf, so I probably have 3 solid days a week I just play games, read books and try to write. I cant imagine only gaming for 265 hours in a four year span.

Is there really more to life? Am I doing it wrong?

I just play non steam games a lot I suppose. I game a lot more than 265 hours lol. League of Legends was a game I used to play a lot, I have over 1,200 hours on that in the past 4 years. Then I used to play my 360 a lot, not so much anymore though.


According to Raptr I have over 6,500 hours, this doesn't count time played on consoles though just my PC. Though this goes back from when I was 11 or 12, because I used to use xfire back then and it tracked game time. so Over a 8 or 9 year span I logged close to 7,000 hours on PC alone. Not too bad I guess.

---------- Post added at 07:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:39 AM ----------

yeah now that I look at the list it does seem rather generous. when I saw it applying the discounts I assumed it was reflected in the total value. 70%? Only 265 hours? do you mostly play offline?

I mostly work part time only 2-3 days a week and do cheap virus removal and stuff and I come out way ahead after splitting rent with my gf, so I probably have 3 solid days a week I just play games, read books and try to write. I cant imagine only gaming for 265 hours in a four year span.

Is there really more to life? Am I doing it wrong?

I just play non steam games a lot I suppose. I game a lot more than 265 hours lol. League of Legends was a game I used to play a lot, I have over 1,200 hours on that in the past 4 years. Then I used to play my 360 a lot, not so much anymore though.


According to Raptr I have over 6,500 hours, this doesn't count time played on consoles though just my PC. Though this goes back from when I was 11 or 12, because I used to use xfire back then and it tracked game time. so Over a 8 or 9 year span I logged close to 7,000 hours on PC alone. Not too bad I guess.

I actually have most time played for a game on there, ranked #1 out of everyone signed up.
2,611 that's almost 109 days played just in the game. What a childhood lol.

12-23-2013, 01:03 PM
Is raptr something you have to leave running? I have an account but I dont think I ever use it.

12-23-2013, 05:11 PM
Yeah, you have to keep it running for it to track game time.

12-24-2013, 08:16 AM
Bioshock triple pack is on sale right now for $20 (1, 2 and Infinite). Which is an awesome deal since Infinite alone is $19.99.

I'm contemplating getting Shadowrun Returns for $9. Has anyone else played it yet? I downloaded a "demo" and liked it, but I only really played for about 20 minutes or so.

Haven't really purchased anything else with the Winter Sale... bought Monaco for a couple bucks. It's not too bad. Definitely a game made to be played with all 4 players.

12-24-2013, 12:33 PM
Wow all the Bioshocks for 20 dollars? I've wanted to get Infinite since it came out, I might have to get that...

12-24-2013, 12:37 PM
The triple back was on sale for 81% off, like 15 dollars, I wish I would have bought it then. Still might pick it up, may be the only game I buy this time around. That and maybe dead island.

12-25-2013, 10:09 AM
Gave in and bought Shadowrun Returns.

12-25-2013, 11:38 AM
How is it?

12-25-2013, 01:49 PM
I also gave in and bought some games. I got the Bioshock triple pace, Postal 2, Universe Box and Gnomoria

12-25-2013, 01:53 PM
Gave in and bought Shadowrun Returns.

yeah same. =P

I got a $40 steam card for xmas, so I just picked up Bioshock infinite, shadowrun returns, and king of fighters XIII. Pretty happy with these picks.

12-26-2013, 08:27 AM
How is it?

It's fun! It's a nice change of pace being a turn based game. I only really got to play for about a half hour or so.

12-26-2013, 11:16 AM
I have bought tons of smaller games this time.

Surgeon simulator
Trine 1/2
system shock 2
trackmania 2 stadium
Trials revolution

but also max payne 3 and music creator 6.

So far its been great :D

12-26-2013, 11:42 PM
I'm actually thinking about getting Surgeon Simulator. It looks like a fun goofy game

12-27-2013, 12:31 PM
I picked up Dark Souls. I hear it's pretty good and hard. So far my only purchase of this sale.

12-28-2013, 01:09 AM
It's fun! It's a nice change of pace being a turn based game. I only really got to play for about a half hour or so.

Turn based grid games (tactical rpgs) are actually one of my favorite genres. Fallout 1,2 and tactics, Final fantasy tactics, front mission 2, 3 and 4. Disgaea series, advance wars, orge battle. Xcom? That style game is the whole reason I picked up shadowrun.

01-01-2014, 03:24 PM
The Half Life Complete pack finally came on sale for 75% off. Had to pick hat up for 10 dollars. I think I'm done with the sale though, already spent around 40 dollars so far. I'm up to 150 total games owned now.